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When Will “No-Fly Zones” Be Established? Issue 94

March 3rd, 2023  •  Author:   Myanmar Peace Monitor  •  1 minute read
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Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy once publicly called on the U.S. Congress and the heads of NATO to declare no-fly zones in Ukraine to save the population. However, even a year after the Russian invasion, President Zelenskyy’s demand has not been implemented.

In Myanmar, the military council has ramped up targeted airstrikes and bombings against civilians and individuals and organizations resisting the military coup, without regard to time or place. It is no longer enough for international governments opposed to the military coup and supportive of the people of Myanmar and the forces of the Spring Revolution to offer verbal comfort and issue a statement: It is time for practical assistance and protection to be provided to the people of Myanmar.

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