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Open Letter: Urgent call for swift action against the military junta to end its war of terror and protect civilians in Myanmar

February 1st, 2024  •  Author:   463 Civil Society Organizations  •  16 minute read
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To Members of the United Nations Security Council

1 February 2024

Re: Urgent call for swift action against the military junta to end its war of terror and protect civilians in Myanmar

Your Excellencies,

As we mark the third anniversary of the Myanmar military junta’s coup attempt on 1 February 2021, we, 463 civil society organizations, express in the strongest terms our utmost disappointment in the ineffectiveness and inaction of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) in response to the military junta’s war of terror against the people of Myanmar. We urgently call on the UNSC to act in accordance with its mandate for peace and security and take concrete actions against the Myanmar military junta. These actions must reflect the gravity of the mass atrocity crimes committed by the junta for which the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights has called on the UNSC to, among other measures, refer the crisis in Myanmar to the International Criminal Court.

We find that the UNSC’s adoption of Resolution 2669, which passed its one-year mark in December 2023, not only came too little and far too late – after decades of atrocities by the Myanmar military – but also produced no concrete progress towards halting the military’s genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity, which have only intensified since the adoption of the resolution.

Since its adoption, the military junta has launched at least 909 airstrikes,[1] killing more than 364 civilians including scores of children, and torched nearly 80,000 houses. Over the last year, it is undeniable that the military junta’s violence has become more targeted against civilian populations with blatant attacks on villages, towns, internally displaced persons (IDPs) camps, religious sites where IDPs were seeking refuge, schools, and hospitals. Since the coup attempt, the military junta has killed at least 4,450 people and arrested more than 25,900 people, with more than 19,900 individuals still detained, including President U Win Myint and State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi. Inhuman conditions, ill treatment, torture, sexual and gender-based violence, and extrajudicial killings remain ubiquitous in junta-controlled prisons and detention centers.

Furthermore, the military junta has insisted on a pilot repatriation project for the Rohingya, despite the UNSC expressing concern that the situation in Myanmar poses challenges for a safe, voluntary, sustainable, and dignified return. Resolution 2669 does not recognize the Myanmar military as a government or a de facto authority to carry out such a repatriation project. A sustainable, safe, and dignified return of Rohingya is impossible while the illegitimate Myanmar military junta continues to conduct a nationwide campaign of terror, including in Rakhine State where many more Rohingya are being forced to flee overland and by sea – with 2023 being the deadliest year for Rohingya’s sea crossings since 2014.

Your Excellencies,

The UNSC has wrongly relied on ASEAN and its failed Five-Point Consensus (5PC), instead of upholding its responsibility to pursue meaningful and effective measures to address the military’s unprecedented violence targeting civilians. This approach has only proven harmful to Myanmar’s people – all the while civil society has repeatedly called out its total ineffectiveness. ASEAN’s futile 5PC has only served to allow the junta to buy time and continue its war of terror, and the world to evade taking concrete, meaningful action. Even though Myanmar’s crisis is an ongoing threat to regional peace and stability, ASEAN has shown time and again that it lacks the political will and institutional capacity to address the unfathomable devastation in Myanmar caused by the military junta. For the two and a half years since the adoption of the 5PC, this approach has failed to yield any meaningful results, and the people of Myanmar have paid the price. The time is long overdue for the UNSC and the wider international community to take the lead – no longer deferring to ASEAN – and act decisively to end the junta’s widespread, systematic violence and atrocity crimes.

Today, dire humanitarian needs are alarmingly increasing across the country, with more than 2.6 million people having been displaced – a number that is likely a gross underestimation given the military junta’s intensified attacks on civilians and constraints on access to IDP communities. Civil society has repeatedly called on international actors, including ASEAN, UN agencies, and international non-governmental organizations, to cease any attempts at partnership with the junta in the name of humanitarian aid. Partnering with the military junta only exacerbates the crisis at hand, including by allowing the junta to continue to block aid from reaching the populations under its attacks. While fueling the junta’s notorious weaponization of aid, partnering with the junta also undercuts the effective and efficient work of countless local frontline humanitarians, as well as civil society organizations, community-based organizations, and ethnic organizations providing life-saving assistance on the ground.

