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2022 Open Letter to Permanent Representatives to the United Nations in advance of the annual Open Debate on Women, Peace and Security

October 3rd, 2022  •  Author:   481 Civil Society Organizations across 92 Countries  •  27 minute read
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This open letter, available in Arabic, Dari, English, French, Pashto, Spanish, Russian and Ukrainian, was sent to all UN Member States on behalf of 481 civil society organizations across 92 countries in advance of the Security Council Open Debate on Women, Peace and Security (WPS) in October 2022. The letter calls on the UN, Security Council and Member States to take action to defend peace, human rights and gender equality.

Dear Ambassadors,

This year’s annual Open Debate on Women, Peace and Security (WPS) will take place in a world marked by escalating and widespread conflict, flagrant attacks on women’s bodily autonomy and other fundamental human rights, fraying multilateralism, and a deeply divided Security Council. At this critical moment for women, girls and LGBTQI people in conflicts and crises around the world: we urge you to stand with women human rights defenders and peacebuilders, and take immediate action to defend peace, human rights and gender equality.[1]

Since last October, we have witnessed how men’s wars have destroyed women’s lives. The Russian invasion of Ukraine has resulted in the displacement of countless women and violation of their rights, all while they have been excluded from efforts to negotiate peace. This deeply gendered crisis has further entrenched militarized masculinity and will have a devastating impact on women and girls well beyond this conflict’s borders. The Taliban, who have controlled Afghanistan for over a year, have decimated the rights of women, including their right to move, work, access education, and participate in public life. They have attacked, sexually assaulted and directly threatened LGBTQI people in Afghanistan on the basis of their sexual orientation and gender identity. Meanwhile, the international community has failed to successfully ensure that the Taliban respect human rights, pursue inclusive governance, or set the country on a path to peace. Parties responsible for brutal acts of sexual violence against women and girls in northern Ethiopia have yet to be held accountable. Millions of women and children in Syria’s northwest, who depend on cross-border humanitarian assistance, will live in uncertainty for the next few months as humanitarian groups face an impossible task with fewer resources and more limitations.

Yet, despite barriers, beatings, bombs and bullets, women human rights defenders, peacebuilders and advocates for gender equality continue to mobilize for peace. Courageous women activists in Myanmar continue to risk executionarrestsexual violence and torture to demand democracy. Despite being tortured, arbitrarily detained and forcibly disappearedAfghan women have boldly taken to the streets to demonstrate against the Taliban’s repressive rule. Sudanese women are once again at the forefront of protests against the military coup, risking incarceration and sexual violence. From Indigenous women leaders who are assassinated for defending their lands and the environment in Colombia, to women activists and journalists who are targeted for their courageous work documenting human rights abuses in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, to women leaders who face sexual violence in retaliation for their activism in Yemen — women continue to defy patriarchy, militarism and authoritarianism, speak out against abuse and injustice, and lead their communities through crises.

These examples highlight exactly how fragile the rights of women, girls and other marginalized groups are in conflict, and yet, how fundamental they are for peace. The core mission of the WPS agenda, and of the UN Security Council — to ensure peace, prevent conflict and end war — cannot be achieved without them.

At this year’s Open Debate, we therefore urge Security Council members, Member States and the UN to honor the power of women human rights defenders and peacebuilders by taking action to uphold women’s rights and gender equality, and ensure the full, equal and meaningful participation of diverse women in all aspects of peace and security. 

We urge all Member States to:

  • Urgently step up preventive diplomacy in all conflict situations. As the primary international body responsible for peace and security, the Security Council must take decisive action to protect civilians, and prevent, suppress and punish genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes. Sign the Accountability Coherence and Transparency Group’s Code of Conduct (A/70/621) and pledge not to vote against a credible draft resolution before the Security Council aimed at stopping such crimes.
  • Respect, protect and fulfill all obligations under international humanitarian and human rights law, including preventing and responding to all forms of violence and discrimination targeting diverse women, girls and all marginalized groups, by all parties to armed conflict. Defend gender equality and the human rights of diverse women and girls, including comprehensive sexual and reproductive health and rights, such as access to safe abortion, in all peace and security processes and Security Council outcomes.
