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Attacks on Health Care in Myanmar

May 5th, 2024  •  Author:   Insecurity Insight  •  4 minute read
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Insecurity Insight identified 102 attacks on Myanmar’s health care system between 01 January-16 April 2024.
Over three-quarters of incidents took place at health facilities and often involved airstrikes, artillery strikes, missiles and rockets damaging facilities. In one incident on 14 April, a rural health centre, a school, and a civilian house were damaged by bombs dropped from Myanmar military aircrafts in Magway region.

In other cases, health facilities were used for military operations, including one incident on 05 March where a township hospital was occupied by around 100 Myanmar military soldiers in Rakhine state.

Documented incidents

21 April 2024: In Yan Ta Po village and village tract, Myingyan township and district, Mandalay region, a local clinic and at least 150 houses were torched by the Myanmar military during a two-day raid of five villages in the township. Sources: Mandalay Free Press and Myaelatt Athan

As reported on 22 April 2024: In South Okkalapa township, Thingangkyun district, Yangon metropolitan area, Yangon region, a private hospital was ordered to close for two months starting from 01 May, for employing CDM-affiliated doctors. The hospital management team mentioned that the temporary closure was for renovation. Sources: Ayeyarwaddy Times and Khit Thit Media

22 April 2024: In Momauk township, Bhamo district, Kachin state, a township hospital eand a school were occupied by the Myanmar military following armed clashes between the Myanmar military and a joint force of an ethnic armed group Kachin Independence Army and People’s Defence Force in the area. Source: The 74 Media

24 April 2024: In Kan Ni village and village tract, Tigyaing township, Katha district, Kachin state, a rural health centre and seven market stalls were burnt in airstrikes (machine guns and bombs from a fighter jet) by the Myanmar military. Sources: Khit Thit Media, Mandalay Free Press and  Radio Free Asia

24 April 2024: In Myitkyina town, township, and district, Kachin state, a male medical doctor and four prison officers were arrested by the junta on accusations of being responsible for the deaths and injuries of inmates during a prison riot on 18 April; at least four inmates were killed and 30 injured in the violent crackdown by the junta police and soldiers. The doctor was in government service and was not affiliated with CDM. Sources: Democratic Voice of Burma and Than Lwin Times

25 April 2024: In Vawmm’tu village and village tract, Mindat township and district, Chin state, a station hospital was destroyed by bombs dropped by the Myanmar military air forces. The hospital buildings, an operation theatre, a pharmaceutical warehouse, ambulances, and staff houses caught fire. The total loss was around 250,000 USD. At least five in-patients were killed and 30 people were injured in the attack. After the 2021 military coup, the hospital was upgraded and operated by CDM-affiliated health workers offering services beyond secondary-level. This hospital was occupied and ransacked by the Myanmar military on 23 August 2021, was hit with artillery on 20 December 2021, and was occupied and ransacked again in February 2022. Sources: Democratic Voice of Burma, Khonumthung Burmese, Myanmar Now, Radio Free Asia, and  Shwe Phee Myay News Agency

25 April 2024: In Mawlamyine town, township, and district, Mon state, a private hospital was ordered to close for three months, starting from 01 May 2024, for employing CDM-affiliated health workers. Source: Democratic Voice of Burma

28 April 2024: In Lun Don village and village tract, Kanpetlet township, Mindat district, a sub-rural health centre and at least three houses were damaged by bombs dropped by the Myanmar military air forces. The health facility was not functioning at the time of the attack. Sources: Ayeyarwaddy Times, and The Mindat Post

28 April 2024: In Vawmm’tu village and village tract, Mindat township and district, Chin state, a station hospital was air bombed again by the Myanmar military. There were no casualties since people had been evacuated from the area after the attack on 25 April 2024. Sources: Myanmar Pressphoto Agency, Tachileik News Agency, and VOA Burmese

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