Statement 381 Views

Adoption of the consensus resolution on the situation of human rights in Myanmar

April 8th, 2024  •  Author:   National Unity Government (Ministry of Human Rights)  •  2 minute read
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8 April 2024

The Republic of the Union of Myanmar, as represented by the National Unity Government, welcomes the Human Rights Council’s adoption by consensus of the resolution on the situation of human rights in Myanmar on 4 April 2024. Myanmar extends its deep appreciation to the European Union as pen holder and to all cosponsors.

The resolution contains strong new elements. This includes a call on States to refrain from exporting, selling or transferring jet fuel to the military junta given its escalating campaign of aerial attacks against civilians.

The new text also condemns the military junta’s grave violations and abuses against the Rohingya and other persons belonging to ethnic and religious minorities, its deliberate obstruction of humanitarian access to Rakhine State in the aftermath of Cyclone Mocha, its egregious plans to forcibly conscript young Myanmar women and men, and its harassment and targeting of Myanmar citizens abroad.

Myanmar welcomes the Human Rights Council’s recognition of ASEAN’s role in facilitating constructive and inclusive dialogue among all parties in Myanmar, including the National Unity Government, ethnic organizations and broader civil society, and in the provision of humanitarian assistance to all in need. This should see direct ASEAN engagement with the National Unity Government and its ethnic and civil society partners who are building a fully democratic and inclusive federal union, and in the urgent delivery of desperately needed humanitarian assistance including through cross-border channels.

Myanmar also welcomes the resolution’s extension of the mandate of the Special Rapporteur on Myanmar, and its call for a more active UN role in Myanmar including greater coherence and efficiency on the ground and continued action to hold the military accountable for its crimes.

Myanmar looks forward to contributing to the OHCHR report mandated by the Council. The High Commissioner has been asked to prepare a comprehensive report on ‘pathways to fulfil the aspirations of the people of Myanmar for human rights protection, accountability, democracy and a civilian govemment’. Myanmar remains firmly committed to securing accountability through international courts and national jurisdictions and to exploring fresh ways to deliver justice and reparations, including through the creation of a special tribunal.

Ministry of Human Rights
National Unity Government

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