Excellencies, the UN’s and ASEAN’s continued push for dialogue involving the military junta fails to acknowledge the Myanmar military as the root cause of the crisis, thus empowering the junta to continue to commit atrocity crimes with complete impunity and prolonging its oppression of the people. Further, pursuing dialogue with the military junta, while enabling its ongoing war of terror against the people, only undermines the Myanmar people’s unprecedented sacrifices and efforts to build genuine federal democracy from the ground up.

On the third anniversary of the Myanmar military junta’s attempted coup, we are reminded once again of the absence of substantial, meaningful actions from the international community to stop the military’s genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity – ongoing for decades against ethnic communities and being committed with greater intensity against Myanmar’s people today.

Thus, without delay, we call on the UNSC to live up to its mandate and fulfill its primary responsibility to protect the people of Myanmar by urgently adopting a new resolution under Chapter VII of the UN Charter. Such a resolution must require a referral of the crisis in Myanmar to the International Criminal Court or the establishment of an ad hoc tribunal; a comprehensive global arms embargo to block the military junta’s access to arms, ammunition, dual-use technology, and jet fuel; and targeted economic sanctions against the military junta, its affiliates, and its sources of revenue that fund its crimes.

There shall be no excuses to delay this action. With its track record of resolutions focused on the protection of civilians across the world, including Resolutions 1325 and 2147, among others, the UNSC certainly can and has taken concrete steps in accordance with its global mandate. It must now afford the same resolve and action to the people of Myanmar and their earnest pursuit of inclusive, sustainable peace.

Furthermore, we call on China and Russia – as permanent members of the UNSC who agreed to Resolution 2669 – to cease providing political, technical, and material support to the military junta for its relentless war of terror against the people and instead support the people’s efforts for a genuine federal democracy.

Myanmar’s future can only be defined by the will of the people, not the misguided initiatives of the international community. The people of Myanmar have bravely and courageously proven their aspirations and determination to end the military’s decades-long violence and to achieve long-lasting peace in Myanmar where people of diverse backgrounds can co-exist with equal rights and dignity in a truly inclusive federal democracy. It is time for the international community, particularly the UNSC, to align itself with the will of the people of Myanmar through swift, meaningful action. We reiterate our demand for a new UNSC resolution on Myanmar under Chapter VII of the UN Charter.

For more information, please contact:

Signed by 463 civil society organizations, including 84 organizations that have chosen not to disclose their names because of the junta’s continued violence in Myanmar.

