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China’s Complicity in Junta’s Airstrikes

October 13, 2024

The Myanmar military junta continues its airstrikes unabated, relentlessly bombing civilians day and night across the country over the past three years since its attempted coup in 2021[…]

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Image for Sham Census Counts for Nothing 223

Sham Census Counts for Nothing

October 7, 2024

The military junta in Myanmar is desperately clinging to its decades-old tactics of terror and surveillance, kicking off a so-called “census” while still bombing civilians countrywide[…]

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Image for Junta’s Deepening of Typhoon Devastation 386

Junta’s Deepening of Typhoon Devastation

September 27, 2024

The Myanmar military junta’s international crimes against the people across the country have only intensified since the attempted coup[…]

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Image for The Junta-controlled MNHRC Must Be Removed from GANHRI 443

The Junta-controlled MNHRC Must Be Removed from GANHRI

September 24, 2024

The junta’s crimes against the people of Myanmar have only intensified since the attempted coup, with continued reports from CSOs, frontline groups and local communities of airstrikes targeting civilian areas, including schools, IDP camps, hospitals and clinics, and religious buildings[…]

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