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UNICEF Myanmar Humanitarian Situation Report No. 8 for 1 to 30 September 2022

October 6th, 2022  •  Author:   United Nations Children's Fund  •  4 minute read
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  • As of 26 September, the number of internally displaced people has reached 1,347,400, including 1,017,000 displaced since the military takeover in February 2021 and 330,400 living in protracted displacement prior to the coup.
  • On 16 September, at least 11 children died as a result of an air strike and indiscriminate fire in civilian areas, including a school, in Tabayin Township, in the Sagaing region.
  • In Rakhine, the security situation continues to deteriorate. Movement restrictions are being imposed as a result of continuing clashes between the Arakan Army and Myanmar Armed Forces, severely affecting humanitarian interventions and the ability of aid workers to reach the affected population. The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA) reports that almost 13,400 people have been newly displaced in the region as of 26 September.
  • Although the UNICEF nutrition programme is facing a funding gap of 85 per cent, implementing partners have been able to reach 32,119 children aged 6–59 months (15,821 girls) with preventive nutrition services, including multiple micronutrient powder and vitamin A supplementation.

Funding Overview and Partnerships

UNICEF Myanmar Country Office is appealing for US$151.4 million to deliver humanitarian assistance to displaced people and host communities across the country. The Myanmar Humanitarian Needs Overview (HNO) estimates that, in 2022, 14.4 million people including 5 million children, need assistance. During September 2022, UNICEF has received generous contributions from the Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (USAID/BHA), the European Commission’s Humanitarian Office (ECHO), the German Federal Foreign Office, the Global Thematic Fund, the Government of Denmark, the Government of Japan, the Government of Norway, the Korean Committee for UNICEF and UNOCHA.

UNICEF Myanmar has so far received US$34.13 million, representing an increase of US$2.2 million from the previous reporting period. The funds received contribute to delivering much needed assistance through UNICEF programmes covering: Nutrition, Health, HIV/AIDS, Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH), Education, Child Protection, Genderbased violence in emergencies (GBViE), Protection of sexual exploitation and abuse (PSEA), Social protection,
Accountability affected population (AAP) and Cluster coordination. UNICEF continues to respond to the Humanitarian Action for Children (HAC) appeal but experienced an overall funding gap of 77 per cent that significantly affects the provision of humanitarian assistance and services to the targeted populations, especially children in need. UNICEF can scale up responses and accelerate service deliveries to the targeted population with continued support from donors.
UNICEF expresses its sincere appreciation to all private and public sector donors for their contributions to supporting the children of Myanmar.

Situation Overview & Humanitarian Needs

The escalating conflict and violence, rising poverty and a struggling economy due to inflation continues to severely affect children and families across Myanmar. As of 26 September, the conflict has displaced 1,347,400 people, including an estimated 471,590 children, who need critical humanitarian assistance. More than half of the displaced population is in Sagaing region, accounting for 545,200 people, where the volatility of the situation and active military operations continue to trigger displacements. On 16 September, in Tabayin township of Sagaing, at least 11 children died in an air strike and from indiscriminate fire in civilian areas, including a school, while another 15 children from the same school are still missing. Humanitarian actors are facing significant challenges posed by security risks in the northwest, particularly as there is a need to provide immediate assistance to children and communities there. In September,
UNICEF conducted a field assessment in some parts of the northwest to evaluate the operational environment and hopes that the recently established subnational inter-cluster coordination group will contribute to increasing coordinated efforts in response to the local needs.

The protracted humanitarian situation in Rakhine continues to deteriorate due to resurgence of conflict between the Arakan Army and the Myanmar Armed Forces, severely affecting the lives of thousands of children and their families.
People who have been displaced for a long time are confined in camps with limited access to health care, water and sanitation facilities, school or a livelihood, while increased population displacements have been reported from rural to urban areas. According to the latest OCHA figures, an estimated 13,400 people have been newly displaced across Rakhine as of 26 September. Humanitarian assistance is extremely challenged by movement restrictions and security measures, preventing access to the affected population. UNICEF and partners are monitoring the situation and have revised contingency plans and supplies, to respond in the event of further deterioration of the humanitarian situation.

In the southeast, conflict was also reported in Loikaw township in Kayah, resulting in civilian casualties and displacement.
At the end of September, UNICEF was able to reach the area and directly distribute much needed supplies, including WASH, child protection, health and nutrition. A total of 21,095 people (4,736 households) from 48 displacement sites in Loikaw and Demoso township were assisted, as a follow-up to the initial distribution held by UNICEF last June.

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