  1. 5/ of Zaya State Strike
  2. Action Against Myanmar Military Coup (Sydney)
  3. Action Committee for Democracy Development (Coalition of 14 grassroots networks)
  4. Action Committee of Basic Education Students (ACBES)
  5. Active Youths Kalaymyo
  6. Ah Nah Podcast – Conversations with Myanmar
  7. All Aung Myay Thar San Schools Strike Force
  8. All Burma Student Democratic Front – Australia Branch
  9. All Young Burmese League (AYBL)
  10. Alliance of Students’ Union – Yangon (ASU-Yangon)
  11. ALTSEAN-Burma
  12. Anti-coup Forces Coordination Committee (ACFCC – Mandalay)
  13. Anti-Junta Alliance Yangon-AJAY
  14. Anti-Myanmar Dictatorship Movement
  15. Anti-Myanmar Military Dictatorship Network (AMMDN)
  16. Arakan Rohingya National Union (ARNU)
  17. Arakan Rohingya Society for Peace and Human Rights (ARSPH)
  18. ASEAN Parliamentarians for Human Rights (APHR)
  19. Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (FORUM-ASIA)
  20. Asian Health Institute (AHI)
  21. Asia-Pacific Solidarity Coalition (APSOC)
  22. Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (AAPP)
  23. Association of Human Rights Defenders and Promoters
  24. Association of United Nationality in Japan (AUN)
  25. Association Suisse Birmanie (ASB)
  26. Associazione per l’Amicizia Italia Birmania “Giuseppe Malpeli”
  27. Athan – Freedom of Expression Activist Organization
  28. Aung San Suu Kyi Park, Norway
  29. Australia Burma Friendship Association, Northern Territory
  30. Australia Karen Organization WA Inc.
  31. Australia Myanmar Doctors, Nurses and Friends
  32. Australia Myanmar Youth Alliance (AMYA)
  33. Australian Burmese Muslim Organisation
  34. Australian Chin Community (Eastern Melbourne Inc)
  35. Australian Coalition for Democracy in Burma
  36. Australian Karen Organisation (AKO)
  37. A-Yar-Taw People Strike
  38. Ayeyarwaddy West Development Organisation – AWDO (Magway)
  39. Ayeyarwaddy West Development Organisation – AWDO (Nagphe)
  40. Arakan Youths Peace Network (AYPN)
  41. Bamar Community Tasmania
  42. Basic Education Students & Youths Association (BESYA)
  43. Bee House
  44. Beyond Borders (Malaysia)
  45. Blood Money Campaign (BMC)
  46. Boston Free Burma
  47. Burma Action Ireland
  48. Burma Campaign UK
  49. Burma Civil War Museum (BCM)
  50. Burma Human Rights Network (BHRN)
  51. Burma Lawyers’ Council (BLC)
  52. Burma Refugee Saving Association (B.R.S.A)
  53. Burma Support
  54. Burmese Community – South Australia
  55. Burmese Community Development Collaboration (BCDC)
  56. Burmese Community Support Group (BCSG)
  57. Burmese Friendship Association
  58. Burmese Medical Association Australia (BMAA)
  59. Burmese Relief Center Japan
  60. Burmese Rohingya Organisation UK
  61. Burmese Women’s Union (BWU)
  62. Campaign for a New Myanmar
  63. Canberra Karen Association
  64. CAN-Myanmar
  65. CDM Medical Network (CDMMN)
  66. Center for Action Point (Kyaukpadaung)
  67. Chaung Oo Township Youth Strike Committee
  68. Chin Community – South Australia
  69. Chin Community in Norway
  70. Chin Community of Japan (CCJ)
  71. Chin Community of Western Australia Inc.
  72. Chin Community Tasmania
  73. Chin Human Rights Organization
  74. Chin Youth Organization
  75. Chin Youth Organization of Japan (CYO-JP)
  76. CIVICUS: World Alliance for Citizen Participation
  77. Civil Information Network (CIN)
  78. Civil Rights Defenders
