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Can Intergroup Conflicts Have Impacts On Efforts To Build Up The Federal Democratic Union? – Issue 91

February 11th, 2023  •  Author:   Myanmar Peace Monitor  •  2 minute read
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As a result of the coup attempt on 1 February, 2021, the over-70-year-long civil war became wider and has spread to the whole country. The clashes between the military council troops and more than 20 Ethnic Revolutionary Organizations (EROs) such as the Karen National Union/Karen National Liberation Army (KNU/KNLA), the Kachin Independence Organization/Kachin Independence Army (KIO/KIA), the Karenni National Progressive Party/ Karenni Army (KNPP/KA) and the Shan State Progressive Party/Shan State Army (SSPP/ SSA) were reported only in the territories where the EROs are active. Like the EROs, hundreds of the People’s Defense Forces/ Local Defense Forces (PDFs/LDFs) which have been making armed resistance against the military council troops have emerged across the country during the period of coup attempt led by Senior General Min Aung Hlaing. The civil war continuesto intensify not only in urban areas but also in rural areas every day. There are frequent battles between the forces of Spring Revolution (EROs and PDFs/LDFs) which are marching with a firm goal of rooting out every dictator including the military dictatorship and building up a federal democratic union and the EROs which are not the subordinates of the military council. In addition, it is noticeable that the EROs-controlled territories see a wider resistance war of the Spring Revolution.

The BNI-Myanmar Peace Monitor’s weekly news review for this week highlights the clashes between the EROs, the PDF-LDFs, which are revolutionizing the military council and wider civil war.

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