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SAC airstrikes inflict high civilian casualties in resistance-controlled areas of northern Shan State

October 9th, 2024  •  Author:   Shan Human Rights Foundation  •  1 minute read
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SAC airstrikes and shelling between August 26 and October 6, 2024, in Hsipaw, Kyaukme, Nawngkhio, Namkham, Lashio, Mongyai and Namtu townships of northern Shan State killed fifty-five civilians, injured 139 and damaged over 450 buildings, including hotels, schools, universities, temples and a hospital. Although targeted areas included active conflict zones in Hsipaw and Nawngkhio, the majority of civilian casualties and damage were from airstrikes in resistance-controlled areas where there is no current fighting.

SAC airstrikes and shelling in Hsipaw, Kyaukme and Namtu townships

During the past six weeks, SAC has continued air and artillery attacks in Hsipaw town against Ta’ang Naitonal Liberation Army (TNLA) and PDF forces attempting to seize the SAC bases there. Between August 27 and October 6, airstrikes using 500 pound bombs and shelling from the SAC’s IB 23 base killed eighteen civilians, injured thirty-three, and damaged over 120 buildings, including three schools, three temples, a hospital and a hotel, in Hsipaw town and nearby villages.

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