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BHRN Welcomes Canada and Netherlands in Joining ICC Case Against Burma

September 4th, 2020  •  Author:   Burma Human Rights Network  •  3 minute read
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London, U.K. — Burma Human Rights Network strongly welcomes the intervention by Canada and the Netherlands in the genocide case against Burma at the International Court of Justice. The case was brought to the ICJ last year by the Gambia. The two joining nations have said they will aid in the legal complexities of the case with an emphasis on gender-based violence and rape.

“The involvement of Canada and the Netherlands is a tremendous example for the rest of the world of how to stand on the right side of history. The additional resources and expertise will be invaluable in prosecuting the case that genocide was committed against the Rohingya, along with several other crimes against humanity. We urge all nations to follow the example of these two nations and help ensure that justice can finally be brought for the Rohingya,” Said BHRN’s Executive Director, Kyaw Win.

The case comes following Burmese military operations in 2016 and 2017 which displaced nearly a million Rohingya from the country. Survivors of the operations have told of mass killings of civilians, gang rapes, and widespread arson and destruction of property. Satellite, forensic, and medical evidence have all corroborated these claims.>

While we welcome Canada and the Netherlands help in the ICJ case we must acknowledge that more work is needed. According to UN Fact Finding Mission there are nearly 600,000 Rohingya in Burma living under the on-going genocide. Restrictions on freedom of movement, deprivation of education, inadequate healthcare, lack of employment, malnutrition and higher child morbidity amounts to destroying the community as a whole. The stripping of citizenship and disenfranchisement from the upcoming general election are serious breaches of the birth rights of the Rohingya people. Their human rights cannot be restored unless the international community is determined to achieve justice for the Rohingya people. For the Rohingya, justice delayed is truly justice denied.

BHRN calls on all nations to join Canada and the Netherlands in helping the Gambia in their case. The US, UK, and ASEAN nations in particular should play a significant role in seeking justice for the minority and ensuring that the crimes of the Burmese military are not unpunished nor forgotten.

Background on the Burma Human Rights Network (BHRN)

BHRN is based in London and operates across Burma/Myanmar working for human rights, minority rights and religious freedom in the country. BHRN has played a crucial role in advocating for human rights and religious freedom with politicians and world leaders.

Media Enquiries
Please contact:

Kyaw Win
Executive Director
Burma Human Rights Network (BHRN)
E: [email protected]
T: +44(0) 740 345 2378

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