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Burma Coup Watch for the Month of April 2024

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Key summary points

• As of 30 Apr, there were at least 33,761 armed clashes and attacks against civilians since 1 Feb 2021. As of 6 May, there were at least 2,725,100 displaced people since 1 Feb 2021. Junta troops continued their violent crimes.

• Thousands cross into Mae Sot, junta scrambles to retake border hub.

• UN appoints former Australia FM to Special Envoy role after nearly one year vacancy.

• Arakan Army and junta pose dual threat to Rohingya civilians. War intensifies in Arakan State.

• NUCC pledges to abolish 1982 Citizenship Law.

• Resistance attacks reach heart of junta power – Naypyidaw airbase struck.

• At China’s behest, junta arrests deputy Defense Minister and former USDP chief minister over scam ties.

• Heavy handed junta brings bulldozers to Bagan.

• Thingyan prison shamnesty: junta releases only 101 political prisoners, rearrests Chin Christian leader.

• US’ Schlumberger still supplying oil & gas equipment to junta MOGE.

• KIA capture Loije & Sezin, closes in on Hpakant.

• MNDAA publicly tries own soldiers for kidnapping and murder, summarily executes them.

• Hpasawng hostages brave landmines to escape junta.

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