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UN General Assembly: Withdraw the mandate of the UN Special Envoy

August 22nd, 2022  •  Author:   864 Local , Regional and International Organizations  •  19 minute read
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22 August 2022

UN General Assembly: Withdraw the mandate of the UN Special Envoy
CSOs condemn the UN Special Envoy’s meeting with war criminal Min Aung Hlaing

We, the 864 undersigned organizations, call on the UN General Assembly to withdraw the mandate of the Special Envoy on Myanmar. We also call on the UN Secretary-General to show his serious commitment to resolving the devastating human rights and humanitarian crises in Myanmar by assuming a personal role on Myanmar and taking decisive action.

The first visit of the current UN Special Envoy (UNSE) to Myanmar, Noeleen Heyzer, which took place from 16 to 17 August 2022 was the latest evidence of the historical ineffectualness of the mandate over a decades-long approach that has continually failed. The UN must immediately end its business-as-usual approach towards Myanmar. The long history of the UN’s attempts at peace-brokering with Myanmar’s military through Special Envoys has never catalyzed into meaningful results, but has instead lent legitimacy to perpetrators of international atrocity crimes — and has permitted worsening human rights and humanitarian crises.

The current wait-and-see approach of the UNSE, and by extension the UN, towards the junta has not yielded results — as has been repeatedly proven for decades. On the contrary, these “visits” and “dialogues” have emboldened the military — and the current illegal junta — to continue to commit escalating atrocity crimes against the people. It also undermines the united struggle of the people of Myanmar, thereby violating the UN’s own ‘do no harm’ approach.

We call on the UN General Assembly (UNGA) and UN Member States to end the mandate of the UNSE at the upcoming session in September 2022. Additionally, the UNGA must formulate concrete actions which centered on accountability, and which reflect the will and demands of the people of Myanmar.

CSOs have previously rejected the current UNSE’s proposal of power-sharing settlements as a solution to the political, human rights and humanitarian crises inflicted on the whole country by the terrorist junta. We are dismayed that the UNSE failed to take into account key recommendations put forward by CSOs during their February and April 2022 meetings, which were reflective of Myanmar people’s aspirations for a genuine federal democracy free of the military.

During these meetings, CSOs also called for the UNSE’s mandate to be “transformed and updated to focus on accountability and transitional justice,” as its current formulation is vague and inadequate to address the present Myanmar crisis. The current UNSE’s mandate resulted from the 72nd session of the UNGA in 2017 to address the Rohingya crisis. Thus, it does not reflect the magnitude or complexity of the current crises. The UNSE has failed to acknowledge or act on this key recommendation, rendering the mandate ineffectual.

CSOs also emphasized their concerns that the UNSE’s proposed trips to Naypyidaw to meet with the junta’s leadership could be manipulated by the junta in its efforts to gain legitimacy from the international community. Such visits could give the appearance of recognition and acceptance by the UN and, by extension, the international community. We note that CSOs were not consulted prior to the UNSE’s recent trip.

As CSOs warned and expected, on 17 August the military junta showcased its meeting with the UNSE as an official meeting with the “current Myanmar government” with photos of the UNSE shaking hands with junta leader Min Aung Hlaing. The UN must now repair the considerable damage it incurred by allowing the UNSE to be exploited for junta propaganda.

We are also deeply disappointed to note the absence of a reference to the National Unity Government (NUG) – the legitimate government of Myanmar – in the UNSE’s statement after the meeting, despite pledging an inclusive process with all stakeholders to resolve the ongoing crisis. We are also alarmed by the timing of her meeting with the junta, which followed the extrajudicial executions of four political prisoners in July and the sentencing of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi to six more years in prison merely two days before her visit. The UNSE’s visit not only suggests that the UN is prepared to let these crimes go unabated and unpunished, but that it will maintain its ‘wait-and-see’ approach, freeing the junta to continue its relentless terror campaign and atrocity crimes against the people of Myanmar.

The UNSE further failed to secure meetings with State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and other arbitrarily detained parliamentarians elected in the November 2020 general elections while in-country. At the same time, it is of grave concern that the UNSE has repeatedly failed to acknowledge the root cause of the current crisis: the military junta’s failed power grab and its horrific international crimes meted out in frustration since — acts that the UN itself has found to comprise of probable war crimes and crimes against humanity. We note that the failed coup attempt and the ongoing airstrikes and heavy military attacks against civilians, among other critical matters, were not mentioned in the UNSE’s statement. Given the UNSE’s engagement with CSOs, who provided updates on the ground situation and clear recommendations, these intentional omissions undermine the important work of other UN mandate holders including the High Commissioner for Human Rights and the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Myanmar, each of whom has also referred to the NUG in their reporting.

