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Statement On Death of School Children by Terrorist Military Council’s Attack of Schools in Demoso

February 6th, 2024  •  Author:   National Unity Government of Myanmar  •  3 minute read
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The Republic of the Union of Myanmar

National Unity Government

Statement On Death of School Children by Terrorist Military Council’s Attack of Schools in Demoso

6 February 2024

On February 5, 2024, at around 10:15 am, the terrorist Myanmar military council bombed two school buildings in Daw See Ei Village, west of Demoso Township, Karenni State(Kayah State), while the children were studying. Four children and one civilian were killed, and ten children were injured. They also bombed Loi Nan Hpa village, which is about one and a half miles away from Daw See Ei village, with a jet fighter and opened fire with heavy weapons, causing an explosion near the high school building leading to the death of a local mill owner and the damage of 6 school buildings, a church, 5 houses, a car, and motorcycles. Two schoolteachers and five residents were left injured. It is a deliberate act of targeting children as the school was reportedly scouted by drones prior to the attack and bombed intentionally after knowing that there were children at the school.
During the last three years of Spring Revolution, the terrorist Myanmar military council bombed the schools where the children were studying and shot the children using helicopters and large weapons. A total of 52 schools were damaged by air strikes and 199 schools were damaged due to other reasons by far. Among these incidents, the shooting of Leyet Kone Village in Debeyin Township and the shooting of Joe Taung Village in Wuntho Township saw many injured children. There have been more than 630 children under the age of 18 who have been killed by the terrorist Myanmar military council over the last three years.
Targeting schools and religious buildings and killing of children are inhumane act and Myanmar military council is blatantly committing a brutal war crime. The international community has an obligation to strengthen the mechanism to claim justice for the violation of children’s right to education and for war crimes that brutally attack schools.
The National Unity Government strongly condemn the terrorist Myanmar military council’s attack on schools and religious buildings and the intentional killing of children and that all those responsible for these acts, including terrorist military leaders, those who supported or personally involved in carrying out missions will be prosecuted by domestic judicial system and also in international courts. We are committed to be working relentlessly together with all the revolutionary forces to claim justice for every affected civilian.
National Unity Government

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