A total of 114 hate speech cases were found during BHRN’s monitoring process this month. When Facebook accounts of hate speech spreaders were disabled, some moved to Telegram channels. The military mainly used Telegram channels and TikTok accounts to spread hate speeches and the hate speeches were done through the cartoons as well.
In this month’s (the month of September) monitoring, hate speech targeted the most was PDF and the second most was Arakan Army (AA) and the third was TNLA/MNDAA. Moreover, hate speeches targeting women, Rohingya ethnicity and the Muslim community were found as well.
In addition, the most used terms of hate speeches for this month are “dog, terrorists, Kalar (a derogatory term referring to Muslim), prostitutes, non-pork eater (a derogatory term referring to Muslim), evil, illegal Bengali, Roleinnyar (a derogatory term referring to Rohingya).