Ye Win Tun

December 8th, 2022  •  Author:   Progressive Voice  •  2 minute read
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As Myanmar’s National Human Rights Commission cannot take effective actions under military control, many local human rights defenders are essential to protect human rights.

Hello everyone! I am Ye Win Tun. I have enthusiastically worked in the field of social development for more than a decade. I continue to work on issues relating to youth, human rights, and the environment. When I am able to make someone happy through my assistance, I feel fulfilled. I think that there are many people I need to help and that there are things I can do even when I feel tired and depressed. This makes me feel more encouraged and motivated to continue my work. Now many dedicated human rights activists have to hide from the military junta while they can’t do anything substantive.

I was recently released from prison after being arrested for protesting against the military junta’s unjust coup attempt. Following my release, together with inspiring brothers and sisters I have been working on human rights-related issues for those who are struggling to survive due to the armed conflicts, those who have been unjustly arrested and tortured, and the youths whose future has been taken. As Myanmar’s National Human Rights Commission cannot take effective actions under military control, many local human rights defenders are essential to protect human rights. At this moment, human rights are being violated to the greatest extent. We need to highlight cases of human rights violations while providing support to those in need and taking action. I wish the best for everyone and urge you all to do your best to protect human rights for the purpose of societal development. Thank you.

– Ye Win Tun