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Ambassador Haley Delivers Remarks at Today’s UN Security Council Meeting on Burma

September 28th, 2017  •  Author:   Ambassador Nikki Haley , U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations  •  2 minute read

Ambassador Nikki Haley, U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations, delivered remarks at a UN Security Council meeting this afternoon on the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Burma’s Rakhine State and the risk that violence against Rohingya and other minority ‎communities poses to Burma’s democratic transition.

“We cannot be afraid to call the actions of the Burmese authorities what they appear to be: a brutal, sustained campaign to cleanse the country of an ethnic minority. And it should shame senior Burmese leaders who have sacrificed so much for an open, democratic Burma.”

“The time for well-meaning, diplomatic words in this Council has passed. We must now consider action against Burmese security forces who are implicated in abuses and stoking hatred among their fellow citizens.”

“I would like to speak directly to the Burmese people. I would like to appeal to the goodness and hope for the future that exits in the hearts of the overwhelming majority of you. So many of you have sacrificed so much for a better country. I know you are sickened by the images of violence coming from Burma and being seen by the world. But the goal of an open and democratic Burma is still possible. Hold fast to that vision. Don’t give up on it. And don’t be satisfied with leaders who give up on it either. Every Burmese man, woman and child is a child of God with equal moral standing. Stay strong in this belief and you will have the future you have dreamed of – the future you deserve.”

View full transcript of remarks HERE.