Press Release 350 Views

Still to uncover more mass graves; U.N. investigation into “genocide’ in Northern Rakhine State most urgent

January 12th, 2018  •  Author:   Arakan Rohingya National Organisation  •  2 minute read

Crimes against humanity and genocide have been committed against Rohingya population in Myanmar, with full impunity and knowledge of the government, with intent to destroy this ethnic community from their ancestral homeland of Arakan/Rakhine State.

Wholesale destruction of life, property and villages; widespread killing of women, men and children; rape, extermination, enslavement, enforced disappearance, expulsion and other inhuman acts are committed against the Rohingya civilians forcing some 670,000 survivors to take refuge in neighbouring Bangladesh since 26 August 2017. We appreciate that Bangladesh has shown to the world unparalleled humanitarian gesture by stepping up and taking on huge burden.

Despite satellite images, prima facie and sufficient evidence of mass atrocity crimes against Rohingya exists, the Myanmar government and its military have insisted that there was no wrongdoing by any security forces, and stubbornly refuse to allow UN Fact-Finding Mission into Northern Arakan.

However, for the first time on 10th January, the Myanmar’s military has admitted that the security forces and Buddhist Rakhine vigilantes summarily executed the 10 captured Rohingya villagers and buried them in a mass grave on the fringe of Indin village of Maungdaw, in northern Arakan/Rakhine State.

But this is just a revelation of more such mass graves, summary execution and other mass atrocity crimes committed by the Myanmar security forces in the Northern Arakan, which warrants immediate investigation by an independent UN Commission of Inquiry in the interest of justice, peace and security.

Once again we demand that Myanmar government, in the first instance, allow the already formed UN Fact-Finding Mission without further theft of time. We also urge upon the UN, OIC, EU, ASEAN, Myanmar’s neighbours and powerful countries to take effective measure to bring the perpetrators to book.

For more details, please contact:
Australia: Dr. Hla Myint + 61-423381904
Bangladesh: Ko Ko Linn: + 880-1726068413
Canada: Nur Hasim +1-519-5725359
Japan: Zaw Min Htut + 81-8030835327
U.K. Ronnie: +44-7783118354
U.S.A: Dr. Habibullah: +1-4438158609

Email: [email protected]

View the original press release HERE.