Press Release 326 Views

Voices and Concerns of Refugees and Internationally Displaced Peoples Are Being Neglected, says Karen Peace Support Network

June 17th, 2017  •  Author:   Karen Peace Support Network  •  2 minute read

Yangon (17 June 2017) – The refugee and internationally displaced peoples from Myanmar return process is proceeding with momentum but the voices and concerns of beneficiary groups are being discarded, and it will bring a tragedy for them, states KSPN the biggest Network of Karen civil society organizations.

WHAT: Karen Peace Support Network press release
WHERE: 6th Floor, Orchid Hotel, No.91, Anawrahta Rd, Pazundaung Tsp, Yangon, Myanmar.
WHEN: Tuesday, June 20, 2017; 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM

Karen Peace Support Network (KPSN), the largest network of Karen civil society groups, is calling on the government, UN agencies and international actors to carefully consider the voices and listen to the concerns of Karen refugees and IDPs living in camps along the borderline of south-east Myanmar, who fear their rights and dignity are at risk.

The population of refugee in south-east Myanmar and in Thailand is estimated to be up to one hundred thousand and, around two hundreds thousands IDPs. this significant population of people directly affected by the conflict is facing cuts to their aid and support, effectively forcing them into a return and repatriation process they are not ready for.

Land mines, Burmese military intrusion to their villages and land confiscation are major challenges for refugee and IDPs populations to return. It is unfortunate that the voices and concerns of the most vulnerable, refugees and IDPs, are the most neglected during peace process, as there is little avenue for community engagement in the peace process.

The dilemma currently facing refugees and IDPs is how they can returns to their home when they are neglected from discussion and excluded from decision making? If, refugee and IDPs are made to return while there is still much fear and while they are unready, their rights, dignity and future will vanish. They seek to be respected and for their conditions of return to be upheld, for the removal of all landmines and the withdrawal of military camps from their villages.

“Preparing for IDPs and refugee reparation is appropriate and essential task, but on the other hands, if their voices and concerns are being neglected, it will only result to negative future,” says KPSN.

Download the press release in English HERE.