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United States: Open Letter to ADMM Dialogue Partner

July 14th, 2022  •  Author:   448 Myanmar , regional and international organizations  •  15 minute read
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Department of Defense
1400 Defense Pentagon
Washington, DC 20301-1400
United States

To: H.E. Lloyd J. Austin III, Secretary of Defense, United States

Re: Participation in the ASEAN Defence Ministers’ Meeting-Plus Experts’ Working Group on Counter Terrorism       

14 July 2022

Your Excellency,

We, the undersigned 448 organizations from throughout Myanmar and the world, appeal to you, as the representative of the United States Government and minister responsible for the country’s defense engagement with ASEAN, to boycott the ASEAN Defence Ministers’ Meeting-Plus Experts’ Working Group (ADMM-Plus EWG) on Counter Terrorism co-chaired by the Myanmar and Russian militaries. We welcome the decisions of Australia and New Zealand to not participate in the upcoming meeting scheduled for 20 – 21 July in Moscow, Russia. We welcome your government’s robust commitment to imposing targeted sanctions on the Myanmar military, and on the military’s businesses and businesses linked to the junta. We call on you and the United States to continue to take leadership in responding to the crisis in Myanmar and Ukraine by boycotting the ADMM-Plus EWG on Counter Terrorism.

The Myanmar military has long committed international crimes under the pretext of “counter terrorism”. The most egregious case was the Myanmar military’s 2017 genocide against the Rohingya, which, according to the UN Independent International Fact-Finding Mission on Myanmar, involved the launch of “clearance operations” that were supposedly aimed at the “elimination” of the Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army. In reality, it involved the murder, massacre, torture, rape and gang rape of Rohingya, forcing over 700,000 to flee to Bangladesh under the guise of counter terrorism.

The military’s abuse of anti-terrorism law and practices continued after its illegal coup attempt. One strategy of the junta has been to attack democratic institutions and justify ongoing atrocities by designating the National Unity Government (NUG), Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw (CRPH) and Peoples Defence Forces (PDFs) as “terrorists”. In 2021, the Myanmar military used its co-chair position of the ADMM Experts’ Working Group to legitimize its illegal junta and to seek support for its terrorism designations against the NUG, CRPH and PDFs. Its leadership of the group was also used as fodder for domestic propaganda, with photos and details of the meetings featured prominently in military-controlled media targeting a domestic audience.

Meanwhile in June 2022, the military junta announced a planned execution of four men, including two respected democracy activists, for ungrounded allegations of terrorism — rejecting a plea made by ASEAN Chair Prime Minister Hun Sen. Such actions demonstrate the junta’s total disrespect of and unwillingness to implement ASEAN’s Five-Point Consensus, which demands an immediate cessation of violence and a dialogue among all parties concerned. The junta’s ongoing operations against civilians — including torture, indiscriminate attacks, airstrikes and artillery shelling, burning of villages and looting — are increasingly deploying new tactics of terror to commit widespread and systematic crimes throughout the country. This is exemplified  by the junta soldiers beheading and desecrating unarmed civilians in Sagaing Region. These acts clearly constitute terror under international and national law. A body responsible for such terror and gross atrocities is devoid of legitimacy and is in no position to lead, nor participate, in the ADMM-Plus EWG on Counter Terrorism.

The Working Group’s other co-chair, Russia, is similarly in no position to lead or participate in ASEAN counter terrorism cooperation. Russia’s unprovoked invasion of Ukraine must be condemned as an attack on democratic values and violation of international law and norms. Since its invasion, Ukraine has documented 15,000 suspected war crimes as of 31 May, and the situation in Ukraine has been referred to the International Criminal Court by 43 State Parties, including the United States. The Ukrainian government has estimated that “at least tens of thousands” of Ukrainian civilians were killed in the first 100 days of Russia’s invasion. Since 24 February, at least one-third of Ukrainians have been forcibly displaced. Your government’s leadership in responding to Russia’s atrocities in Ukraine — through targeted sanctions of government officials and private entities, severe financial restrictions, ban on gold import, export controls, freezing of assets, as well as actions through the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) — must be matched with your level of response to the Myanmar military and its affiliated entities.