  79. Coalition Strike Committee – Dawei
  80. Colorful Spring (ရောင်စုံနွေဦး)
  81. CRPH & NUG Support Team Germany – Deutschland
  82. CRPH & NUG Supporters Ireland
  83. CRPH Funding Ireland
  84. CRPH Support Group, Norway
  85. CRPH/NUG Support Group Australia
  86. Dawei Youths in Japan (DYJ)
  87. Dawei Youths Revolutionary Movement Strike Committee
  88. Defend Myanmar Democracy (DMD)
  89. Democracy for Burma
  90. Democratic Youth Council
  91. Depayin Township Revolution Steering Committee
  92. Dhobama (2021 Generation)
  93. Doh Atu – Ensemble pour le Myanmar
  94. Dragon Dawn
  95. Education and Wisdom Development for Rohingya Women
  96. Education Garden of Rohingya (EGR)
  97. Educational Initiatives Prague
  98. Equality Myanmar (EQMM)
  99. Ethnic Youth General Strike Committee (Mandalay)
  100. Falam Community – South Australia
  101. Federation of Workers’ Union of the Burmese Citizens in Japan (FWUBC)
  102. Fortify Rights
  103. Free Burma Campaign (South Africa)
  104. Free Rohingya Coalition
  105. Freedom and Labor Action Group (FLAG)
  106. Friends of the Earth Japan (FoE Japan)
  107. Future Light Center
  108. Future Thanlwin
  109. Gender Equality Network (GEN)
  110. General Strike Collaboration Committee (GSCC)
  111. General Strike Committee of Basic and Higher Education (GSCBHE)
    • Basic Education General Strike Committee (BEGSC)
    • Basic Education Worker Unions – Steering Committee (BEWU-SC)
    • Representative Committee of University Teacher Associations (RC of UTAs)
  112. General Strike Committee of Nationalities (GSCN)
  113. Generation Wave
  114. GenY For Revolution Japan
  115. Global Myanmar Spring Revolution – Japan
  116. Global Myanmar Spring Revolution (GMSR)
  117. Grass-root People
  118. History Carriers (HC)
  119. Honesty Federal School
  120. Hope For Youth – Kyushu Japan
  121. Human Rights Educators Network
  122. Human Rights Foundation of Monland (HURFOM)
  123. Human Rights Now
  124. India 4 Myanmar
  125. Industrial Training Centre (ITC) Family Sydney
  126. Info Birmanie
  127. Initiatives for International Dialogue (IID)
  128. Institute for Asian Democracy
  129. Institute of Chin Affairs
  130. Integria, z.u. (Prague)
  131. Inter Pares
  132. International Association, Myanmar-Switzerland (IAMS)
  133. International Campaign for the Rohingya
  134. International Karen Organisation
  135. International Society of Myanmar Scholars and Professionals (Japan)
  136. Italia-Birmania.Insieme
  137. Japan Campaign to Ban Landmines (JCBL)
  138. Japan Myanmar Future Creative Association (JMFCA)
  139. Japan Myanmar Help Network (JMHN)
  140. Joint Action Committee for Democracy in Burma (JACDB)
  141. Justice 4 Myanmar – Hope & Development
  142. Justice For All
  143. Justice for Myanmar
  144. Kachin Affairs Organization – Japan (KAO (Japan)
  145. Kachin Association Norway
  146. Kachin Association of Australia WA Inc.
  147. Kachin State Civilian Movement (KSCM)
  148. Kachin Student Union
  149. Kachin Women Association Thailand (KWAT)
  150. Kalay Township Strike Committee
  151. Kansai Group Japan
  152. Karen Community – South Australia
  153. Karen Human Rights Group
  154. Karen National League Japan (KNL)
  155. Karen Peace Support Network
  156. Karen Swedish Community (KSC)
  157. Karenni Association – Norway
  158. Karenni Civil Society Network (KCSN)
