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UNHCR deplores violent attack in Rohingya refugee camp

October 22nd, 2021  •  Author:   United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees  •  1 minute read
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This news comment is attributable to Johannes Van Der Klaauw, UNHCR Representative in Bangladesh.

UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, deplores a latest violent attack in the Rohingya refugee camps in Bangladesh. This incident, which took place in the early morning of 22 October, resulted in the death of at least seven refugees and an unspecified number of injured, including children. Those with injuries are currently receiving medical care.

We once again urge the Bangladesh authorities to take immediate measures to improve the security in the refugee camps. This includes the investigation, arrest and prosecution in accordance with the law of those responsible for instigating and committing these violent attacks.

Rohingya refugees fled to Bangladesh seeking safety and security from violence. A large majority – some 80 per cent —are women and children.

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