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BHRN Condemns Junta Killings of Students During Interrogation

July 10th, 2023  •  Author:   Burma Human Rights Network  •  3 minute read
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Burma Human Rights Network (BHRN) received distressing information regarding the brutal killings of students from the Bago Region. These individuals were reportedly subjected to a horrifying interrogation process orchestrated by the regime. According to the regime’s official narrative, the victims died while attempting to flee during their transfer to prison. However, the Former President of the Bago Student Union has raised serious doubts about the veracity of these claims.

The Former President of the Bago Student Union stated that in the last week of May, they received information indicating that several imprisoned individuals were subjected to repeated interrogations regarding their involvement in the revolution. The union also obtained lists containing the names of these individuals. It has now come to light that the individuals who were killed closely match the names on the list of those subjected to interrogation. The letters sent by the regime to the families mentioned the transfer of the individuals to two different prisons: Prison Insein and Prison Tharyarwaddy. Both letters claimed that the deaths occurred as a result of attempted escapes while the van was overturned during the transported. These circumstances have led the Former President to conclude that the regime may be fabricating stories to cover up the killings of the students and activists during the interrogations.

Ko Khant Lin Naing (Vice president of Bago University of Students’ Union), Ko Aung Myo Thu, Ko Pyae Phyo Hein, and potentially others (yet to be confirmed with their families) are among those killed. According to the Former President of the Student Union, approximately eight individuals were killed in this incident. BHRN expresses deep sorrow for the families who have lost their loved ones in this tragic event.

“BHRN Executive Director Kyaw Win stated, “The junta is brazenly and increasingly violating international laws and committing crimes against humanity as if they are untouchable. The world cannot sit back and allow these horrors to continue. The inaction of the international community allows the junta to commit these atrocities against citizens and undermine the world order.”

In the face of these horrific events, BHRN vehemently condemns the actions of the regime and the ongoing perpetration of inhumane crimes. Since the inception of the coup, the regime’s brutal crackdown on dissent has resulted in the deaths of at least 715 students. This staggering loss of life is a testament to the regime’s utter disregard for human rights and the value of human life. BHRN calls upon the international community to take immediate action and provide assistance to prevent such incidents from occurring in the future. Urgent intervention is required to put an end to the regime’s reign of terror and hold those responsible for these heinous acts accountable for their inhumane crimes.

Organisation’s Background

BHRN is based in London and operates across Burma/Myanmar working for human rights, minority rights and religious freedom in the country. BHRN has played a crucial role in advocating for human rights and religious freedom with politicians and world leaders.

Media Enquiries
Please contact:

Kyaw Win
Executive Director
Burma Human Rights Network (BHRN)
E: [email protected]
T: +44(0) 740 345 2378

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