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Myanmar: Continued arbitrary detention of lawyers and defenders | Joint statement of LRWC and LSEW

July 7th, 2021  •  Author:   Lawyers' Rights Watch Canada and Law Society of England and Wales  •  3 minute read
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Full pdf statement
See the video of the full Interactive Dialogue with the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights at the UN Human Rights Council, 6 July and continued 7 July 2021.
Watch the LRWC vieo statement at  06:52

Organization: Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada
Item: Item 4: Interactive dialogue on the oral update of the High Commissioner on the situation of human rights in Myanmar (HRC res. 46/21)
Date: 6 July 2021
Speaker: Catherine Morris

Oral Statement to the 47th Session of the UN Human Rights Council from Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada (LRWC) and The Law Society, NGOs in Special Consultative Status

Mme President;

Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada and the Law Society of England and Wales thank the High Commissioner for her update. We deplore the junta’s continuing assault on the rule of law. The junta has extrajudicially killed hundreds of civilians[1] and arbitrarily detained more than 5,000,[2] including numerous lawyers,[3] journalists,[4] defenders, peaceful protestors, politicians, dissidents, and even children. An additional five lawyers have been arrested since May 24th, 2021. The junta routinely denies detained persons access to lawyers and fair trials. There are regular reports of torture of those in custody.

While the junta has announced the release of approximately 2,300 prisoners,[5] the junta’s relentless attacks on fundamental rights continue to demand urgent global action. We urge all Council members and observer States, including China, Russia, and ASEAN States, to take immediate action:

  • To call for immediate and unconditional release of all arbitrarily detained persons, including lawyers and defenders;
  • To support the work of the High Commissioner and Special Procedures towards the implementation of human rights and the rule of law in Myanmar; and
  • To urge the UN Security Council to apply a global arms embargo and other measures to prevent the junta from continuing its grave, systematic, and widespread violations of international human rights and humanitarian law.

Thank you.

Notes and references

[1] Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (AAPP), Daily Briefing, available at:


[2] Ibid.

[3] The AAPP lists the following lawyers currently detained (as of 5 July 2021):
·       Kyaw Hoe,
·       Myo Aung, Lwin
·       Aung (aka) Poet Nayi,
·       Naing Linn Zaw,
·       (Ms.) Tharaphi Win,
·       (Ms.) May Zun Ko (aka) May Win Ko,
·       Thet Ko,
·       Thein Hlaing Tun (aka) Daung Man Hone,
·       (Ms) Ayayar Lin Htut,
·       Thet Tun Oo,
·       Sein Mya Than,
·       (Ms) Ni Lar,
·       Bhone Myat Thu,
·       (Ms) Wai Wai Khaing.
For particulars of each lawyer see AAPP, 5 July 2021, available at: According to the FIDH, the five lawyers detained since 24 May 2021 are Thein Hlaing Tun, Ayeyar Lin Htut, Thet Htun Oo, Ni Lar, and Hpone Myat Thu. See FIDH, Myanmar: “Arbitrary detention of 5 lawyers, “16 June 2021, available at:; Burma: Myanmar: Security Forces Arrest Defense Lawyers, IAPL Monitoring Committee on Attacks on Lawyers, 2 July 2021, available at:; LRWC, “Myanmar: Lawyers detained, charged, and threatened after military coup,” Statement, 24 March 2021, available at: Update at AAPP at

[4] Grant Peck, “Myanmar court extends pretrial detention of U.S. journalist,” Associated Press, 1 July 2021, available at:

[5] Grant Peck, “Activists, journalists included in Myanmar prisoner release,” Associated Press,