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February 2024 – Summary of Monthly Situation Update

March 11th, 2024  •  Author:   Burma Human Rights Network  •  1 minute read
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The panic situation among the public in Myanmar due to the enactment of the conscription law on 10 February as well as more losses to the ethnic groups and dwindling support from the regional allies, has left the Min Aung Hlaing regime in the worst crisis since its forcibly took overpower more than three years ago. The regime embarked on the worst human rights violations since it took overpower and unleashed unprecedented levels of brutality against the people of Myanmar. According to some estimates, the regime killed nearly 5000 opponents during the past three years. 

In addition, the regime has created the worst economic crisis for Myanmar in modern times, with soaring inflation, and power and fuel shortages. The situation of the minority groups continues to worsen with the Rohingya and Kaman Muslims forcibly conscripted in Rakhine State. 

Despite these facts, the regime survives for now. 

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