Engagement with ADMM-Plus EWG on Counter Terrorism only emboldens the Myanmar junta and Russia to continue committing international crimes. ASEAN Defence Ministers and ASEAN-Plus Defence Ministers must take the principled step and refuse to attend the upcoming ADMM-Plus EWG on Counter Terrorism. To allow the Myanmar junta and Russia to engage in the ADMM-Plus EWG on Counter Terrorism is antithetical to the aims of the meeting and will severely damage the reputation of the ADMM-Plus EWG and ASEAN. We call on you to boycott the upcoming ADMM-Plus EWG on Counter Terrorism and take further actions to exclude the Myanmar junta and Russia from other ADMM meetings in solidarity with the peoples of Myanmar and Ukraine.

For more information, please contact:


List of signatories below include the following 415 Myanmar, regional and international civil society organizations, Spring Revolution Strike Committees and unions from Myanmar. 33 organizations from Myanmar have chosen not to disclose their names. A total of 448 organizations are signatories to the open letter.

  1. 8888 Generation (New Zealand)
  2. Action Committee for Democracy Development
  3. Action Committee of Basic Education Students (ACBES)
  4. Active Youth (Kalay)
  5. Activists Group for Human Rights ‘BARAM’
  6. Ah Nah Podcast- conversation with Myanmar
  7. All Arakan Students’ and Youths’ Congress
  8. All Aung Myay Thar San Education Strike
  9. All Burma Democratic Face in New Zealand
  10. All Burma Federation of Student Unions (Monywa District)
  11. All Sagaing Township Basic Education Students’ Union
  12. All Schools of Aungmyaythazan Township Strike
  13. Alliance of Students’ Union – Yangon (ASU-Yangon)
  14. Alliance Organization Myanmar Bankers Union
  15. ALTSEAN-Burma
  16. Anti Dictatorship in Burma – DC Metropolitan Area (ADB-DCMA)
  17. Anti-Junta Alliance Yangon-AJAY
  18. Anti-Junta Forces Coordination Committee (AFCC)
  19. Arakan CSO Network
  20. Arakan Humanitarian Coordination Team- AHCT
  21. Asia Democracy Network (ADN)
  22. Asia Pacific Solidarity Coalition (APSOC)
  23. Asian Dignity Initiative
  24. Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (FORUM-ASIA)
  25. Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (AAPP)
  26. Association of Human Rights Defenders and Promoters
  27. Association of United Nationality in Japan (AUN)
  28. Association Suisse-Birmanie (Swiss Burma Association)
  29. Athan – Freedom of Expression Activist Organization
  30. Auckland Kachin Community NZ
  31. Auckland Zomi Community
  32. Aung Myay Tharzan Basic Education Students’ Union-ABFSU
  33. Aung Pin Lal Main Strike
  34. Ayeyarwaddy Youths’ Union
  35. Bago Basic Education Students’ Union
  36. Bank Trade Unions Federation of Myanmar – BTUFM
  37. Basic Education General Strike Committee (BEGSC)
  38. Basic Education Worker Unions – Steering Committee (BEWU-SC)
  39. BEHS-1, Hpa-An Basic Education Students’ Union
  40. BEHS-1, Mandalay Basic Education Students’ Union-ABFSU
  41. BEHS-11, Aungmyethazan Basic Education Students’ Union-ABFSU
  42. BEHS-24, Mahaaungmyay Basic Education Students’ Union-ABFSU
  43. BEHS-4, Mandalay Basic Education Students’ Union-ABFSU
  44. BEHS-8, Aungmyethazan Basic Education Students’ Union-ABFSU
  45. Blood Money Campaign
  46. Burma Action Ireland
  47. Burma Campaign UK
  48. Burma Refugee Saving Association (B.R.S.A)
  49. Burman suomalaiset Finland
  50. Burmese Canadian Network
  51. Burmese Community Group (Manawatu, NZ)
  52. Burmese Community in France
  53. Burmese Rohingya Welfare Organisation New Zealand
  54. Cambodian Americans and Friends for Democracy and Human Rights Advocate
  55. CDM Medical Network (CDMMN)
  56. CDM Support Team Mandalay
  57. Chanayetharsan Basic Education Students’ Union
  58. Changjak21