  • Demand, politically support and fund diverse women’s full, equal and meaningful participation in all stages of peace processes, and ensure that gender equality and women’s human rights are a central part of peace agreements. The right to equal participation is not only firmly rooted in the principles of equality and non-discrimination enshrined in the UN Charter and international human rights law, but a foundational demand of women civil society and Resolution 1325 (2000).[2] Meaningful participation means equal, direct, substantive and formal inclusion of diverse women so that they can influence the outcome of negotiations, as well as their implementation. In addition, as resoundingly called for by civil society and Member States, direct participation of diverse women must be a standard requirement in all UN-supported peace processes, so that the UN truly leads by example. Regularly review strategies developed to support women’s inclusion in UN-supported peace processes, as part of existing accountability processes, and make the results publicly available, in order to identify ways to ensure inclusion in the future. In addition, advocating for robust provisions on women’s rights and gender equality in peace agreements must be a collective responsibility of all actors.
  • Stop intimidation, attacks and reprisals against all women human rights defenders, peacebuilders and civil society leaders, and investigate and hold those responsible to account. Women must not face retaliation for their political participation, human rights work, peacebuilding, or cooperation with UN mechanisms, including the Security Council. Attacks and violence against women human rights defenders and peacebuilders should be monitored across the UN system and swiftly and publicly condemned by Member States and UN leadership when they occur. Member States and the UN must take all necessary measures to protect the lives of those at risk, including by ensuring that all peace operations provide comprehensive support to all human rights defenders in situations of conflict. Stop using risks and protection as excuses to limit women’s participation, and mobilize resources and explicit political support for their work to enable them to participate safely.
  • Fund local women-led and women’s rights organizations and ensure their participation and leadership in all aspects of peace and security, including in conflict prevention efforts and humanitarian assistance.
  • Fully support regular, diverse and independent civil society participation in the work of the Security Council. Ensure women civil society representatives — including individuals representing diverse ability, ethnic, racial, sexual orientation and gender identity backgrounds and perspectives — continue to regularly brief the Security Council during all relevant discussions, including country-specific meetings in line with Resolution 2242 (2015); that their independent selection and views are fully respected; and, most importantly, that their recommendations are acted upon.
  • Hold all actors — the Security Council, Member States and the UN — accountable for implementing and advancing the WPS agenda, at all levels, especially women’s participation. The Security Council should reject any actions or outcomes that undermine human rights or the core tenets of the WPS agenda. It must also ensure that all peace operations have comprehensive mandates to address WPS and that WPS is prioritized and fully resourced across the UN system. In addition, UN leadership, including UN Special Envoys, Special Representatives of the Secretary-General and principals of the UN’s Inter-Agency Standing Committee, must be held accountable for meaningfully reporting on, implementing and advancing the WPS agenda.
  • Reduce military spending and increase funding for gender equality and the global humanitarian response. Militarization undermines gender equality. All UN entities must meet the minimum target of 15% of funds being earmarked for programs that further gender equality and women’s rights in peacebuilding contexts by 2023, and increase the target to 30% in 2024 with a view to further increasing it in the future. Further, the Ukraine crisis has shown that the international community can rapidly mobilize and respond to humanitarian needs when there is political will — it is critical that the UN’s humanitarian response plans for other crises are addressed with similar urgency and are fully funded so that no needs go unmet.

Amidst the resurgence of authoritarianism, militarism, misogyny and backlash against the rights of diverse women, a ray of hope has been the increasing number of countries pledging feminist foreign policies, and Security Council members making strengthened commitments to implement the WPS agenda.

But we remind you not to mistake process for progress, or rhetoric for action. It is not enough to pledge commitment to the WPS agenda without delivering meaningful change for all women and girls living through the daily realities of war. At this year’s Open Debate, we urge you to show the same courage women human rights defenders and peacebuilders do on the frontlines of conflict every day, and match your words with action.