We also note that the UNSE left out mention of the NUG in relation to humanitarian aid provision. We consider this intentional given that the humanitarian forum mentioned in the UNSE’s statement was proposed by the NUG together with some Ethnic Revolutionary Organizations (EROs). This exclusion was both unethical and an appeasement to the junta; furthermore, it breaches the humanitarian principle of impartiality.

The junta continues to weaponize humanitarian aid by blocking the delivery of humanitarian assistance and by attacking humanitarian actors. These acts amount to war crimes and violations of the Geneva Conventions. We again press that channeling humanitarian assistance through the junta will support their corrupt agenda, fuel the further weaponization of aid, and cause irreparable harm to the people of Myanmar. CSOs have urged the UNSE to push for effective aid delivery – taking a solidarity-based approach with the people – particularly through cross-border channels with local humanitarian groups. Such calls must be heeded.

The junta is a terrorist organization under Myanmar’s domestic law and by international definition. The UN must exercise its mandate provided by the UN Charter to protect the people of Myanmar from the junta’s escalating violence. It must also work directly with the NUG as the legitimate government, the National Unity Consultative Council, EROs and CSOs to meaningfully and immediately address and resolve the catastrophic crisis in Myanmar, while disengaging from the junta. As the people of Myanmar asked in protests staged during the UNSE’s visit: “How many dead bodies UN need to take action?”

We reiterate the call for justice and accountability. The military junta, responsible for genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes, must be held criminally liable, not rewarded with recognition or engagement.

The UNGA must withdraw the mandate of the Special Envoy. In its place, the UN Secretary-General must take personal leadership on Myanmar for the sake of the people, and to repair the UN’s own reputation and standing. At the same time, the UN Security Council must refer the situation in Myanmar to the International Criminal Court or establish an ad hoc tribunal to secure accountability.

For more information, please contact:

Signed by 864 organizations, including 320 groups who have chosen not to disclose their names:

