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WFP Myanmar Situation Report (September 2022)

October 26th, 2022  •  Author:   World Food Programme  •  2 minute read
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In Numbers

11 million people are facing acute food insecurity

1.38 million people are displaced

4 million people are targeted for WFP assistance

2.7 million people assisted by WFP in 2022


• In September, WFP reached close to 780,000 people with food and cash assistance, including 26,000 internally displaced people (IDP) and other vulnerable people who received WFP assistance for the first time.

• In 2022, WFP has thus far assisted 2.7 million crisisaffected people across Myanmar with emergency food, livelihoods, and nutrition support.

Situation Update

• Food prices continued to soar in September, with an increase of 14 percent compared to August. WFP’s price monitoring showed a 62 percent year-on-year increase in the cost of a basic food basket. The cost of cooking oil was up by 137 percent, and rice was up by 53 percent. Fuel prices remained steady but nearly double (+94 percent) that of last year.

• The temporary suspension of humanitarian assistance, announced in mid-September, in six townships in Rakhine State remains in place, currently affecting some 60,000 WFP beneficiaries. WFP is working with concerned authorities to resume cash and food deliveries to beneficiaries as soon as possible.

• Financial situation: The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) has placed Myanmar on its blacklist, on grounds of serious deficiencies in the country’s ability to counter money laundering and terrorist financing. International financial transfers will be subject to increased monitoring and restrictions. The decision may affect WFP’s ability to maintain cash flows into the country. Delays and additional costs are expected.

• Humanitarian situation: UNHCR estimates more than 1.38 million people are internally displaced by conflict in Myanmar as of 10 October. Of whom, more than 1 million have been displaced since February 2021, with 734,000 displaced in 2022 alone. This comes on top of a further 330,000 protracted IDPs before February 2021.

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