  1. NGO Working Group on Women, Peace and Security (NGOWG) – Global
  2. Amnesty International (AI) – United Kingdom, Global
  3. Center for Reproductive Rights (CRR) – United States, Global
  4. Consortium on Gender, Security and Human Rights (CGSHR) – United States, Global
  5. Cordaid – Netherlands, Global
  6. Global Justice Center (GJC) – United States, Global
  7. Global Network of Women Peacebuilders (GNWP) – United States, Global
  8. Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict (GPPAC) – Netherlands, Global
  9. Human Rights Watch (HRW) – United States, Global
  10. International Alert (IA) – United Kingdom, Global
  11. MADRE – United States, Global
  12. Nobel Women’s Initiative (NWI) – Canada, Global
  13. OutRight Action International – United States, Global
  14. Oxfam International – Global
  15. Refugees International (RI) – United States, Global
  16. Women Enabled International (WEI) – United States, Global
  17. Women’s Refugee Commission (WRC) – Global
  18. Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF) – Global
  19. “Agate” Rights Defense Center for Women with Disabilities – Armenia
  20. “The Awakening” – Pakistan
  21. 2+ Abortions Worldwide – United States
  22. 300 Women Voices for Development (300WOVD) – Cameroon
  23. Abortion Access Front (AAF) – United States
  24. منظمة عبس التنموية لمراة والطفل (Abs Development Organization for Woman & Child (ADO)) – Yemen
  25. ACCESS Reproductive Justice (ACCESSRJ) – United States
  26. ACT for SOCIETY Center (AfS) – Albania
  27. Act4transformation – Germany
  28. Action for Girls and Women Survival (AGWOMSUR) – Liberia
  29. Action on Armed Violence (AOAV) – United Kingdom
  30. Action pour le Développement de l’Initiative Locale (ADILO) – Mali
  31. ActionAid Australia – Australia
  32. Actions pour la Lutte Contre les Injustices Sociales (ALCIS) – Democratic Republic of the Congo
  33. Advocates for Youth – United States, Global
  34. Afghan LGBT – Czech Republic, Global
  35. Afghan Women’s Network – Afghanistan
  36. Afghan Youth Ambassadors for Peace Organization (AYAPO) – Afghanistan
  37. Afghanistan Justice Organization – Afghanistan
  38. Afghanistan Peace and Development Association (APDA) – Afghanistan
  39. African Centre for Democracy and Human Rights Studies (ACDHRS) – Gambia
  40. Afrihealth Optonet Association (AHOA) – Nigeria, Global
  41. منظمه احرار لحقوق الانسان والتنميه (Ahrar Organization for Human Rights and Development (OFHRD)) – Yemen
  42. جمعية العطاء الخيرية (Al Ataa’ Charitable Society) – Palestine
  43. Alianza de Hombres Contra la Violencia (AHCV) – Nicaragua
  44. Alight (Formerly American Refugee Committee) – United States
  45. Alliance for Choice (AfC) – Northern Ireland
  46. Alliance for Gender Inclusion in Peace Process (AGIPP) – Myanmar
  47. Alliance for Peacebuilding (AfP) – United States
  48. Alliance for Women and Children Development (AWACD) – Liberia
  49. مؤسسة السناء لحقوق الانسان (Al-Sanaa Foundation for Human Rights (SFHR)) – Iraq
  50. Alternative ASEAN Network on Burma (ALTSEAN-Burma) – Thailand
  51. Amal Chariot Foundation – South Sudan
  52. منظمة الأمان لمناهضة التمييز العنصري (Aman against Discrimination (AAD)) – Libya
  53. Armenian Committee of Helsinki Citizen’s Assembly (HCA-Armenia) – Armenia
  54. ASEAN Feminist LBQ Network (AFLN) – Thailand
  55. Asia-Japan Women’s Resource Center (AJWRC) – Japan
  56. Asociación Colectivo Mujeres Al Derecho (ASOCOLEMAD) – Colombia
  57. Assistance Mission for Africa (AMA) – South Sudan