  1. 24 Daily Network
  2. 8888 Generation (New Zealand)
  3. Action Against Myanmar Military Coup (Sydney)
  4. Action Committee for Democracy Development
  5. Action Committee of Basic Education Students (ACBES)
  6. Active Youths (Kalaymyo)
  7. Ah Nah podcast – Conversation with Myanmar
  8. La. Ka (12) Hta Khwe, Primary Education Student Union
  9. All Arakan Students and Youths’ Congress
  10. All Aung Myay Thar San Education Strike
  11. All Burma Democratic Face in New Zealand
  12. All Burma Federation of Student Unions (Monywa District)
  13. All Burma Student Democratic Front – Australia Branch
  14. All Religions Strike Column
  15. All Young Burmese League (AYBL)
  16. Alliance of Students’ Union – Yangon (ASU-Yangon)
  17. ALTSEAN-Burma
  18. Ananda Data
  19. Anti Dictatorship in Burma – DC Metropolitan Area (ADB-DCMA)
  20. Anti-coup Forces Coordination Committee (ACFCC -Mandalay)
  21. Anti-Junta Alliance Yangon-AJAY
  22. Anti-junta Forces Coordination Committee (AFCC)
  23. Anti-Myanmar Dictatorship Movement
  24. Anti-Myanmar Military Dictatorship Network (AMMDN)
  25. Arakan CSO Network
  26. Arakan Humanitarian Coordination Team- AHCT
  27. Arakan Rivers Network (ARN)
  28. Asia Democracy Network
  29. Asia Pacific Solidarity Coalition
  30. Association of Human Rights Defenders and Promoters
  31. Association of United Nationality in Japan (AUN)
  32. Association Suisse-Birmanie
  33. Athan – Freedom of Expression Activist Organization
  34. Auckland Kachin Community NZ
  35. Auckland Zomi Community (New Zealand)
  36. Aung Myay Thar Zan Education Schools Strike Column
  37. Aung Pin Lae Main Strike Column
  38. Australia Burma Friendship Association, Northern Territory
  39. Australia Karen Organization WA Inc.
  40. Australia Myanmar Doctors, Nurses and Friends
  41. Australia Myanmar Youth Alliance (AMYA)
  42. Australian Burmese Muslim Organisation
  43. Australian Chin Community (Eastern Melbourne Inc)
  44. Australian Karen Organisation (AKO)
  45. Ayeyarwaddy Youth Network
  46. Bama Youth Network
  47. Bamar Community Tasmania
  48. Basic Education General Strike Committee (BEGSC)
  49. Basic Education Students and Youths Association
  50. Basic Education Worker Unions – Steering Committee (BEWU-SC)
  51. BCC (Sagaing Region)
  52. Bee_Hive Group
  53. Blood Money Campaign
  54. Blooming Padauk
  55. Burma Action Ireland
  56. Burma Campaign UK
  57. Burma Human Rights Network
  58. Burma Lawyers’ Council (BLC)
  59. Burma Refugee Saving Association (B.R.S.A)
  60. Burma Task Force
  61. Burman suomalaiset Finland
  62. Burmese Canadian Network (BCN)
  63. Burmese Community – South Australia
  64. Burmese Community Development Collaboration (BCDC)
  65. Burmese Community Group (Manawatu, NZ)
  66. Burmese Community in France
  67. Burmese Community Support Group (BCSG)
  68. Burmese Friendship Association
  69. Burmese Medical Association Australia (BMAA)
  70. Burmese Rohingya Organisation UK
  71. Burmese Rohingya Welfare Organisation New Zealand
  72. Burmese Women’s Union
  73. Calgary Karen Community Association (CKCA)
  74. Cambodian Americans and Friends for Democracy and Human Rights Advocates
  75. Campaign for a New Myanmar
  76. Canberra Karen Association
  77. CDM Education NayPyiTaw
  78. CDM Medical Network (CDMMN)
  79. CDM Support Team Mandalay (CSTM)
  80. Chanmyatharzi Township People’s Strike
  81. Chin Community – South Australia
  82. Chin Community of Auckland (New Zealand)
  83. Chin Community of Japan (CCJ)
  84. Chin Community of Western Australia Inc.
  85. Chin Community Tasmania
  86. Chin Human Rights Organization
  87. Chin Leaders of Tomorrow
  88. Chin MATA Working Group
  89. Chin Resources Center
  90. Chin Youth Organization of Japan (CYO-JP)