  159. Karenni Community of Western Australia Inc.
  160. Karenni Federation of Australia
  161. Karenni Human Rights Group
  162. Karenni Humanitarian Aid Initiative
  163. Karenni National Society (KNS) Japan
  164. Kayan New Generation Youth
  165. Kayan Rescue Committee
  166. Kayan Women Organization
  167. Kayin Community Tasmania
  168. K’cho Ethnic Association
  169. Keng Tung Youth
  170. KnowUsMoreMyanmar (KUM)
  171. Kobe Myanmar Community (KMC)
  172. KontraS
  173. Kyae Lak Myay
  174. Kyain Seikgyi Spring Revolution Leading Committee
  175. Kyauktada Strike Committee
  176. Latpadaung Region Strike Committee
  177. League For Democracy in Burma (L.D.B Japan)
  178. LGBT Alliance
  • LGBT Alliance Myanmar (Kalay Region)
  • LGBT Alliance Myanmar (Kyaukse Region)
  • LGBT Community Yangon
  • LGBT Union – Mandalay
  • Monywa LGBT Strike
  1. Local Development Network
  2. Magway People’s Revolution Committee
  3. Magway Region Human Rights Network (MHRN)
  4. Mandalay Medical Family (MFM)
  5. Mandalay Regional Youth Association Revolution Core Group
  6. Mandalay Strike Force (MSF)
  • Chanmyatharzi Township People’s Strike
  • Co-operative University Mandalay Students’ Strike
  • Daung Sitthe Strike
  • Industries Strike
  • Maharaungmyay Township People’s Strike
  • Mandalay Alliance Coalition Strike
  • Mandalar University Students’ Strike
  • Mandalay Youth Strike
  • Mandalay-based People’s Strike
  • Multi-Religions Strike
  • Mya Taung Strike
  • Myanmar Institute of Information Technology Students’ Strike
  • 12 Basic Education Branch High School ( Maharaungmyay) Students’ Union
  • Samgha Sammaga-Mandalay
  • Seinpann Strike
  1. Mandalay-Based University Students’ Unions (MDY_SUs)
  2. Matu Burma Foundation
  3. Matu Chin Community – South Australia
  4. MayMyo Strike Force
  5. Mekong Watch
  6. Metta Campaign
  7. MilkTeaAlliance Calendar Team
  8. MilkTeaAlliance Friends of Myanmar
  9. Min Hla Farmers Group
  10. Minbu Farmers Group
  11. Mindat Chin Community NSW
  12. Mindat Community – South Australia
  13. Minority Affairs Institute (MAI Myanmar)
  14. Mizo Community – South Australia
  15. Mon Association – Norway
  16. Mon Families Group
  17. Mon National Council (MNC)
  18. Mon State Development Center (MSDC)
  19. Mon Youth For Federal Democracy (MYFD)
  20. Monywa People’s Strike Steering Committee
    • All Burma Federation of Student Unions (Monywa District)
    • Civil Society Organizations Coordination Committee (Monywa)
    • Former Political Prisoners and New Generation Group – Monywa
    • Network of University Student Unions – Monywa
    • The 88 Generation Peace and Open Society (Monywa)
    • Thakhin Kodaw Mhine Peace Network (Monywa)
  21. Monywa-Amyint Road Strike Leading Committee
  22. Muslim Youth Network
  23. Myanmar Accountability Project
  24. Myanmar Action Group Denmark
  25. Myanmar Baptist Churches in Norway
  26. Myanmar Buddhist Community of South Australia
  27. Myanmar Campaign Network
  28. Myanmar Catholic Community In Norway
  29. Myanmar Community Coffs Harbour (MCC)
  30. Myanmar Community in Italy
  31. Myanmar Community in Norway
  32. Myanmar Cultural Research Society (MCRS)
  33. Myanmar Democracy and Peace Committee (Australia)
  34. Myanmar Democratic Movement (MDM)
  35. Myanmar Development Support Group (MDSG)
  36. Myanmar Diaspora Group Finland