  58. Associação caboverdiana de luta contra violência baseada no Género (ACLCVBG) – Cabo Verde, Global
  59. Associação para a Cooperação sobre População e Desenvolvimento (P&D Factor) – Portugal
  60. Association de Lutte Contre les Violences Sexuelles et Appui à la Promotion du Développement Durable (ALUCOVIS-APDD) – Burundi
  61. Association Dea Dia – Serbia
  62. Association des Femmes Africaines pour la Recherche et le Développement (AFARD-MALI) – Mali
  63. Association Development by Young People (ADYP) – Burkina Faso
  64. Association Djazairouna des Familles Victimes du Terrorisme – Algeria
  65. Association Femmes et Initiatives pour le Développement (FID) – Mali
  66. Association Femmes Leadership et Développement Durable (AFLED) – Mali
  67. Association for Farmers Rights Defense (AFRD) – Georgia, Global
  68. Association for Promotion Sustainable Development (APSD) – India
  69. Association Herasun – Mali
  70. Association of War Affected Women (AWAW) – Sri Lanka
  71. Association pour la Promotion Féminine de Gaoua (APFG) – Burkina Faso
  72. Association pour la promotion, la protection et la défense des droits des Femmes “MUSOW DEME TON” (AMDT) – Mali
  73. Association pour les victimes du monde (AVM) – Cameroon
  74. Association tunisienne des femmes democrates (ATFD) – Tunisia
  75. Azərbaycan Beynəlxalq Qadın Fondu (Azerbaijan International Women’s Fund (AIWF) – Azerbaijan, Global
  76. Badael – Germany, Syria
  77. مؤسسة بلادي لحقوق الإنسان (BELaady Organization for Human Rights (BHR)) – Libya
  78. Bella Foundation for Child and Maternal Care (BEFCAMC) – Nigeria
  79. Bolivian Women’s Efforts: Local contributions for a safer world (BWE) – Bolivia
  80. Building Blocks for Peace Foundation (BBFORPEACE) – Nigeria
  81. Business and Professional Women New Zealand (BPWNZ) – New Zealand
  82. Cadire Cameroon Association – Cameroon
  83. Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies (CIHRS) – Switzerland, United Kingdom
  84. CamASEAN Youth’s Future – Cambodia
  85. Cameroon Women’s Peace Movement (CAWOPEM) – Cameroon
  86. Canadian Federation of Business and Professional Women (BPW Canada) – Canada
  87. Canadian Voice of Women for Peace (VOW) – Canada
  88. Canadian Women for Women in Afghanistan (CW4WAfghan) – Canada
  89. Ceasefire Centre for Civilian Rights – United Kingdom, Global
  90. Center for Civil Society and Democracy (CCSD) – Syria
  91. Center for Civilians in Conflict (CIVIC) – United States, Global
  92. Center for Conflict Resolution (CECORE) – Uganda
  93. Center for Migration, Gender, and Justice – Germany, Global
  94. Center for Peace Education-Miriam College – Philippines
  95. Center for Strengthening Community Voices (CSCOV) – South Sudan
  96. مركز القانون الدولي الإنساني وحقوق الإنسان (Center of International Humanitarian Law & Human Rights (ICHLHR)) – Yemen, Global
  97. مركز الدراسات الاستراتيجية لدعم المراءة والطفل (Center of Strategic Studies to Support Women and Child) – Yemen
  98. Center to Assist and Protect Child Rights of Nepal (CAP-CRON) – Nepal
  99. Centre for Feminist Foreign Policy gGmbH (CFFP) – Germany
  100. Centre for Inclusive Governance, Peace and Justice (CIGPJ) – South Sudan
  101. Centre for Social Education and Development (CSED) – India
  102. Centre régional de recherche sur les droits de l homme (CERDHO) – Democratic Republic of the Congo
  103. Centro de Educación e Investigación para la Paz (CEIPAZ) – Spain
  104. Centro de Estudios e Investigación sobre Mujeres (CEIM) – Spain
  105. Centro de Investigación en Género y Economía (Núcleo de Pesquisa em Gênero e Economia NPGE) – Brazil
