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We also have dreams

February 8th, 2022  •  Author:   Burma Human Rights Network  •  1 minute read
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Human rights and quality of life issues of the Rohingya refugee camps in Bangladesh.

“First-hand accounts from refugees about their greatest struggles in the world’s largest refugee camp.”

Executive Summary

  • From October 2020 to April of 2021 BHRN interviewed 29 refugees ages 14 to 60 from 10 different camps in Cox’s Bazar
  • Of those interviewed 68% were women
  • 93% of refugees said they did not receive enough food rations
  • 72% described their current safety situation negatively
  • 100% said violence is a problem in the camps
  • 81% said that criminal activity is a problem in the camps
  • Arson, kidnapping, trafficking, drugs, and fights were listed as the most common crimes
  • Trafficking of refugees from the camps to Malaysia and India were found to be an ongoing problem
  • Arson attacks in the camps were a major cause of concern for refugees that caused death,

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