The Launch of a New Report, “There Is No One Who Does Not Miss Home: A Report on Protracted Displacement Due to Armed Conflict in Burma/Myanmar”

June 14th, 2019  •  Author:   15 Civil Soceity Organizations , Progressive Voice  •  3 minute read
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14 June 2019

As we mark World Refugee Day on 20 June, 2019 it is more important than ever for the refugees and internally displaced persons (IDPs) of Myanmar to be recognized as equal citizens, adequately consulted and be able to meaningfully participate in all decision-making processes concerning their future to ensure that they are not further marginalized.

15 civil society organizations working with displaced Karen, Karenni, Mon, Ta’ang, Pa-Oh, Kachin and Shan refugee communities will be launching a new report, “There Is No One Who Does Not Miss Home: A Report on Protracted Displacement Due to Armed Conflict in Burma/Myanmar,” which focus on refugees and IDPs living in protracted displacement due to armed conflict and related human rights violations in Burma/Myanmar. The report documents the devastating impact of the decades-long armed conflict and systematic persecution and oppression of ethnic communities, and reflects key concerns and pressing needs of the displaced, including concerns surrounding reduction in humanitarian support and cross border aid. The report also highlights current challenges to their safe, dignified, sustainable and voluntary return such as security, housing land and property restitution, as well as health and education. This report aims to ensure that the concerns, needs, and perspectives of refugees and IDPs are addressed in the context of Burma/Myanmar’s transition process and the ongoing peace process, while offering recommendations to the Burma/Myanmar government, the international community and other stakeholders to ensure the full and meaningful participation of displaced populations in the decision making level of all policy process which affect them.

The report will be available in both English and Burmese. The event will be held in Burmese language and simultaneous interpretation in English will be provided to those who do not speak Burmese. In addition to the launch of the report, a short animation film highlighting the cycle of conflict related displacement and the concerns of IDPs and refugees based on the findings of the report will be screening at the launch.

Where: BEST WESTERN Green Hill Hotel; 12 Pho Sein Road, Tamwe Township, Yangon

When: 20 June, 2019 at 10:00 (Yangon Time)

The report is jointly produced by:

1.Human Rights Foundation of Monland (HURFOM)

2.Karen Student Network Group (KSNG)

3.Karen Human Rights Group (KHRG)

4.Karen Refugee Committee (KRC)

5.Karen Women’s Organization (KWO)

6.Karenni Refugee Committee (KnRC)

7.Karenni Legal and Human Rights Center (KnLHRC)

8.Karenni Education Department (KnED)

9.Karenni National Women’s Organization (KnWO)

10.Karenni Social Welfare and Development Center (KSWDC)

11.Koung Jor Shan Refugee Camp (KJSRC)

12.Kachin Women’s Association Thailand (KWAT)

13.Pa-Oh Health Working Committee (PHWC)

14.Progressive Voice (PV)

15.Ta’ang Women’s Organization (TWO)

For more information, please contact:

  • Aung Khaing Min, Executive Director, Progressive Voice

+95 (0) 9261009995, [email protected] (English/Burmese)

  • Lah Eh Doh, Research Officer, Progressive Voice

+95 (0) 09797928007, [email protected] (English/Burmese)

Download media advisory here.

For Burmese version media advisory here.