  59. Chanmyatharzi Township People’s Strike
  60. Chin Community of Auckland
  61. Chin Community of Japan (CCJ)
  62. Chin Human Rights Organization
  63. Chin Youth Organization (Matupi)
  64. Chin Youth Organization of Japan (CYO-JP)
  65. Chindwin (West) Villages Women Strike
  66. Citizen of Burma Award – New Zealand
  67. CIVICUS: World Alliance for Citizen Participation
  68. Civil Information Network (CIN)
  69. Civil Society Organizations Coordination Committee (Monywa)
  70. Coalition of Mandalay Engineers
  71. Coalition Strike Committee – Dawei
  72. Colorfulspring (ရောင်စုံနွေဦး)
  73. Community Resource Center, Thailand
  74. Co-operative University Mandalay Students’ Strike
  75. CRPH & NUG Supporters Ireland
  76. CRPH Funding Ireland
  77. CRPH Support Group, Norway
  78. CRPH, NUG Support Team Germany-Deutschland
  79. Daik-U Basic Education Students’ Union
  80. Daung Sitthe Strike
  81. Dawei (Ashaetaw) Women Strike
  82. Dawei Basic Education Students’ Union
  83. Dawei Youths in Japan (DYJ)
  84. Dawei Youths Revolutionary Movement Strike Committee
  85. Democracy for Ethnic Minorities Organization
  86. Democracy for Myanmar – Working Group (NZ)
  87. Democracy Movement Strike Committee-Dawei (DDMSC)
  88. Democracy, Peace and Women’s Organization
  89. Democratic Youth Council
  90. Demoso Basic Education Students’ Union
  91. Depayin Township Revolution Steering Committee
  92. Depayin Women Strike
  93. Doh Atu – Ensemble pour le Myanmar
  94. Dragon Dawn (Japan)
  95. Education Family Strike
  96. Educational Initiatives Prague
  97. Equality Myanmar
  98. Ethnic Youth General Strike Committee (Mandalay)
  99. European Karen Network
  1. Family Private School Basic Education Students’ Union-ABFSU
  2. Federal Myanmar Benevolence Group (NZ)
  3. Federation of Worker’s Union of Burmese Citizens in Japan (FWUBC)
  4. Former Political Prisoners and New Generation Group – Monywa
  5. Foundation of Khmer Samaki, CA
  6. Free Burma Campaign (South Africa)
  7. Free Rohingya Coalition
  8. Future Thanlwin
  9. Gangaw Women Strike
  10. General Strike Collaboration Committee (GSCC)
  11. General Strike Committee of Basic and Higher Education (GSCBHE)
  12. General Strike Coordination Body – GSCB
  13. Generation Wave
  14. GenY For Revolution Japan
  15. German Solidarity with Myanmar Democracy e.V.
  16. Global Movement for Myanmar Democracy (GM4MD)
  17. Global Myanmar Spring Revolution – Japan
  18. Global Myanmar Spring Revolution (South Korea)
  19. Golden Heart Organization
  20. Grass-root People
  21. Hinthada Basic Education Students’ Union-ABFSU
  22. Hlaing Thar Yar Basic Education Students’ Union
  23. Hope For Youth -Kyushu Japan
  24. Hopin Basic Education Students’ Union
  25. HTY Scout Channel
  26. Human Rights Foundation of Monland
  27. In Defense of Human Rights and Dignity Movement (iDEFEND), Philippines
  28. Incorporated Organization Shilcheon Bulgyo
  29. India for Myanmar
  30. Industries Strike
  31. Info Birmanie
  32. Information & Scout News (Hlaing)
  33. Initiatives for International Dialogue (IID)
  34. Insein Scout Channel
  35. Institute for Asian Democracy
  36. Inter-Faith Strike Column
  37. Interfaith Youth Coalition on Aids in Myanmar (IYCA – Myanmar )
  38. International Association, Myanmar- Switzerland
  39. International Child Rights Center
  40. International Society of Myanmar Scholars and Professionals (Japan)
  41. Japan Myanmar Future Creative Association (JMFCA)
  42. Japan Myanmar Help Network
  43. Justice For Myanmar
  44. Justice Movement for Community – Innlay
  45. Kachin Affairs Organization – Japan
  46. Kachin State Women Network
  47. Kachin Student Union
  48. Kachin Women Union
  49. Kachin Women’s Association Thailand
  50. Kalay Township Strike Force
  51. Kalay Women Strike
