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Statement on the Imposition of Death Sentence Against Seven University Students from Dagon University

December 6th, 2022  •  Author:   Burma Academy  •  2 minute read
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6th December 2022
The fascist military violently arrested (7) university students from Dagon University; Ko Khant Zin Win, Ko Thura Maung Maung, Ko Zaw Lin Naing, Ko Thiha Htet Zaw, Ko Hein Htet, Ko Thet Paing Oo, Ko Khant Lin Maung Maung for their participation in anti-dictatorship movements, and on 30th November all seven of them were allegedly charged with a death sentence. Moreover, it is heard that the fascist military is urging to execute the students.
It is conspicuous that the fascist military, to keep up their regime, has been putting inhumane and terroristic actions on people around the country and their properties. Moreover, many students, youths, activists, and CDMers participating in anti-coup movements are still being arrested, tortured, and killed daily. On 25th July 2022, 4 people, including prominent student leader Ko Jimmy and Member of the Parliament Ko Phyo Zeya Thaw, were allegedly charged with a death sentence. Now, it marks the second time the fascist military attempted to carry out the unjust death sentence. Throughout all courses of Burmese history, students have always sided with the oppressed and been the significant resistance against them. It is historical evidence that every military dictator is terrified of the students and thus has been carrying out unjust acts against them.
Nevertheless, the fascist military is to be held responsible for all the inhumane and unjust crimes committed against the people, including this incident. We, Burma Academy, express our gratitude towards all the local and international Student Unions and organizations who speak out against this unjust act of death sentence towards the students. We also express our condemnation towards all the concerned organizations, including so-called Human Rights organizations and the United Nations, for their ignorance of the military’s continuous terrorism. Voices of the international communities are needed as the atrocities the fascist military is committing are not just internal conflicts within the country but oppressions of Human Rights and Democracy and crimes against humanity. We, Burma Academy, will keep contributing with all our efforts to end fascism and the fascist military’s regime to move forwards to a new society that thrives with Equity and Democracy.
Executive Committee
Burma Academy

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