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Joint Statement by the Prime Ministers of New Zealand and Singapore

April 19th, 2022  •  Author:   New Zealand Government  •  2 minute read
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Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong hosted Prime Minister Rt Hon Jacinda Ardern on an Official Visit to Singapore on 19 April 2022. The Prime Ministers acknowledged the longstanding friendship and multi-faceted, wide-ranging cooperation between Singapore and New Zealand across many fields, in spite of the challenges presented by COVID-19.

16. The Prime Ministers shared their deep concerns regarding the situation in Myanmar following the 2021 military coup. Both Prime Ministers agreed that the Five-Point Consensus on Myanmar adopted at the ASEAN Leaders’ Meeting on 24 April 2021 should be fully implemented as soon as possible and reiterated calls for the violence to end, for inclusive dialogue between all parties in Myanmar, for the release of all political detainees including State Counsellor Aung San Suu Kyi, President Win Myint and foreign detainees, and for the Myanmar military authorities to avoid actions that would be inimical to eventual national reconciliation in Myanmar. They appreciated the constructive role played by ASEAN in facilitating a peaceful solution in the interest of the people of Myanmar. Singapore and New Zealand also remain committed to supporting ASEAN’s efforts in alleviating the humanitarian situation in Myanmar.

17. The Prime Ministers reiterated their support for multilateral and UN engagement on Myanmar including the work of the UN Special Envoy for the Secretary General and the Special Rapporteur on the human rights situation in Myanmar and called for UN representatives and agencies to be granted full access to Myanmar.

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