  106. Centro de Justicia y Paz (CEPAZ) – Venezuela
  107. Centro Studi Difesa Civile (CSDC) – Italy
  108. cfd / the feminist peace organization – Switzerland, Global
  109. Chikka Federation of India – India
  110. منظمة الق الطفولة (Childhood’s Brilliance Organization (CBO)) – Iraq
  111. CIVICUS – South Africa, Global
  112. Coalition for Sexual and Bodily Rights in Muslim Societies (CSBR) – Indonesia, Global
  113. Collectif des Femmes Rurales pour le développement (COFERD) – Democratic Republic of the Congo
  114. Collectif Femmes engagées comoriennes de France (CFECF) – France
  115. Collective Power for Reproductive Justice – United States
  116. Colombia Diversa – Colombia
  117. Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw (CRPH) – Myanmar
  118. مشاركة المرأه فى صنع القرار (Committee to Support Women Participation in Decision Making) – Albania
  119. Common Action for Gender Development (COMAGEND) – Cameroon
  120. Community And Family Aid Foundation (CAFAF) – Ghana
  121. Community Association for Vulnerable Persons (CAVP) – Cameroon
  122. Community Empowerment for Progress Organization (CEPO) – South Sudan
  123. Community Welfare and Development Fund (CWDF) – Sri Lanka
  124. Confluencias educacion – Peru
  125. Congregation N.D de Charité du Bon Pasteur – Madagascar
  126. Congregation of the Mission – Italy, Global
  127. Coordinadora de la Mujer – Bolivia
  128. Coordination Nationale des Associations des Jeunes pour la Lutte contre le SIDA (CONAJELUS) – Chad
  129. Council for People’s Development and Governance (CPDG) – Philippines
  130. Counselling Line for Women and Girls (CLWG) – Albania
  131. Crown the Woman – South Sudan
  132. Cush Consulting Group – United States, Global
  133. CWIN Nepal – Nepal
  134. Dali and Senda Association for Peace (DSAP) – Tunisia
  135. Defis & Objectifs Centrafrique (DOC) – Central African Republic
  136. Development without Limitation (DWL) – Lebanon
  137. Dominican Leadership Conference (DLC) – United States, Global
  138. Doria Feminist Fund – Lebanon
  139. Dorothy Njemanze Foundation (DNF) – Nigeria
  140. Dreikönigsaktion (DKA Austria) – Austria
  141. Echoes Of Women In Africa Initiative (ECOWA) – Nigeria
  142. EKTA – India
  143. Empatiku Foundation – Indonesia
  144. En Terre Indigene (ETI) – France
  145. Entokozweni Advice Office and Victim Empowerment Centre – South Africa
  146. EQUALITY for Peace and Development – Canada
  147. Equality Fund – Canada, Global
  148. Escola de Cultura de Pau, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (ECP) – Spain
  149. Eti Mbono Gender Concerns Foundation (EMGCF) – Nigeria
  150. European Centre for the Responsibility to Protect (ECR2P) – United Kingdom
  151. Eve Organization for Women Development (EOWD) – South Sudan
  152. Faudar Rural Educational Society for Harijans – India
  153. Feminist Task Force (FTF) – United States, Global
  154. Femmes Droits et Developpement en Afrique (WILDAF) – Mali
  155. Femmes et Droits Humains – Mali
  156. FIAN International – Germany, Global
  157. FIDA Cameroon (International Federation of Women Lawyers) – Cameroon
  158. Fiji Women’s Rights Movement (FWRM) – Fiji
  159. FL National Organization for Women (FL NOW) – United States
  160. FOKUS – Forum for Women and Development – Norway, Global
  161. Fond pour les femmes Congolaises (FFC) – Democratic Republic of the Congo
  162. Fondation femme plus (FFP) – Democratic Republic of the Congo
  163. Food4Humanity (F4H) – Yemen
  164. Forum Feminist Future (FFZ) – Austria
