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MAP Condemns Unlawful Attempt by the Illegal Junta to Seize Myanmar House in London

December 25th, 2022  •  Author:   Myanmar Accountability Project  •  2 minute read
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London, 25 December, 2022: Myanmar’s failed coup leaders have escalated their attempts to evict the Myanmar Ambassador from his residence in London by posting eviction notices on the gates of Myanmar House, the ambassadorial residence in London.

Junta representatives have been attempting to seize the property in violation of English property law but the Ambassador has refused to move.

The Myanmar Accountability Project, a UK-based human rights organization that has been campaigning against the illegal junta condemned the move.

“Any attempt to evict the Ambassador is doubly unlawful. Firstly, the junta itself is illegal as it attempted to seize power through a coup which violated their own constitution, so anything it does or says lacks legitimacy,” said MAP Director, Chris Gunness. “Secondly, the English property register lists the Union of Myanmar as the rightful owner of the ambassadorial residence in London and as the junta’s agents in London do not represent the Union of Myanmar, they have no legal claims to the property.”

Just last week, the United Nations General Assembly voted unanimously not to recognize the junta and the UN Security Council also adopted a resolution sponsored by Britain, condemning the junta’s violent suppression of the population.

According to conservative estimates, since the failed coup last year, over 2,500 have been killed and over 16,000 have been arrested or forcibly disappeared.

“The illegal junta continues to violate the laws of Myanmar and the human rights of the people. Any attempts by their agents in London to bring their thuggish and illegal behaviour to the UK will be robustly opposed,” Gunness insisted.


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