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United States Imposes Additional Sanctions on Jet Fuel Suppliers and Military Cronies to Address Burma Military Regime’s Atrocities

March 24th, 2023  •  Author:   U.S. Department of State  •  1 minute read
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MARCH 24, 2023

The United States continues to promote accountability for the Burmese military regime’s assault on the democratic aspirations of the people of Burma.  Today we are designating two individuals and six entities.  The regime continues to inflict pain and suffering on the people of Burma.

The U.S. Department of the Treasury is imposing sanctions on Tun Min Latt and his spouse Win Min Soe, as well as three entities owned or controlled by Tun Min Latt.

Additionally, Treasury is issuing a Sanctions Alert on Burma jet fuel to inform individuals, businesses, and other persons of the sanctions risks associated with the provision of jet fuel to Burma’s military regime.

The actions we are taking today further align with those taken by Canada, the European Union, and the United Kingdom.  The United States is committed to supporting the people of Burma and will continue to take actions to deny the regime the resources it uses to commit these atrocities.

For more information about these Treasury designations, please see Treasury’s press release.

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Press Release from United States Department of the Treasury