  37. Myanmar Engineering Association of Australia (MEAA)
  38. Myanmar Hindu Community – Norway
  39. Myanmar Labor Alliance (MLA)
  40. Myanmar Muslim Organization – Norway
  41. Myanmar Muslim Revolution Force (MMRF)
  42. Myanmar Nationalities’ Support Organization – JP (MNSO)
  43. Myanmar People Alliance (Shan State)
  44. Myanmar People Residing in Canberra
  45. Myanmar Policy Institute
  46. Myanmar Refugee Policy Group
  47. Myanmar Spring Revolution Japan (MSRJ)
  48. Myanmar Students’ Association Australia (MSAA)
  49. Myanmar Tozan Club (MTC)
  50. Myanmar Youth and Student Association, Japan (MYSA)
  51. Myanmar’s Youth Association Hokkaido (MYAH)
  52. Myaung Youth Network
  53. MyaYar Knowledge Tree
  54. Myingyan Civilian Movement Committee
  55. National Alliance Bangkok
  56. Netherlands-Myanmar Solidarity Platform
  57. Network for Human Rights Documentation – Burma (ND-Burma)
  58. New Myanmar Foundation
  59. New Power Generation
  60. New Rehmonnya Federated Force (NRFF)
  61. NLD Organization Committee (International) Norway
  62. NLD Solidarity Association (Australia)
  63. No Boundary Support Group
  64. No Business With Genocide
  65. Norway Falam Community
  66. Norway Matu Community
  67. Norway Rawang Community
  68. NPO Africa Japan Forum
  69. NSW Karenni (Kayah) Communities
  70. Nway Oo Guru Lay Myar
  71. Nyan Lynn Thit Analytica
  72. Okinawa Myanmar Association (OMA)
  73. Oway Institute
  74. Padauk Finland-Myanmar Association
  75. Pakokku Youth Development Council
  76. Palaung National Society Japan, PNS-Japan
  77. Palaw Supporting Group Japan
  78. Pale Township People’s Strike Steering Committee
  79. Parents, Families and Friends of LGBTIQA+ in Myanmar (PFLAG – Myanmar)
  80. Patriotic War Veterans of Burma (PWVB)
  81. People’s Hope Spring Revolution (PHSR)
  82. Perth Myanmar Youth Network
  83. Power of Rohingya Youth (PRY)
  84. Progressive Voice
  85. Punnyakari Mon National Society Japan, PMNS-Japan
  86. Pwintphyu Development Organisation
  87. Pyi Gyi Tagon Strike Force
  88. Pyit Taing Htaung Social Club
  89. Queensland Kachin Community (QKC)
  90. Queensland Myanmar Youth Collective (QMYC)
  91. Queensland Rohingya Community
  92. Rangoon Scout Network (RSN)
  93. Red Campaign Nirvana Exhortation Group
  94. Remonya Association of WA (Mon Community)
  95. Revolution Tokyo Myanmar (RTM)
  96. Rohingya Action Ireland (RAI)
  97. Rohingya Christian Youth Union (RCYN)
  98. Rohingya Community in Norway
  99. Rohingya Education Development Plan (REDP)
  100. Rohingya Progressive Network (RPN)
  101. Rohingya Southeast Asia Network (RAISA)
  102. Rohingya Student Union
  103. Rohingya Women Association for Education and Development (RWAED)
  104. Rohingya Women Empowerment and Advocacy Network
  105. Rohingya Women for Justice and Peace
  106. Rohingya Youth for Legal Action
  107. Rohingya Youth’s Rights (RYR)
  108. Save and Care Organization for Ethnic Women at Border Areas (SCOEWBA)
  109. SEA Junction
  110. Shan Community in Japan (SCJ)
  111. Shan MATA
  112. ShizuYouth For Myanmar
  113. Shwe Pan Kone People’s Strike Steering Committee
  114. Shwe Youth Democratic Alliance (SYDA)
  115. Sisters 2 Sisters
  116. Sitt Nyein Pann Foundation
  117. Social Garden
  118. Sone See Yar (Volunteer Group)
  119. Sone Yay Foundation
  120. Southcare Medical Centre
  121. Southern Dragon Myanmar
  122. Southern Monitor
