Press Release 492 Views

Human rights breaches in Haiti, Myanmar and Ethiopia

October 6th, 2022  •  Author:   European Parliament  •  2 minute read
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  • The Myanmar military junta must immediately end the unlawful state of emergency and end its obstruction of the right to freedom of expression

On Thursday, the European Parliament adopted three resolutions on the respect for human rights in Haiti, Myanmar and Ethiopia.

Crackdown on media freedom in Myanmar and the cases of Htet Htet Khine, Sithu Aung Myint and Nyein Nyein Aye

Strongly condemning the military junta’s violent and illegitimate rule in Myanmar, MEPs urge it to drop all politically motivated charges against the members of the press and media workers, and unconditionally release every unfairly-detained journalist. They also call on the juntato immediately end its abuses, including arbitrary arrests and detention, torture, sexual violence and other ill-treatment, as well as unfair trials against people working in the media.

Calling for the unconditional release by the military junta of President Win Myint, State Counsellor Aung San Suu Kyi and all others who have been arrested on unfounded accusations, MEPs also want an immediate end to the unlawful state of emergency in the country, the restoration of the civilian government, the re-establishment of a path towards democracy, and a swift opening of parliament with the participation of all elected representatives.

The resolution welcomes the sanctions imposed by the Council against members of the junta and their businesses, and calls on the EU to introduce additional targeted sanctions against those responsible for the country’s most serious human rights violations.

Finally, MEPs condemn Russia and China for their political, economic and military backing of Myanmar’s junta.

The resolution was adopted by show of hands.

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