  165. Forum international des femmes de l espace francophone (FIFEF) – Democratic Republic of the Congo, Global
  166. Fòs Feminista – Global
  167. Franciscans International – Global
  168. Frauennetzwerk für Frieden e.V. (FNF) (Women`s Network for Peace, Germany) – Germany
  169. Free Yezidi Foundation (FYF) – Iraq
  170. FRI – The Norwegian Organisation for Sexual and Gender Diversity – Norway, Global
  171. Fundación Tremendas – Chile
  172. Fundación Unidas: Mujeres Construyendo Tejido Social – Colombia
  173. GALANG Philippines – Philippines
  174. Gender Action for Peace and Security (GAPS UK) – United Kingdom, Global
  175. Gender Centre for Research & Studies (GCRS) – Sudan
  176. Gender Equality Network (GEN) – Myanmar
  177. Gender-Centru – Moldova
  178. Gender, Peace & Security – United Kingdom
  179. منظمة غصن الزيتون للشباب (Ghasin-Alzaiton for Youth (GZY)) – Iraq
  180. Girl Up Chikka – India
  181. Global Centre for the Responsibility to Protect (GCR2P) – United States
  182. Global Fund for Women – United States, Global
  183. Global Media Foundation (GLOMEF) – Ghana
  184. Global Peace Film Festival (GPFF) – United States
  185. Global Refugee Youth Network (GRYN) – Uganda
  186. Gramin Punarnirman Sansthan (GPS) – India
  187. Grassroots Women Network (GWN) – South Sudan, Global
  188. Greater Orlando National Organization for Women (GO-NOW) – United States
  189. Haakro Welfare Association – Pakistan
  190. Hands Across the Divide (HAD) – Cyprus
  191. Healthy and Free Tennessee (HFTN) – United States
  192. Helping Vulnerable Communities Organization (HVCO) – Sudan
  193. Héritiers de la Justice – Democratic Republic of the Congo
  194. Himalayan Human Rights Monitors (HIMRIGHTS) – Nepal
  195. Hope Advocates Africa (HADA) – Cameroon
  196. Hope for the Needy Association (HOFNA) – Cameroon
  197. Htoi Gender and Development Foundation (HTOI) – Myanmar
  198. Human Rights Foundation of Monland (HURFOM) – Myanmar
  199. Human Rights Institute of South Africa (HURISA) – Spain
  200. I CAN South Sudan (ICSS) – Uganda
  201. IDP Women Association Consent (IDPWA) – Georgia
  202. Igarapé Institute – Brazil, Global
  203. ILGA Portugal – Portugal
  204. Iloilo Pride Team – Philippines
  205. Impact Girls – South Sudan, Global
  206. Impact: Center against Human Trafficking and Sexual Violence in Conflict – Netherlands, Global
  207. Impunity Watch (IW) – Netherlands, Global
  208. Indigenous Women Empowerment Network (IWEN) – Ghana
  209. Indivisible Miami – United States
  210. Initiatives des Femmes en Situations Difficiles pour le Développement Durable et Intégré (IFESIDDI) – Democratic Republic of the Congo
  211. Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary – Loreto Generalate (IBVM/CJ NGO) – Global
  212. International Action Network for Gender Equity & Law (IANGEL) – United States
  213. International Civil Society Action Network (ICAN) – United States, Global
  214. International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) – France, Global
  215. International Network of Liberal Women – Netherlands
  216. International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) – United Kingdom, Global
  217. International Refugee Rights Initiative (IRRI) – Uganda
  218. International Service for Human Rights (ISHR) – Switzerland, Global
  219. International Women’s Anthropology Conference – Global
  220. Ipas – United States
  221. Iraqi Women Network – Iraq
  222. Itach-Ma’aki – Israel
  223. Iwate Rainbow Network – Japan
  224. Jagriti Mahila Maha Sangh – Nepal