  91. Chindwin (West) Villages Women Strike
  92. Citizen of Burma Award- New Zealand
  93. Civil Information Network (CIN)
  94. Civil Society Organizations Coordination Committee (Monywa)
  95. Coalition Strike Committee – Dawei
  96. Colorful Spring (ရောင်စုံနွေဦး)
  97. Cooperative University Student Strike Column
  98. CRPH and NUG Supporters Ireland
  99. CRPH Funding Ireland
  100. CRPH Support Group, Norway
  101. CRPH, NUG Support Team Germany-Deutschland
  102. CRPH/NUG Support Group Australia
  103. Daung Sit Thi
  104. Daung Sitthe Strike
  105. Dawei (Ashaetaw) Women Strike
  106. Dawei Youths in Japan (DYJ)
  107. Dawei Youths Revolutionary Movement Strike Committee
  108. DEEKU-Karenni Community of Amarillo, TX
  109. Democracy for Myanmar – Working Group (NZ)
  110. Democracy, Peace and Women’s Organization
  111. Democratic Youth Council
  112. Depayin Township Revolution Steering Committee
  113. Depayin Women Strike
  114. Dhanu Youth Organization
  115. Digital Rights Collective
  116. Doh Atu – Ensemble pour le Myanmar (France)
  117. Dragon Dawn
  118. Edmonton Karen Community Youth Organization
  119. Education Family (Anti – Fascists Education Strike Columns Coordination Committee)
  120. Educational Initiatives Prague
  121. Equality Myanmar
  122. Ethnic Youth General Strike Committee (Mandalay)
  123. Falam Community – South Australia
  124. Federal FM Mandalay
  125. Federal Myanmar Benevolence Group (New Zealand)
  126. Federation of Worker’s Union of Burmese Citizens in Japan (FWUBC)
  127. Fight For The End Support Team
  128. Former Political Prisoners and New Generation Group – Monywa
  129. Foundation of Khmer Samaki, USA
  130. Free Burma Campaign (South Africa) (FBC(SA)
  131. Free Rohingya Coalition
  132. Freedom for Burma
  133. Future Lights Center
  134. Future Thanlwin
  135. Gangaw Women Strike
  136. General Strike Collaboration Committee (GSCC)
  137. General Strike Committee – GSC
  138. General Strike Committee of Basic and Higher Education
  139. General Strike Committee of Nationalities (GSCN)
  140. Generation Wave
  141. GenY For Revolution Japan
  142. Global Movement for Myanmar Democracy
  143. Global Myanmar Spring Revolution
  144. Global Myanmar Spring Revolution – Japan
  145. Golden Dream Organization (ရွှေရောင်အိပ်မက် အဖွဲ့)
  146. Grass-root People
  147. Hope For Youth -Kyushu Japan
  148. HTY Scout Channel
  149. Human Rights Foundation of Monland
  150. IFI Watch Myanmar
  151. IN ARR car service
  152. India For Myanmar
  153. Industrial Training Centre (ITC) Family Sydney
  154. Industries Strike
  155. Information & Scout News (Hlaing)
  156. Initiatives for International Dialogue
  157. Insein Scout Channel
  158. Inter Pares
  159. Interfaith Youth Coalition on Aids in Myanmar (IYCA-Myanmar)
  160. International Association, Myanmar-Switzerland (IAMS)
  161. International Campaign for the Rohingya
  162. International Karen Organisation
  163. International Society of Myanmar Scholars and Professionals (Japan)
  164. Japan Myanmar Future Creative Association (JMFCA)
  165. Japan Myanmar Help Network – JMHN
  166. Joint Action Committee for Democracy in Burma (JACDB)
  167. Justice 4 Myanmar – Hope & Development
  168. Justice For Myanmar
  169. Justice Movement For Community-Innlay
  170. Kachin Affairs Organization -Japan (KAO (Japan)
  171. Kachin Association of Australia WA Inc.
  172. Kachin Human Rights Watch
  173. Kachin Student Union
  174. Kachin Women’s Association Thailand
  175. Kalay Township Strike Force
  176. Kalay Women Strike
  177. Kamayut Scout Channel
  178. Kansai Group Japan
  179. Kansas Karenni Community, KS
  180. Karen American Association of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
