Press Release 423 Views

Declaration by the High Representative on behalf of the European Union on Myanmar/Burma

November 20th, 2017  •  Author:   Council of the European Union  •  1 minute read
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The European Union remains a strong and committed supporter of Myanmar/Burma’s democratic transition.

The humanitarian and human rights situation in Rakhine State remains extremely serious. The EU reiterates its call for the immediate end of all violence and the establishment of non-discriminatory rule of law and civilian administration in Rakhine State. The restoration of humanitarian access for the United Nations and international aid agencies is critical. Conditions for voluntary, safe and dignified return to their places of origin have to be put in place.

Recalling Council conclusions on Myanmar/Burma of 16 October 2017, the European Union calls on the Government of Myanmar/Burma to ensure accountability for those responsible for committing atrocities.

In the context of the 13th ASEM Foreign Ministers meeting in Nay Pyi Taw on 20-21 November 2017, the European Union welcomes the way forward outlined by State Counsellor Aung San Suu Kyi, starting by swiftly finalising a bilateral agreement with Bangladesh on return, and proceeding with implementing recommendations of the Advisory Commission on Rakhine State.

View the original press release HERE.