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Notification for Myanmar Nationals who take refuge in India due to security concerns (1/2023)

June 15th, 2023  •  Author:   National Unity Government (Ministry of Foreign Affairs)  •  2 minute read
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Republic of the Union of Myanmar

National Unity Government

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Notification for Myanmar Nationals who take refuge in India due to security concerns (1/2023)
13th Waning of Nayon 1385 ME
15 June 2023

1. Myanmar nationals who are temporarily sheltering in India for security reasons and social organizations founded by these Myanmar nationals are respectfully requested to comply with the following points –

(a) To refrain from any acts that are prejudicial to the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of India.

(b) To be cautious and avoid unnecessary involvement in political and administrative matters (Eg. political parties’ election campaigns and ethnic-based conflicts) of the State where you are taking refuge.

(c) Not to get involved in illegal trafficking of drugs and wild animals, and related matters.

(d) To live in harmony and appropriately with host communities and follow the religious and social rules regulated in the wards or villages you are residing.

(e) To contact, inform and consult with the nearest Myanmar Parliamentarians and responsible persons from the social organizations in case of Myanmar nationals encounter social problems and difficulties, and communicate with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs if necessary.

2. Myanmar parliamentarians and social organizations are requested to disseminate this notification to refugee camps and related communities.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs
National Unity Government

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