  225. Jiyan Foundation for Human Rights – Iraq
  226. Journalists for Human Rights (JHR) – North Macedonia
  227. Jusoor Center for Studies and Development – Libya
  228. Just Like My Child Foundation (JLMC) – Global
  229. Justice Access Point (JAP) – Uganda
  230. Kachin State Women’s Network (KSWN) – Myanmar
  231. Kachin Women’s Association Thailand (KWAT) – Thailand
  232. Karama – Egypt, Jordan
  233. Karen Peace Support Network (KPSN) – Myanmar
  234. جمعيه كفايه لتنميه الاجتماعيه النسويه (KEF) – Yemen
  235. Key Populations Uganda (KPU) – Uganda
  236. Kirmizi Biber Dernegi (KBD) – Turkey
  237. Lanka Fundamental Rights Organization (LFRO) – Sri Lanka
  238. Last Mile4D (LM4D) – United States, Global
  239. Lawyers for Justice in Libya (LFJL) – Libya
  240. LCN Network on Shelters for Women – India
  241. Legal Action Worldwide (LAW) – Switzerland, Global
  242. Leitana Nehan Women’s Development Agency (LNWDA) – Papua New Guinea
  243. Ligue pour la solidarité congolaise (LSC) – Democratic Republic of the Congo
  244. LM International (LMI) – Sweden
  245. Louisiana Coalition for Reproductive Freedom (LCRF) – United States
  246. Madhok Foundation – India
  247. Make Mothers Matter (MMM) – France, Global
  248. Malaysian Action for Justice & Unity Foundation (MAJU) – Malaysia
  249. فتيات مارب (Marib Girls Foundation (MGF)) – Yemen
  250. منظمة مزايا النسائية (Mazaya Women’s Organization) – Syria
  251. Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) – Belgium, Global
  252. Medical Students for Choice (MSFC) – United States, Global
  253. MenEngage Global Alliance – United States, Global
  254. Meri I Kirap Sapotim (Women Awake! Support!) (MIKS) – Papua New Guinea
  255. Miami Coalition to Advance Racial Equity (MCARE) – United States
  256. Middle East Nonviolence and Democracy (MEND) – Palestine
  257. Military Women’s Memorial (MWM) – United States
  258. Mina’s List – Global
  259. Mitini Nepal – Nepal
  260. Moluccan Council of Women (MVR) – Netherlands
  261. Monash Gender, Peace and Security Centre (Monash GPS) – Australia, Global
  262. Montreal Institute for Genocide and Human Rights Studies (MIGS) – Canada
  263. Mother of Hope Cameroon (MOHCAM) – Cameroon
  264. MSI Reproductive Choices (MSI) – United Kingdom, Global
  265. Mujer ACIN – Colombia
  266. Musaala Organization for Human Rights – Yemen
  267. Muwatin Media Network – United Kingdom
  268. Nassawiyat – Morocco
  269. National Advocates for Pregnant Women – United States
  270. National Alliance of Women’s Organisations (NAWO) – United Kingdom
  271. National Coalition of Civil Society Organizations of Liberia (NACCSOL) – Liberia
  272. National Council of Jewish Women Australia (NCJWA) – Australia
  273. الشبكة الوطنية لمناصرة حقوق ذوي الاعاقه (National Network for the Rights of People with Disabilities (NNRPD)) – Yemen
  274. National Organization for Women (NOW SL) – Sierra Leone
  275. National Sudanese Women Association (NSWA) – Sudan
  276. Nazra for Feminist Studies – MENA
  277. New Women Connectors – Netherlands
  278. ОО “Мадина” (NGO Madina) – Tajikistan
  279. مؤسسة نداء للتنميه الانسانية (Nida Foundation for Human Development) – Yemen
  280. هفته‌نامه نیمرخ (Nimrokh) – Afghanistan, Canada
  281. Nisa Ul Haqq Fi Bangsamoro (NUHFB) – Philippines
  282. North American Climate, Conservation and Environment (NACCE) – United States
  283. Norwegian Afghanistan Committee (NAC) – Norway
  284. Norwegian Church Aid (NCA) – Norway
  285. Norwegian Human Rights Fund (NHRF) – Norway, Global
  286. Observatorio de Género y Equidad (OGE) – Chile