  52. Kalyarna Metta Association (Khin U)
  53. Kamayut Scout Channel
  54. Kanbung Youth (Matupi)
  55. Kanpetlet Land Development Organization
  56. Kansai Group Japan
  57. Karen Human Rights Group
  58. Karen National League Japan-KNL
  59. Karen Swedish Community (KSC)
  60. Karen Women’s Organization
  61. Karen Rivers Network
  62. Karenni National Society (KNS) Japan
  63. Karenni National Women’s Organization
  64. Karenni Society Finland
  65. Karenni Society New Zealand
  66. Katha Basic Education Students’ Union
  67. Kayan Internally Displacement Supervising Committee (KIDSC)
  68. Keng Tung Youth
  69. Khanthar Farmers Network
  70. Khumzup Local Development Committee
  71. Kings N Queens
  72. Know Us More Myanmar (KUM)
  73. Kobe Myanmar Community (KMC)
  74. Korea Christian Solidarity for Democracy in Myanmar
  75. Korean Civil Society in Support of Democracy in Myanmar (106 NGOs)
  76. Korean House for International Solidarity
  77. Kyaikhto Basic Education Students’ Union – KBESU
  78. Kyain Seikgyi Spring Revolution Leading Committee
  79. Kyaukse Basic Education Students’ Union
  80. Kyaukse University Interim Administrative Council
  81. Kyauktada Strike Committee (KSC)
  82. Kyause University Students’ Union
  83. Kyimyindaing Scout Channel
  84. La Communauté Birmane de France
  85. Labor Union Federation
  86. Labutta Basic Education Students’ Union-ABFSU
  87. Langkho Basic Education Students’ Union
  88. Lanmadaw, Latha & Pabedan Scout Channel
  89. Lashio Basic Education Students’ Union
  90. Latpadaung Region Strike Committee
  91. Launglon Basic Education Students’ Union
  92. League For Democracy in Burma (L.D.B Japan)
  93. Let’s Help Each Other
  94. Letpadan Basic Education Students’ Union-ABFSU
  95. LGBT Alliance Myanmar
  96. LGBT Alliance Myanmar (Kalay Region)
  97. LGBT Alliance Myanmar (Kyaukse Region)
  98. LGBT Community Yangon
  99. LGBT Union Mandalay (LGBTIQ Strike of Mandalay)
  100. Magway People’s Revolution Committee
  101. Maharaungmyay Township People’s Strike
  102. Mandalar College Students Strike
  103. Mandalar University Students’ Strike
  104. Mandalar University Students Union
  105. Mandalay Alliance Coalition Strike
  106. Mandalay Civil Society Organization
  107. Mandalay Engineer Group (MEG)
  108. Mandalay Medical Family (MFM)
  109. Mandalay People Strike
  110. Mandalay Poets’ Union
  111. Mandalay Private Universities Students Union
  112. Mandalay Regional Youth Association
  113. Mandalay Strike Force (MSF)
  114. Mandalay Technology University (MTU) Students Union
  115. Mandalay Universities, Degree and College Teachers and Staffs Strike
  116. Mandalay University Alumni Strike
  117. Mandalay University of Foreign Languages Students Union
  118. Mandalay Wholesale Centers Strike
  119. Mandalay Women Strike
  120. Mandalay Youth Strike
  121. Mandalay-based People’s Strike
  122. Mandalay-Based University Students’ Unions
  123. Matu Forum Committee
  124. Matu Women Association
  125. Mawkmai Basic Education Students’ Union
  126. Mawlamyine Basic Education Students’ Union
  127. Mayangone News
  128. Me Boun Foundation
  129. Medical Family Mandalay (MFM)
  130. Meikhtila Basic Education Students’ Union-ABFSU
  131. Metta Campaign Mandalay
  132. Midwifery Training School Students Union (Mandalay)
  133. MilkTeaAlliance friends of Myanmar
  134. Minbu Basic Education Students’ Union-ABFSU
  135. Mindanao Peacebuilding Institute Foundation, Inc.
  136. Minority Affairs Institute – Mai (Myanmar)
  137. Mogaung Basic Education Students’ Union
  138. Mohnyin Basic Education Students’ Union
  139. Mon Youth For Federal Democracy (MYFD)
  140. Monywa Basic Education Students’ Union – ABFSU
  141. Monywa LGBT Strike
  142. Monywa People’s Strike Steering Committee
  143. Monywa Women Strike
