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Myanmar: Tanintharyi Region Monthly Situation Update (30 November 2022)

December 5th, 2022  •  Author:   Southern Monitor  •  1 minute read
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This regular update, covering non-violent movements, conflict trends, human rights violations, and humanitarian developments up to 30 November is produced by Southern Monitor, a local research group. The next monthly situation update will be issued in December 2022.


  • In November 2022, a total of 43 armed clashes erupted across all districts in Tanintharyi Region.
  • Junta forces deployed across Tanintharyi Region shot and killed civilians in Dawei and Launglon Townships, one of the victims was a 14 years old boy.
  • The junta forces fortified search and arrest operations in Dawei and Palaw townships on suspicion of supporting local resistance groups.
  • Humanitarian assistance has been largely impeded due to access constraints, and a widespread ban on transport of dry rations and medicines. Displaced populations are in dire need of adequate shelter and warm clothing.
  • The junta forces conducted an increasing number of violent household inspections, arrests, arbitrary detentions, as well as increased troop deployments across Dawei and Palaw Townships.

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