  123. Spring Revolution Restaurant (SRR)
  124. Spring Sprouts
  125. Spring Traveller
  126. Support for Myanmar
  127. Support Group for Democracy in Myanmar (Netherlands)
  128. Swedish Burma Committee
  129. Sydney Friends for Myanmar Unity
  130. Synergy – Social Harmony Organization
  131. Ta’ang Women’s Organization
  132. Tai Youths Network Japan (TYNJ)
  133. Tamar Institute of Development
  134. Taze Strike Committee
  135. Thailand 4 Burma
  136. The European Rohingya Council (ERC)
  137. The Institution of Professional Engineers Myanmar (IPEM)
  138. The Ladies
  139. Try Together At Japan (TTAJ)
  140. Twitter Team for Revolution (TTFR)
  141. S. Campaign for Burma
  142. Union of Myanmar Citizen Association – Japan
  143. United Myanmar Community of South Australia
  144. University Students’ Unions Alumni Force
  145. Victorian Burmese Care Community (VBCC)
  146. Victorian Myanmar Youth (VMY)
  147. Voice For Justice
  148. Volunteers in Myanmar
  149. We Are One Saga MOSA
  150. We for All
  151. We Pledge CDM (Australia)
  152. We Support
  153. Western Australia Myanmar Community (WAMC)
  154. Western Australia Myanmar Democratic Network (WAMDN)
  155. Wetlet Revolution Leading Committee
  156. White Coat Society Yangon (WCSY)
  157. Women Action Committee – Myanmar
  158. Women Activists Myanmar (WAM)
  159. Women Advocacy Coalition – Myanmar (WAC-M)
  160. Women Alliance Burma (WAB)
  • Chindwin (West) Villages Women Strike
  • Dawei (Ashaetaw) Women Strike
  • Depayin Women Strike
  • Gangaw Women Strike
  • Kalay Women Strike
  • Mandalay Women Strike
  • Monywa Women Strike
  • Monywa-Amyint Road Women Strike
  • Taze Women Strike
  • Thayat Chaung Women Strike
  • Wetlet Twonship Women Strike
  • Yangon Women Strike
  1. Women Lead Resource Center (WLRC)
  2. Women’s Peace Network
  3. Yadanabon University Students’ Union (YDNBUSU)
  4. Yadanar Foundation
  5. Yasakyo Township People’s Strike Steering Committee
  6. Yaw Funding Japan
  7. Yinmarpin and Salingyi All Villages Strike Committee
  8. Yokohama Pamphlet Campaign – Myanmar
  9. Youth Empowerment (YE)
  10. Youth for Democratization of Myanmar (UDM)
  11. Youth Heart Beams
  12. Youths for Rohingya Development (YRD)
  13. Zo Community – South Australia
  14. Zomi Association Australia Inc.
  15. Zomi Christian Fellowship of Norway
  16. Zomi Community – South Australia
  17. Zomi Community Norway
  18. Zomi Community Queensland
  19. ကော့သောင်းခရိုင်နိုင်ငံရေးအင်အားစု
  20. ဂျပန်ပြည်မှတွဲလက်များ
  21. တွဲလက်ညီ
  22. ဒို့မြေကွန်ရက် – LIOH
  23. ပွင့်ဖြူလယ်ယာမြေကွန်ရက်
  24. မြန်မာမွတ်စလင်အစည်းအရုံး (BMA)
  25. မြိတ်ခရိုင်နိုင်ငံရေးအင်အားစု
  26. မဟာမြေပြင်ထောက်ပို့တော်လှန်ရေးအားမာန်
  27. မေတ္တာညီကိုပရဟိတအသင်း
  28. ရပ်ဝန်းသစ် (YWT)
  29. ရောင်နီသစ်ဆီတက်လှမ်ချီ
  30. လမ်းပြကြယ်ထောက်ပို့
  31. လီဆူအမျိုးသမီးများအဖွဲရှမ်းပြည်နယ်
  32. လူသားချင်းစာနာထောက်ပံ့ရေး
  33. အနာဂတ်သစ်ပန်းတိုင်ဆီသို့
  34. အနာဂတ်အလင်းရောင်
  35. အမှာင်ကိုခွင်းအလင်းရောင်ရှိ

[1] The number of airstrikes since the UNSC resolution was calculated using Nyan Lynn Thit Analytica’s monitoring of airstrikes between the resolution’s adoption on 21 December 2022 and 17 November 2023. Between 1 February 2021 and 17 November 2023, the Myanmar military junta launched at least 1,333 airstrikes, according to Nyan Lynn Thit Analytica.

Download Open Letter in English | Burmese

မြန်မာဘာသာဖြင့် ဖတ်ရှုရန်