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JFM Calls for a Ban on Jet Fuel Exports to Myanmar and Sanctions on Myanmar Jet Fuel Companies

November 3rd, 2022  •  Author:   Justice For Myanmar  •  3 minute read
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Justice For Myanmar calls for an immediate ban on the export of jet fuel to Myanmar and targeted sanctions against the Myanmar individuals and entities involved in the military’s jet fuel supply chain, as the junta’s indiscriminate air strikes intensify.

The Amnesty International report, Deadly Cargo, published today with research supported by Justice For Myanmar, reveals the Myanmar military’s jet fuel supply chain and shows how some of the companies involved are linked to the commission of atrocity crimes.

In conjunction with the release of Deadly Cargo, Justice For Myanmar has published a comprehensive list of the subsidiaries and associated companies of the crony conglomerate Asia Sun Group and members of the junta-controlled Myanma Petrochemical Enterprise (MPE).

Asia Sun Group is a local partner of the Myanmar military and is involved in procuring, storing and distributing jet fuel. Asia Sun has been found to import aviation fuel and directly deliver it to the Myanmar military. The report finds that Asia Sun has contributed to the Myanmar military’s war crimes.

MPE, which is under the illegitimate junta’s Ministry of Energy, controls the jet fuel supply chain in Myanmar. The report finds that MPE has contributed to the Myanmar military’s war crimes.

We call on Australia, Canada, the EU, Japan, South Korea, Singapore, the UK and the USA to urgently sanction Asia Sun Group and MPE.

Justice For Myanmar spokesperson Yadanar Maung says: “The illegitimate Myanmar military junta uses its air force to commit mass murder, as it wages a campaign of terror against the people of Myanmar, in the face of nationwide resistance.

“In recent weeks, the junta carried out aerial attacks at a concert in Kachin State, killing more than 80, and bombed a school in Sagaing, killing at least 11 children.

“These indiscriminate air strikes require a coordinated international response, including through a ban on jet fuel exports to Myanmar and targeted sanctions against Asia Sun Group and MPE.

“Asia Sun Group supports the junta’s atrocity crimes and has continued business as usual in Myanmar and Singapore following the military’s illegal coup attempt. The Singapore government must stop Asia Sun from operating in its territory and using Singapore banks.

“Singapore must end its support for the Myanmar military junta, which makes it complicit in the junta’s international crimes. Its time Singapore takes a stand to support the Myanmar people’s struggle to end the military’s tyranny and establish peace and federal democracy.

“Justice For Myanmar calls on Puma Energy to responsibly disengage, preventing the junta from gaining control of its jet fuel infrastructure that would support the Myanmar military’s indiscriminate air strikes.

“Air strikes are a major weapon of the junta and are destroying lives. The UN Security Council and ASEAN has a responsibility to stop the junta’s air attacks and must act now.”

More information:

View the list of individuals and entities responsible for the supply of jet fuel to the Myanmar military for targeted sanctions here

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