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Burma Army Offensive in Waingmaw Township Continues

October 4th, 2016  •  Author:   Free Burma Rangers  •  7 minute read
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September Clash Account (Kachin State and Northern Shan State)

Clashes – 61

Burma Army Jet (Attack) – 2

Burma Army Jet (Recon) – 13

Burma Army Helo (Attack) – 3

Burma Army Helo (Recon) – 5

Burma Army Killed – 12

Burma Army Wounded – 10

Kachin Independence Army Tortured – 2

Kachin Independence Army Killed – 3

Kachin Independence Army Injured – 16

Ta’ang National Liberation Front Killed – 1

***The figures above are limited to reports from FBR teams and do not represent the totality of military battles, supply, or human rights abuses perpetrated by the Burma Army.


Message from Free Burma Rangers Leadership:

If Burma (Myanmar) is now a democracy, why is the army still attacking the people?

There was a relatively free and fair election that resulted in the pro-democratic National League for Democracy (NLD), led by Aung San Suu Kyi winning in a landslide. However, underneath this layer of a democratically elected government is a deep layer of continuing military authority. The NLD leads the government but they do not control the military. This is one of the reasons why Aung San Suu Kyi and NLD have not been able to stop the Burma Army from their continued attacks against ethnic peoples.

The military runs the Ministry of Defense, Home Affairs and Border Affairs. They also have an automatic 25% of seats in Parliament and control much of the economy in Burma. While there are many positive changes in Burma, and hope for more change, the military still calls their own shots and still shoots.

Thank you for praying with us for freedom, justice and reconciliation for all people in Burma.

God bless you, Dave, family and all of FBR


Burma Army Attack Against Kachin Independence Army Post

At 0645 on 15 September the Burma Army fired four mortar rounds at Nawhpyu Post from their Hkaya Bum position near Laiza, Waingmaw Township. The rounds struck around the post while KIA soldiers were preparing their breakfast in the post kitchen. One round did not explode and one round landed beyond the post. One round landed in front of the post. The last round landed near the post kitchen, injuring five KIA soldiers. The injuries sustained by the mortar blast range from shrapnel taken beneath, above, and in the soldier’s eyes. Other soldiers were hit on their hands, abdomens and on their backs.

Burma Army OFFENSIVE against Nhkram Gidawn Post and Lai Hpawng Post (Waingmaw Township)

This recent offensive by the Burma Army against Nhkram Gidawn Post and Lai Hpawng Post comes whilst Burma’s political elite are hosting the Panglong Peace Conference. During that conference the Burma Army has launched a military offensive against Kachin Independence Army (KIA) Nhkram Gidawn Post and Lai Hpawng Post. The strategic significance of the two posts comes from the ability to shell toward neighboring Laisin Hill and other posts in the vicinity. The post in on the high ground which offers any group who controls it a strategic advantage in the area. Free Burma Rangers in the area added that the Burma Army indiscriminately shells civilian residential areas around the posts.

Field Updates

29 September – Burma Army Northern Command forces militia to fight

  • At 1435 on 29 September Burma Army troops fired three 81mm shells toward Nkhram Gidawn Post.
  • At 1448 Burma Army troops assaulted KIA Gidawn Post from the West side.
  • Burma Army Northern Command Commander ordered Da Law P.T.T.s to conduct a combined attack on KIA Lai Hpawng Post and Gidawn Post. The orders stated ‘if you are not involved in the attack on KIA posts, we will cancel your salary and budget, and take action too’.

28 September – Burma Army Combined Assault

  • At 0730 on 28 September KIA soldiers from No. 252 Mobile Battalion defended Gidawn Post from an advance of the combined forces of Burma Army Light Infantry Battalions (LIB) 381, 382, 383, 384. The Burma Army advanced with mortar support.
  • At 1100-1230 the Burma Army attacked and fighting stalled. Two Burma Army jets flew overhead but were unable to strike due to weather conditions.
  • At 1520 the Burma Army attacked again until 1740, when they retreated.

27 September – Indirect Mortar Fire

  • Between 1400-1700 on 27 September Burma Army troops fired 10 mortar shells from Lapai Kan and four mortar shells from Nhkram toward the side of Gidawn Hill.

25 September – KIA Counter Attack

  • At 1200 on 24 Sepember KIA soldiers from No.252 Mobile Battalion attacked Burma Army soldiers arriving near Gidawn Post, the fighting lasted about 15 minutes.

23 September – Burma Army Helicopter and Jet Attack

  • At 1600 one jet fighter and one helicopter struck KIA Lai Hprawng Post.
  • At 1504 one helicopter struck KIA Gidawn Post.
  • At 1435 a combined force of Burma Army attacked the post from the Dingga side.
  • At 1355 one jet fighter and one helicopter struck KIA Lai Hprawng Post.
  • At 1225 Burma Army shelled Lai Hpawng area from Gang Dau Yang with one 105mm artillery round.
  • At 1234 Burma Army shelled the area again with two 105mm artillery rounds.

22 September – Burma Army Maintaining Pressure against Khkram Gidawn Post

  • On 22 September Burma Army troops fired fourteen 105mm shells from Gang Dau Yang base between 1542-1655 and 5 120mm shells from Mali Yang at 1550 toward Nhkram. After mortar shelling, the Burma Army fired small arms from all of their positions surrounding Nhkram Gidawn Post.

21 September – Burma Army Reinforces and encloses KIA position

  • On 21 September between 0730-1240 a combined assault of Burma Army units raided KIA Gidawn Post two times.
  • At 1230 another Burma Army column advanced to where water is fetched and where KIA soldiers could push back at Nhkram Gidawn Post.
  • At 0935 Burma Army shelled mortars from Ding Ga, Kagam toward Lai Hpawng. A combined force of Burma Army and Ta La P.T.Ts numbering about 200 troops were deployed to Lai Hpawng.

20 September – Burma Army continues month long push against posts

  • On 20 September between 1720-1850 a KIA Sergeant Major Maraw fought to his death against the Burma Army. KIA Lt. Shawng was injured and L/Corpl Lang and three others were missing in the Gidawn clashes.
  • At 1720 KIA soldiers came to fire one RPG projectile at Burma Army Infantry Battalion (IB) 121. The Burma Army reacted with small arms fire in all directions, which lasted 30 minutes.

Hpakant Township

On 23 September at 1030 Shanni P.T.Ts (Burma Army-allied militia) leader Myo Min Tun from Nam Ya was shot 4 time from a pistol by two unknown persons. The victim is now at Mogoung hospital. Following this incident 30 Kachin youths from Nam Ya village have been detained and kept in Nam Ya Monastery. Two Shanni P.T.Ts leaders from Kamaing village ordered their subordinates to secretly kill and bury any one or two people if they are seen in the jungle, in Hpakant township, KIA No.6 Battalion under No.2 Brigade.


Northern Shan State

Kutkai Township – KIA No. 17 Headquarters Overrun

On 21 September at 0600 Burma Army troops of Infantry Battalion (IB) 291 raided KIA No.17 Battalion Headquarters from three sides – one group from Nam Jarap, one group from Jan Yang and another group from Gat Shang – resulting in the KIA soldiers decamping from the base in Kuthkai township in KIA No.4 Brigade area.

On 20 September at 1000 KIA soldiers from No.17 Battalion defended Gat Shang Post from a raid of an estimated 100 Burma Army troops from IB 291 coming from Pang Hak. Gat Shang Post is 1,200 meters distance from KIA No.17 Battalion Headquarters. The fighting lasted about 30 minutes. The post was decamped in Kuthkai township in KIA No.4 Brigade area.