  181. Karen Association of Huron, SD
  182. Karen Community – South Australia
  183. Karen Community in Syracuse, NY
  184. Karen Community of Akron, OH
  185. Karen Community of Canada (KCC)
  186. Karen Community of Czech Republic
  187. Karen Community of Finland
  188. Karen Community of Hamilton
  189. Karen Community of Iowa, IA
  190. Karen Community of Ireland
  191. Karen Community of Israel
  192. Karen Community of Kansas City, KS & MO
  193. Karen Community of Kitchener & Waterloo
  194. Karen Community of Leamington K
  195. Karen Community of Lethbridge
  196. Karen Community of London
  197. Karen Community of Minnesota, MN
  198. Karen Community of Ottawa
  199. Karen Community of Regina
  200. Karen Community of Rochester, Rochester, NY
  201. Karen Community of Saskatoon
  202. Karen Community of Thunderbay
  203. Karen Community of Toronto
  204. Karen Community of Windsor
  205. Karen Community of Winnipeg
  206. Karen Community Society of British Columbia (KCSBC)
  207. Karen Human Rights Group
  208. Karen National League Japan-KNL
  209. Karen Organization of America
  210. Karen Organization of Illinois, IL
  211. Karen Peace Support Network
  212. Karen Swedish Community
  213. Karen Thai Group
  214. Karen Women’s Organisation
  215. Karen Youth Education Pathways
  216. Karen Youth Networks
  217. Karen Youth of Norway
  218. Karen Youth of Toronto
  219. Karen Youth Organization
  220. Karenni Civil Society Network
  221. Karenni Community of Arizona, AZ
  222. Karenni Community of Arkensas, AK
  223. Karenni Community of Austin, TX
  224. Karenni Community of Bowling Green, KY
  225. Karenni Community of Buffalo, NY
  226. Karenni Community of Chicago, IL
  227. Karenni Community of Colorado, CO
  228. Karenni Community of Dallas, TX
  229. Karenni Community of Des Moines, IA
  230. Karenni Community of Florida, FL
  231. Karenni Community of Fort Worth, TX
  232. Karenni Community of Georgia, GA
  233. Karenni Community of Houston, TX
  234. Karenni Community of Idaho, ID
  235. Karenni Community of Indianapolis, IN
  236. Karenni Community of Massachusetts, MA
  237. Karenni Community of Michigan, MI
  238. Karenni Community of Minnesota, MN
  239. Karenni Community of Missouri, MO
  240. Karenni Community of North Carolina, NC
  241. Karenni Community of Portland, OR
  242. Karenni Community of Rockford, IL
  243. Karenni Community of San Antonio, TX
  244. Karenni Community of Sioux Falls, SD
  245. Karenni Community of Utah, UT
  246. Karenni Community of Utica, NY
  247. Karenni Community of Washington, WA
  248. Karenni Community of Western Australia Inc.
  249. Karenni Community of Wisconsin, WI
  250. Karenni Federation of Australia
  251. Karenni National Society (KNS) Japan
  252. Karenni Society Finland
  253. Karenni Society New Zealand
  254. Karenni Society of Omaha, NE
  255. Karenni-American Association
  256. Kawyaw National Youth Organization (KyNYO)
  257. Kayan Internally Displacement Supervising Committee (KIDSC)
  258. Kayan Women’s Organization
  259. Kayin Community Tasmania
  260. Keng Tung Youth
  261. KnowUsMoreMyanmar (KUM)
  262. Kobe Myanmar Community (KMC)
  263. Korea Karen Organization
  264. Korea Karen Youth Organization
  265. Korean Civil Society in Support of Democracy in Myanmar (106 CSOs Coalition)
  266. Kyaikhto Basic Education Students’ Union-KBESU
  267. Kyain Seikgyi Spring Revolution Leading Committee
  268. Kyaukse University Students’ Union
  269. Kyauktada Strike Committee (KSC)
  270. Kyimyindaing Scout Channel
  271. La Communauté Birmane de France
  272. Lanmadaw, Latha & Pabedan Scout Channel
  273. Land In Our Hands
  274. Latpadaung Region Strike Committee
  275. League For Democracy in Burma (L.D.B Japan)