  144. Monywa-Amyint Road Strike Leading Committee
  145. Monywa-Amyint Road Women Strike
  146. MRJ (Maraja)
  147. Mudon Basic Education Students’ Union
  148. Multi-Religions Strike
  149. Muslim Youth Network
  150. Muslim Youths Association
  151. Mya Taung Strike
  152. Myanmar Accountability Project
  153. Myanmar Active Students & Businesspeople Organization (MASBO)
  154. Myanmar Democratic Force in Denmark
  155. Myanmar Development Support Group (MDSG)
  156. Myanmar Diaspora Group Finland
  157. Myanmar Emergency Fund Canada (MEF Canada)
  158. Myanmar Engineers – New Zealand
  159. Myanmar Ethnic Rohingya Human Rights Organization Malaysia (MERHROM)
  160. Myanmar Gonye (New Zealand)
  161. Myanmar Institute of Information and Technology (Mandalay) Students Union
  162. Myanmar Institute of Information Technology Students’ Strike
  163. Myanmar Labor Alliance (MLA)
  164. Myanmar Nationalities’ Support Organization – JP (MNSO)
  165. Myanmar People Alliance (Shan State)
  166. Myanmar Railway Division (3) CDM Staffs Strike
  167. Myanmar Secret Information – MSI
  168. Myanmar Spring Revolution Japan (MSRJ)
  169. Myanmar Students’ Union in New Zealand
  170. Myanmar Tozan Club (MTC)
  171. Myanmar Youth and Student Association, Japan (MYSA)
  172. Myanmar’s Youth Association Hokkaido (MYAH)
  173. Myingyan Civilian Movement Committee
  174. National University of Arts and Culture (Mandalay) Students Union
  175. Netherlands – Myanmar Solidarity Platform
  176. Network of University Student Unions – Monywa
  177. New Zealand Doctors for NUG
  178. New Zealand Karen Association
  179. New Zealand Zo Community Inc.
  180. No (12) Basic Education Middle School Student Union
  181. No (7) Basic Education High School Alumni Strike
  182. 12 Basic Education Branch High School (Maharaungmyay) Students’ Union
  183. 12 Basic Education Middle School (High Branch) Basic Education Students’ Union
  184. NOK Information & Scout Echo
  185. North Dagon & East Dagon News
  186. Northern Spectrum Youth Association
  187. Nursing Training School Students Union (Mandalay)
  188. Nyaunglebin Basic Education Students’ Union
  189. OCTOPUS Youth Organization
  190. Okinawa Myanmar Association (OMA)
  191. Olive Organization
  192. Open Development Foundation
  193. Overseas Mon Association (New Zealand)
  194. Padaung Basic Education Students’ Union-ABFSU
  195. Palaung National Society Japan, PNS-Japan
  196. Palaw Supporting Group Japan
  197. Pale Township People’s Strike Steering Committee
  198. Pa-O Women’s Union (PWU)
  199. PEC Private School Basic Education Students’ Union
  200. People’s Hope Spring Revolution (PHSR)
  201. People’s Initiative for Development Alternatives
  202. People’s Action Against Dictator CHUN Doo-Hwan
  203. People’s Solidarity for Participatory Democracy (PSPD)
  204. Phayagyi Peace Strike
  205. Platform.c
  206. Private pre school Teachers’ Association
  207. Progressive 3.0
  208. Progressive Voice
  209. Punnyakari Mon National Society Japan, PMNS-Japan
  210. Pyay Basic Education Students’ Union-ABFSU
  211. Pyay Underground News – PUGN
  212. Pyigyidagon Strike
  213. Pyin Nyar Nan Daw Private School Basic Education Students’ Union
  214. Pyin Oo Lwin Basic Education Students’ Union
  215. Pyinmana Basic Education Students’ Union-ABFSU
  216. Pyithu Gonye (New Zealand)
  217. Representative Committee of University Teacher Associations (RC of UTAs)
  218. Representing The Arrested People Strike
  219. Revolution Tokyo Myanmar (RTM)
  220. Rohingya Action Ireland
  221. Rvwang Community Association New Zealand
  222. Samgha Sammaga-Mandalay
  223. Sangha Union Strike
  224. Save and Care Organization for Women at Border Areas
  226. Save Myanmar Fundraising Group (New Zealand)
  227. Save the Salween Network
  228. Sein Pan Strike
