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Update: Burma Army Drops Bombs on Villagers and FBR Teams Provide Food, Shelter and Medical Care to Families in Hiding

April 30th, 2021  •  Author:   Free Burma Rangers  •  3 minute read
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30 April, 2021

Dear friends,

Thank for your love and prayers and how you help us help others. You enable us to get rice and medical help to the displaced and also tarps to those in hiding, even as the Burma Army continues to drop bombs and target villages and civilian farms. Below are details of the most recent airstrikes as well as details of a rice and tarp distribution the Ranger teams did for people in hiding. Also below are photos and video of people in hiding and Rangers providing medical care.

Villagers hiding from Burma Army airstrikes.

Rangers giving assistance.

for VIDEO press here.

April 28 – Six Airstrikes:

10:08 local time: Two jet fighters dropped two bombs in Koh Lo Kyo and Wa Baw Kyo, Dagwin area.

10:10: Jets dropped two bombs and shot machine guns in the Dagwin area.

10:38: An attack helicopter shot three missiles in Mae Ta Ri Klo, Dagwin area.

13:10: Jet fighter dropped four bombs, two landed in Wa Ka Kyo, two landed in Ko Law Hta, Dagwin area.

16:10: Two fighter jets dropped five bombs in Dagwin area. Three attack helicopters flew recon in Kaw Pu area east of Papun and west of the Salween River.

No casualties reported.

The FBR teams are responding by providing medical care, food and shelter to people displaced by these attacks.

One of our teams just sent us this report with photos below on a tarp and rice distribution to a group of displaced people in the Day Pu No area of Papun District, Karen State, which was recently bombed by the Burma Army.

Tarp distribution

On April 4 and 5 our team distributed 96 tarps to IDPs around the Day Pu No area, to 82 families, 1100 people.

Rice distribution

On April 12, Day Pu No area:

1)   Law Kaw Wah Village – 10 bags

2)   Htee Poe Hta Village – 10 bags

3)   Lah Bo Village – 13 bags

4)   Ta May Hta Village – 5 bags

5)   Kler Kee/Paw Say Village – 10 bags

6)   Kee Doh’s wife – 1 bag

Total: 49 bags

On April 13, Day Pu No area

1)   Htee Shweh Ni Village – 7 bags

2)   Thay Ka Hta/ Kaw K’Pru – 1 bag

3)   Kyauk Ka/Klo Baw Hta – 7 bags

4)   Lay Pu Der – 9 bags

Total: 24 bags

On April 14, Day Pu No area

1)   Hsa Law Pu village – 8 bags

2)   Thay Ka Hta/Haw Pwee – 4.5 bags

Total: 12.5 bags

All total: 85.5 bags

Villagers receive rice and tarps from FBR teams. 

Villagers in hiding from air strikes.

View the original.