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Media Advisory: Myanmar Day: Hearing from People on the Ground and Experts in the Region

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Media Advisory

Myanmar Day: Hearing from People on the Ground and Experts in the Region

On 30 August 2023, Progressive Voice, Alternative ASEAN Network on Burma (ALTSEAN-Burma), Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (FORUM-ASIA), and Indonesia Civil Coalition for Myanmar Solidarity, will hold two events: Public Hearing on International Crimes in Myanmar, and Expert Panel on ASEAN’s Approach and Responses to Multi-Dimensional Crisis in Myanmar. These events will serve to assist ASEAN to reflect on its current approach toward Myanmar, and strengthen the regional bloc and its Dialogue Partners’ ability to effectively address the multi-dimensional crisis in Myanmar.

Date: 30 August 2023 (Wednesday)
Time: 08.30 – 12.00 (Myanmar Time)

The webinar will be conducted mainly in English. With hybrid option provided, live simultaneous interpretation will be provided in Burmese, English and Indonesian languages.

Regional Human Rights Experts for Public Hearing
Edmund Bon
Co-founder and Director of the Malaysian Centre for Constitutionalism and Human Rights (MCCHR)
Ibu Galuh Wandita
Director of Asia Justice and Rights
Bapak Muhammad Isnur
Chair of the Indonesia Legal Aid Foundation
Professor Dr. Sriprapha Petcharamesree
Lecturer at the Faculty of Law, Chulalongkorn Universit
– Moderated by Khin Ohmar, Chairperson of the Advisory Board, Progressive Voice

Regional Experts for Panel on Assessment on ASEAN’s Approach to Myanmar Crisis
Ibu Adelina Kamal
Advisory Group Member of Humanitarian Policy Group of ODI
Former Executive Director of the ASEAN Coordinating Centre for Humanitarian Assistance (AHA Centre)
Ibu Eva Kusama Sundari
Former member of the Indonesian House of Representatives
ASEAN Parliamentarians for Human Rights (APHR) Board Treasurer
Atty. Evalyn Ursua
Human rights lawyer
Professor Dr. Thitinan Pongsudhirak
Professor at the Faculty of Political Science, Chulalongkorn University
Salai Za Uk Ling
Deputy Executive Director, Chin Human Rights Organization
– Moderated by Debbie Stothard, Coordinator and Founder, ALTSEAN-Burma

This event is co-organised by nine civil society organisations.

  • Alternative ASEAN Network on Burma (ALTSEAN-Burma)
  • Asia Justice and Rights (AJAR)
  • Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (FORUM-ASIA)
  • Initiatives for International Dialogue (IID)
  • Komisi untuk Orang Hilang dan Korban Tindak Kekerasan (KontraS)
  • Myanmar National Organizing Committee
  • Network for Human Rights Documentation Burma (ND-Burma)
  • Progressive Voice
  • YAPPIKA-ActionAid