  229. Shan Community (New Zealand)
  230. Shan Community in Japan (SCJ)
  231. Shan MATA
  232. Shan Women Development Network
  233. ShizuYouth For Myanmar
  234. Shwechinthae Farmers Network
  235. Sintgaing Basic Education Students’ Union
  236. Sisters 2 Sisters
  237. Sitt Nyein Pann Foundation
  238. Solidarity for Another World
  239. Sone See Yar (Volunteer Group)
  240. South Dagon Scouting Info (SDG)
  241. Southern Youth Development
  242. Spring Revolution Interfaith Network-SRIN
  243. Spring Revolution Myanmar Muslim- SRMMN
  244. Spring Revolution Restaurant
  245. Stiftung Asienhaus
  246. Students for Free Burma
  247. Support Group for Democracy in Myanmar (The Netherlands)
  248. Ta’ang Women’s Organization
  249. Taekwondo Federation
  250. Tai Youths Network Japan (TYNJ)
  251. Tampawadi People Strike
  252. Tamwe Nway Oo Channel
  253. Tanintharyi MATA
  254. Taunggyi Basic Education Students’ Union
  255. Taze Women Strike
  256. Technological University (Yadanabon Cyber City) Students Union
  257. Technological University Mandalay (TUM) Students Union
  258. Tha Pyay Nyo Newsletter
  259. Thaketa & Dawbon Scout Channel
  260. Thakhin Kodaw Mhine Peace Network (Monywa)
  261. Thaton Basic Education Students’ Union
  262. Thayat Chaung Women Strike
  263. The 88 Generation Peace and Open Society (Monywa)
  264. The Center for Freedom of Information
  265. The May 18 Memorial Foundation
  266. Thint Myat Lo Thu Myar Organization
  267. Township Leading Group (Winwmaw)
  268. Try Together At Japan (TTAJ)
  269. Twitter Team for Revolution (TTFR) – Myanmar
  270. U.S. Campaign for Burma
  271. Uakthon Local Social Development Organization
  272. Union of Myanmar Citizen Association – Japan
  273. University of Computer (Mandalay) Students Union
  274. University of Dental Medicine (Mandalay) Students Union
  275. University of Medical Technology (Mandalay) Students Union
  276. University of Medicine (Mandalay) Students Union
  277. University of Nursing (Mandalay) Students Union
  278. University of Pharmacy (Mandalay) Students Union
  279. University of Traditional Medicine (Mandalay) Students Union
  280. University Students’ Unions Alumni Force
  281. US Advocacy Coalition for Myanmar (USACM)
  282. VEC Private School Basic Education Students’ Union
  283. Voice For Justice
  284. We Are One Saga MOSA
  285. We for All
  286. We Love Motherland-MM (Malaysia)
  287. We Support (Japan)
  288. Wetlet Basic Education Students’ Union-ABFSU
  289. Wetlet Revolution Leading Committee
  290. Wetlet Township Women Strike
  291. White Coat Society Yangon (WCSY)
  292. Winemaw Civil Society Network
  293. Winemaw Lisu Development Association
  294. Women Alliance Burma (WAB)
  295. Women’s League of Burma
  296. Wundwin Basic Education Students’ Union-ABFSU
  297. Yadanabon University Students’ Union (YDNBUSU)
  298. Yangon Medical network
  299. Yangon Revolution Force – YRF (Soft Strike Community)
  300. Yangon Women Strike
  301. Yaw Funding Japan
  302. Yedashe Basic Education Students’ Union-ABFSU
  303. YG Network
  304. Yinmarpin and Salingyi All Villages Strike Committee
  305. Yokohama Pamphlet Campaign – Myanmar
  306. Youth Network (Tanintharyi Region)
  307. Youth Poets’ Union
  308. Youth Scout For Democracy (YSD)
  309. Z Fighter News
  310. Zabuthiri Basic Education Students’ Union-ABFSU
  311. Zeegwat News
  312. ဂျပန်ပြည်မှတွဲလက်များ
  313. မျိုးဆက်-Generations
  314. လူငယ်များသမဂ္ဂ – ပုသိမ်
  315. လူငယ်များသမဂ္ဂ – ဗဟို
  316. 一般社団法人 ミャンマーグローバル支援財団 (MGSF)

***We have received overwhelming support for the statement. Below are list of additional organizations that have signed-on to the statement after its release

  1. Yangon People’s Strike
  2. Save Myanmar San Francisco

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