  276. Let’s Help Each Other
  277. LGBT Alliance Myanmar
  278. LGBT Alliance Myanmar (Kalay Region)
  279. LGBT Alliance Myanmar (Kyaukse Region)
  280. LGBT Community Yangon
  281. LGBT Union Mandalay (LGBTIQ Strike of Mandalay)
  282. Literary Lovers Group
  283. Los Angeles Myanmar Movement (LA2M)
  284. Magway People’s Revolution Committee
  285. Maha Aung Myay Township People Collective Strike Column
  286. Maharaungmyay Township People’s Strike
  287. Mandalar University Students’ Strike
  288. Mandalay Alliance Strike Collective Column
  289. Mandalay Based People Strike Column
  290. Mandalay Civil Society Organizations
  291. Mandalay Engineer Group (MEG)
  292. Mandalay Engineer United Force
  293. Mandalay Medical Family (MFM)
  294. Mandalay Regional Youth Association
  295. Mandalay Strike Force (MSF)
  296. Mandalay University Student Alumni Union
  297. Mandalay Wholesale Strike Column
  298. Mandalay Women Strike
  299. Mandalay Youth Strike
  300. Mandalay-based People’s Strike
  301. Mandalay-Based University Students’ Unions
  302. MASBO-Myanmar Active Students & Businesspeople Organization
  303. MATA (Sagaing Region)
  304. Matu Chin Community – South Australia
  305. Mawlamyine Township Basic Education Students’ Union (MLMTBESU)
  306. Mayangone News
  307. Me Boun Foundation
  308. Medical Family – Mandalay
  309. Metta Campaign Mandalay
  310. MIIT Student Strike Column
  311. MilkTea Alliance Calender Team
  312. MilkTeaAlliance (Friends of Myanmar)
  313. Mindanao Peacebuilding Institute Foundation, Inc
  314. Mindat Chin Community NSW
  315. Mindat Community – South Australia
  316. Minority Affairs Institute – MAI (Myanmar)
  317. Mizo Community – South Australia
  318. Mon Families Group
  319. Mon National Council (MNC)
  320. Mon Youth For Federal Democracy (MYFD)
  321. Monywa LGBT Strike
  322. Monywa People’s Strike Steering Committee
  323. Monywa Women Strike
  324. Monywa-Amyint Road Strike Leading Committee
  325. Monywa-Amyint Road Women Strike
  326. Multi-Religions Strike
  327. Muslim Youth Network
  328. Muslim Youth Union
  329. Mya Taung Strike
  330. Myanmar Accountability Project
  331. Myanmar Action Group Denmark
  332. Myanmar Alliance for Transparency and Accountability
  333. Myanmar Buddhist Community of South Australia
  334. Myanmar Community Coffs Harbour (MCC)
  335. Myanmar Democracy and Peace Committee (Australia)
  336. Myanmar Democratic Force in Denmark
  337. Myanmar Democratic Movement (MDM)
  338. Myanmar Development Support Group (MDSG)
  339. Myanmar Diaspora Group Finland
  340. Myanmar Engineering Association of Australia (MEAA)
  341. Myanmar Engineers – New Zealand
  342. Myanmar Global Support Foundation (Japan)
  343. Myanmar Gonye (New Zealand)
  344. Myanmar Institute of Information Technology Students’ Strike
  345. Myanmar Labor Alliance (MLA)
  346. Myanmar Nationalities’ Support Organization – JP (MNSO)
  347. Myanmar People Alliance (Shan State)
  348. Myanmar People Residing in Canberra
  349. Myanmar Professionals Association Australia (MPAA)
  350. Myanmar Railway, Region (3) CDM Strike Column
  351. Myanmar Seafarer Group
  352. Myanmar Spring Revolution Japan (MSRJ)
  353. Myanmar Students’ Association Australia (MSAA)
  354. Myanmar Students’ Union in New Zealand
  355. Myanmar Tozan Club (MTC)
  356. Myanmar Youth and Student Association, Japan (MYSA)
  357. Myanmar’s Youth Association Hokkaido (MYAH)
  358. Myaung Education Network
  359. Myaung Medical Team
  360. Myingyan Civilian Movement Committee
  361. Nation Youth Organization
  362. National League for Democracy (Monywa Township)
  363. National Support Team
  364. National Youth League for Politics and Leadership
  365. Network for Advocacy
