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Emergency Notice to the public regarding Rule of Law Action Plan

September 4th, 2024  •  Author:   Interim Executive Council of Karenni State  •  3 minute read
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Interim Executive Council of Karenni State
Statement ( 3/2024)
September 4, 2024

Emergency Notice to the public regarding Rule of Law Action Plan

To ensure a safe social life and right to live in equality in Karenni state during the revolution, the Interim Executive Council of Karenni State (IEC) informs all the Karenni people that we will work with the Karenni Revolutionary Coalition Forces (Military Command) to establish and implement a “Rule of Law Action Plan”.  It is necessary for the public to fully cooperate in the implementation of law and order in Karenni state. The public is warned to avoid activities that are particularly prohibited.

Currently, there are many socio-economic difficulties among the people, and they are struggling to survive. Despite such difficulties and challenges, we have seen a rise in serious crimes and inhumane crimes which cause more crisis to the public and weaken the revolution. There are direct but indirect effects to the people due to the weaknesses of the rule of law on the ground. Accordingly, we have adopted the “Rule of Law Action Plan” with the aim of strengthening the rule of law, stability and revolution.

Therefore, the public and all administrative officials must work together and cooperate in this Action Plan. Individuals, entrepreneurs or associations who do not comply with the prohibitions of the Action Plan, will be dealt with effectively in accordance with the law, and if necessary, special operations to combat crime will be implemented.

Issues that will be specifically prohibited

  1. Narcotic and psychoactive substances which will be specifically prohibited
    • Ya Ba pills which are a mixture of Methamphetamine and caffeine.
    • Ice (Crystal methamphetamine)
    • Heroin
  2. Activities that are not in line with the revolution and social ethics, which will be specifically prohibited
    • Operating adult entertainment activities.
    • Unauthorized trading of arms and ammunitions.
    • Use of prohibited narcotics and substances.
    • Noise nuisance, flashing lights or strobes, spreading misinformation and disinformation which affect the public and the revolution.
    • Acts of sexual violence against women and acts that provoke extremist violence.
    • Collecting and providing intelligence for the illegitimate military.
  3. Illegal possession of weapons by non-members of the armed forces, and trade in arms and ammunition, which will be specifically prohibited.
    • Automatic and semi (automatic) guns.
    • Weapons which are traded without approval of the Military Command (Defense).
    • Various ammunition that are sold, bought or collected by smuggling.
    • Carrying weapons without the permission from the armed forces.

Note: Interim Executive Council of Karenni State, Karenni Revolutionary Coalition Forces (Military Command) and respective Township Interim Executive Council/Committee will negotiate to ensure that mapping, registration, carrying of firearms and ammunition will be conducted with supervision regarding pistols, hammer guns, traditional Tomi handmade hunting rifles, air guns and handmade air guns carried in the community.

4. On ground and online gambling activities

    • On ground casinos or gambling dens.
    • Gambling businesses commercially operating Online gambling games such as Slot games, Fish shooting table Game, Shan Koe Mee card games, card games, Running buffalo betting game, Cockfighting betting game etc.

Regarding the “Rule of Law Action Plan”, there will be a period of public awareness campaign from September 4, 2024, when this notice is issued till September 24, 2024. At the end of the awareness period, from September 25, 2024, Interim Executive Council of Karenni State (IEC) and Karenni Revolutionary Coalition Forces (Military Command) will form a Rule of Law Task Force and Special Forces according to the provisions of the notice and will give them the instructions and the mandate to address these issues effectively.

Interim Executive Council (IEC)

Karenni State

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