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Toothless UN Security Council Response to Myanmar Junta Violence Not Enough

February 7th, 2024  •  Author:   Special Advisory Council for Myanmar  •  1 minute read
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7 February 2024: Comments from SAC-M’s founding members in response to the joint statement issued by nine members of the United Nations Security Council ahead of a closed-door Council meeting on the situation in Myanmar on Monday, 5 February 2024:

Yanghee Lee: “The UN Security Council has abjectly failed to enforce its Resolution 2669 (December 2022) on Myanmar, which demanded an immediate end to all forms of violence. Instead, the Council holds closed-door meetings and issues mere statements, while the military junta drops bombs on refugee schools and its supporters burn people alive for supporting the resistance.”

Marzuki Darusman: “The crisis in Myanmar is escalating rapidly and the Myanmar people urgently need support and protection from the UN Security Council. It is simply not good enough for the Security Council to issue toothless statements and defer to an even more toothless ASEAN. The junta must face justice for its deplorable acts.”

Chris Sidoti: “The UN Security Council should have referred the situation in Myanmar to the International Criminal Court (ICC) long ago. If it can’t, or won’t, then others must act to finally bring the perpetrators of grave international crimes in Myanmar to justice through the ICC or a special tribunal.”

Original post.