  366. Network for Human Rights Documentation Burma (ND-Burma)
  367. Network of University Student Unions – Monywa
  368. New Zealand Doctors for NUG
  369. New Zealand Karen Association
  370. New Zealand Zo Community Inc.
  371. NLD Solidarity Association (Australia)
  372. No 7 State High School Alumni Strike Column
  373. No Business With Genocide
  374. 12 Basic Education Branch High School (Maharaungmyay) Students’ Union
  375. NOK Information & Scout Echo
  376. North Dagon & East Dagon News
  377. Northern Star
  378. NRFF – New Rehmonnya Federated Force
  379. NSW Karenni (Kayah) Communities
  380. Nyan Lynn Thit Analytica
  381. OCTOPUS (Youth Organization)
  382. Okinawa Myanmar Association (OMA)
  383. Olive Organization
  384. One Day Challenge (Korea)
  385. Oversea Karen Organization Japan
  386. Overseas Mon Association. New Zealand
  387. Palaung National Society Japan, PNS-Japan
  388. Palaw Supporting Group Japan
  389. Pale Township People’s Strike Steering Committee
  390. Pan Pa Wash People Strike Column
  391. Patriotic War Vetrans of Burma (PWVB)
  392. People’s Hope Spring Revolution (PHSR)
  393. People’s Embrace (ပြည်သူ့ရင်ခွင်)
  394. People’s Hope Spring Revolution (Japan)
  395. Phayagye Peace Strike Column
  396. Political Resources Music Generated
  397. Private Pre-school Teachers Association
  398. Progressive Voice
  399. Punnyakari Mon National Society Japan, PMNS-Japan
  400. Pyigyidagon Strike
  401. Pyithu Gonye (New Zealand)
  402. Queenagers
  403. Queensland Kachin Community (QKC)
  404. Queensland Myanmar Youth Collective (QMYC)
  405. Queensland Rohingya Community
  406. Rainbow Fundraising
  407. Representative Committee of University Teacher Associations
  408. Representing the Arrested People
  409. Revolution Tokyo Myanmar (RTM)
  410. Rohingya Action Ireland
  411. Rohingya Welfare Organization New Zealand
  412. Rvwang Community Association New Zealand
  413. E.T (Spring Embrace Team)
  414. Samgha Sammaga-Mandalay Strike
  415. Save and Care Organization for Ethnic Women at Border Areas
  417. Save Myanmar Fundraising Group (New Zealand)
  418. Second Tap Root
  419. Sein Pan Strike
  420. Shan Community (New Zealand)
  421. Shan Community in Japan (SCJ)
  422. Shan MATA
  423. ShizuYouth For Myanmar
  424. Shwe Pyi Thar News
  425. Shwe Youth Democratic Alliance (SYDA)
  426. Sisters 2 Sisters
  427. Sitt Nyein Pann Foundation
  428. Social Garden
  429. Sone See Yar (Volunteer Group)
  430. SOS MYANMAR (ရုန်းကန်သံအဖွဲ့)
  431. South Dagon Scouting Infos (SDG)
  432. Southern Dragon Myanmar
  433. Southern Youth Development Organization
  434. Spring Revolution Interfaith Network-SRIN
  435. Spring Revolution Myanmar Muslim Network (SRMMN)
  436. Spring Revolution Restaurant
  437. Strike Column of Representatives of Arbitrarily Arrested People
  438. Strike Column of Teachers from Universities and Degree Colleges of Mandalay
  439. Student Youth Congress of Burma
  440. Students for Free Burma (SFB)
  441. Support group for Democracy in Myanmar (The Netherlands)
  442. Support the Democracy Movement in Burma
  443. Supporting 4 Myanmar
  444. Swedish Myanmar Supporting Community
  445. Sydney Friends for Myanmar Unity
  446. Synergy-Social Harmony Organization
  447. Ta’ang Women’s Organization
  448. Taekwando Sport Association
  449. Tai Youths Network Japan (TYNJ)
  450. Tamwe Nway Oo Channel
  451. Tanintharyi MATA
  452. Tanitharyi Women’s Network
  453. Taze Women Strike
  454. Tenasserim Student Unions’Network – TSUN
  455. Thai Action Committee for Democracy in Burma (TACDB)
  456. Thaketa & Dawbon Scout Channel
  457. Thakhin Kodaw Mhine Peace Network (Monywa)
  458. Thanlyin Information & Scout channel
  459. Thapaynyo News Letter
  460. Thayat Chaung Women Strike
