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Report on the Human Rights Situation in Burma ( January – December 2017)

March 30th, 2018  •  Author:   Network for Human Rights Documentation - Burma  •  2 minute read
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Executive Summary

● ND-Burma documented 50 human rights violations in 2017. 39 violations took place in 2017, 6 in 2016, 4 in 2015, and 1 in 2014.

● The most common human rights violation recorded was torture (24 cases), followed by extrajudicial killing (11 cases), and arbitrary arrest (7 cases).

● The majority of human rights violations continue to take place in Shan State, with 42 cases (84%) being recorded in the Region. 5 took place in Kachin State, 2 in Rangoon, and 1 in Irrawaddy Region. Both Shan and Kachin states are active conflict regions.

● The majority of human rights violations were committed by state security forces, with 36 cases (72%) being ascribed to the military, police, and militias. 6 were ascribed to ethnic armed organisations (12%), 5 to unknown perpetrators (10%), and 3 to civilians (6%).

● Impunity continues to be the norm, with none of the victims in the cases documented seeing justice for what they have suffered. Perpetrators continue to block legal investigations and informal truth-seeking through threats and intimidation.

● The drop in human rights violations recorded since our 2016 report should not be read as an actual reduction in the number of abuses but as a consequence of increased access restrictions and security concerns. As well as the ongoing conflict in Shan and Kachin states, 2017 has seen the world’s fastest growing refugee crisis as a result of military violence in northern Rakhine State.


Download full report in English HERE.

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