Press Release 486 Views

Press Release on “Women Trailblazers Call For A New Era of Reform”

November 22nd, 2022  •  Author:   Burmese Women’s Union  •  2 minute read
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“To end the dictatorship, I will join the movement as much as I can. I will be part of this movement until the end of my life. If I am arrested, I won’t betray the movement. If I am arrested, I will oppose them with my spirit”

“Women Trailblazers Call for a New Era of Reform” documentary book would be published in Burmese and English by Burmese Women’s Union and book launch will be conducting through online on 24th November 2022 at 9:30 AM Myanmar time (10:00AM Thailand time).

In this documentary book “Women Trailblazers Call for a New Era of Reform”, Burmese Women’s Union have documented women’s revolutionary spirit and types of participation. Crucial participation of women in this revolution thus will be found in this book.

In this book, (1) grassroots women, (2) women from industry, (3) women human rights advocates, (4) government employees who joined in Civil Disobdience Movement, (5) women from political parties, (6) women with disability, (7) LGBTI people, and (8) women in armed struggle etc. political participation of (34) women from different regions and strata were documentated.

“We started the Spring Revolution not only to overthrow the military dictatorship, but also to fight against century-old religious extremism, discrimination, injustice, segregation, and stigmatic thinking at the same time” and so on women remarkable political participation will be evidently discovered in this book.

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