  461. The 88 Generation Peace and Open Society (Monywa)
  462. The Rohingya American Society
  463. Thint Myat Lo Thu Myar Organization
  464. Try Together At Japan (TTAJ)
  465. Twitter Team for Revolution
  466. S. Campaign for Burma
  467. UAE ရောက် မြန်မာများအဖွဲ့
  468. Union of Myanmar Citizen Association – Japan
  469. Unitarian Universalist Service Committee
  470. United Myanmar Community of South Australia
  471. University Students’ Unions Alumni Force
  472. US Advocacy Coalition for Myanmar (USACM)
  473. Victorian Burmese Care Community (VBCC)
  474. Victorian Myanmar Youth (VMY)
  475. Voice For Justice
  476. We Are One Saga MOSA
  477. We for All
  478. We Pledge CDM (Australia)
  479. We Support
  480. Western Australia Myanmar Community (WAMC)
  481. Western Australia Myanmar Democratic Network (WAMDN)
  482. Wetlet Revolution Leading Committee
  483. Wetlet Township Women Strike
  484. White Coat Society Yangon (WCSY)
  485. Women Activists Myanmar (WAM)
  486. Women Advocacy Coalition – Myanmar
  487. Women Alliance Burma (WAB)
  488. Women’s League of Burma
  489. Women’s Peace Network
  490. Yadanabon University Students’ Union
  491. Yangon Deaf Association
  492. Yangon Region Scout Forces – YRSE
  493. Yangon Revolution Force – YRF (Soft Strike Community)
  494. Yangon Women Strike
  495. Yaw Funding Japan
  496. Yenanchaung University Student’s Union
  497. YG Network
  498. YGN_INFO_Alliance
  499. Yinmarpin and Salingyi All Villages Strike Committee
  500. Yokohama Pamphlet Campaign – Myanmar
  501. Youths for Community (Myaung)
  502. Youth Scout For Democracy (YSD)
  503. Youths Union – Centre
  504. Youths Union – Pathein
  505. Z Fighter News
  506. Zeegwat News
  507. Zo Community – South Australia
  508. Zomi Association Australia Inc.
  509. Zomi Community – South Australia
  510. Zomi Community Queensland
  511. ကလေးမြို့ပင်မသပိတ်အင်အားစု
  512. ခေတ်သစ်နိုင်ငံရေး ဘောဂဗေဒ လေ့လာရေး ကျောင်းတော်သားစု
  513. ဂျပန်ပြည်မှတွဲလက်များ
  514. ငြိမ်းချမ်းလှပ ပြည်သူ့ဘဝ (မလေးရှား)
  515. ထားဝယ်မြို့နယ်အရှေ့တောသပိတ်ကော်မတီ
  516. ဒယ်ဂျွန်းမြန်မာဒီမိုကရေစီ ငြိမ်းချမ်းရေးအဖွဲ့ (Korea)
  517. နွေဦးရဲ့တွဲလက်များ
  518. ပညာနန်းတော်ကိုယ်ပိုင်ကျောင်း ကျောင်းသားများသမဂ္ဂ (သီးခြားအကသ)
  519. ပွင့်ဖြူလယ်ယာမြေကွန်ရက်
  520. ပအိုဝ်းလူငယ် ပါရမီဖြည့်ဖက်အသင်း (Malaysia)
  521. မကွေးလူထုတိုက်ပွဲကော်မတီ
  522. မျိုးဆက်-Generations
  523. ယင်းမာပင်-ဆားလင်းကြီး ကျေးရွာပေါင်းစုံ လူထုသပိတ်ဦးဆောင်ကော်မတီ
  524. ရွှေရေးပန်းချီ
  525. ရှင်သန်ခြင်း (တော်လှန်အင်အားစု)
  526. လရိပ်ပြာ ပရဟိတ စင်္ကာပူ
  527. သံဃသမဂ္ဂ မန္တလေး
  528. သီပေါမြို့နယ် ပညာရေးဘုတ်အဖွဲ့
  529. အခြေခံပညာကျောင်းသားလူငယ်များအစည်းအရုံး(အကလ-ဗဟို)
  530. အထက်အညာလွင်ပြင်ရပ်ဝန်း
  531. အသောကသုခ (ကိုရီးယား)
  532. ဆရာများသမဂ္ဂ (ကလေးတက္ကသိုလ်)
  533. မုံရွာလူထု သပိတ်တိုက်ပွဲ ဦးဆောင်ကော်မတီ
  534. ဒီပဲယင်းမြို့နယ်လူထုသပိတ် ဦးဆောင်ကော်မတီ
  535. အရာတော်မြို့နယ်မြို့နယ် လူထုသပိတ်ဦးဆောင်ကော်မတီ
  536. ပုလဲမြို့နယ်လူထုသပိတ်ဦးဆောင်ကော်မတီ
  537. မုံရွာ-အမြင့်လမ်း လူထုသပိတ်ဦးဆောင်ကော်မတီ
  538. သွေးမအေးတဲ့ရွှေနွယ်သွေး သပိတ်ဦးဆောင်ကော်မတီ
  539. အောင်လံလွှင့်မည် ရွှေရေကြည် သပိတ်ဦးဆောင်ကော်မတီ
  540. တော်လှန်စုပေါင်း ရွှေစုန်းချောင်း သပိတ်ဦးဆောင်ကော်မတီ
  541. မုံရွာတက္ကသိုလ်ကျောင်းသားများသမဂ္ဂ
  542. ကယ်တင်ရှင်မရှာ ဒိုကျေးရွာ သပိတ်ဦးဆောင်ကော်မတီ
  543. လက်ပံတောင်းတောင်ဒေသ အာဏာရှင်ဆန့်ကျင်ရေး သပိတ်အင်အားစု
  544. ယင်းမာပင်-ဆားလင်းကြီး ကျေးရွာပေါင်းစုံ လူထုသပိတ်ဦးဆောင်ကော်မတီ
  545. ချင်းတွင်းမြစ်အနောက်ဖက်ကမ်းသပိတ်စစ်ကြောင်း
  546. 一般社団法人 ミャンマーグローバル支援財団 (MGSF)

***We have received overwhelming support for the letter. Below are list of additional organizations that have signed-on to the letter after its sent

  1. Human Rights Educators Network (HREN)
  2. Info Birmanie

Burmese version.

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