  287. ONGDH Forum de la Femme Ménagère (FORFEM) – Democratic Republic of the Congo
  288. Operation 1325 – Sweden
  289. Org Genera A.C. – Mexico
  290. Organisation paysanne pour le développement durable – Democratic Republic of the Congo
  291. Organization for Policy Research and Development Studies (DROPS) – Afghanistan
  292. Organization of Women’s Freedom in Iraq (OWFI) – Iraq
  293. PacificwinPacific – Australia
  294. PAI – United States, Global
  295. PAIMAN Trust – Pakistan
  296. Paramount Young Women Initiative (PAYOWI) – Liberia
  297. Partners West Africa (PWA) – Senegal
  298. Pathways for Women’s Empowerment and Development (PaWED) – Cameroon
  299. PAX – Netherlands, Global
  300. Pax Christi-Asia Pacific – Asia Pacific
  301. منظمة بيئة السلام للتنمية (Peace Environment for Development (PEFD)) – Yemen
  302. Peace Movement Aotearoa – New Zealand
  303. Peace Track Initiative (PTI) – Canada, Yemen
  304. PeaceWomen Across the Globe (PWAG) – Switzerland, Global
  305. حركة السلام الدائم (Permanent Peace Movement (PPM)) – Lebanon, Global
  306. Persatuan Sahabat Wanita Selangor (Friends of Women) (PSWS) – Malaysia
  307. Philippine Center for Islam and Democracy (PCID) – Philippines
  308. Phoenix Business Consulting – Ethiopia
  309. Planet Ally – Australia
  310. منتدى التنمية السياسية (Political Development Forum (PDF)) – Yemen
  311. Population Institute – United States
  312. Professor Laura J. Shepherd, FHEA, Professor of International Relations and Co-Director of the UKRI GCRF Gender, Justice and Security Hub
  313. Professor Pamela Scully, Professor of Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, Professor of African Studies and Advisor to the Provost, Emory University
  314. Programa de género e inclusión Universidad Iberoamericana CDMX (IBERO) – Mexico
  315. Programme d’Actions pour le Développement au Congo (PADCO) – Democratic Republic of the Congo
  316. Progressive Voice – Myanmar
  317. Protection Approaches – United Kingdom, Global
  318. Qadims Lumiere – Pakistan
  319. Qadın və Müasir Dünya Mərkəzi (Center for Women and Modern World) – Azerbaijan
  320. Queer Hindu Alliance – India
  321. Rafto Foundation for Human Rights – Norway, Global
  322. Rainbow Community Kampuchea (RoCK) – Cambodia
  323. Raise Your Voice Saint Lucia Inc (RYVSLU) – Saint Lucia
  324. Reach Out Cameroon (REO) – Cameroon
  325. RED de Mujeres y Hombres por una Opinión Pública con Perspectiva de Género en Campeche AC (REDMYH AC) – Mexico
  326. Red Nacional Universitaria por la Equidad de Género en la Educación Superior UdeA (RENUEGES) – Colombia
  327. Regional Centre for International Development Cooperation (RCIDC) – Uganda
  328. Regional Deaf Women Initiatives Network (RDWIN) – Kenya
  329. Religions for Peace (RfP) – United States, Global
  330. Reproaction – United States
  331. Reseau de Developpement des Femmes Pauvres (RDFP) – Rwanda
  332. Réseau Genre et Droits de la Femme (GEDROFE) – Democratic Republic of the Congo
  333. Réseau de développement et de communication des femme maliennes (RÉSEAU MUSONET) – Mali
  334. Réseau Ouest Africain des Défenseurs des Droits Humains (ROADDH) (West African Human Rights Defenders’ Network (WAHRDN) – West Africa
  335. Réseau Ressources Naturelles – Democratic Republic of the Congo
  336. Rights for Peace (RfP) – South Sudan, Global
  337. مؤسسة رووم لإعمار الأرض (Room Foundation (RF)) – Yemen
  338. Roots & Transition (R&T) – Belgium, Global
  339. Rural Area Development Programme (RADP) – Nepal
  340. Rutgers – Netherlands
  341. RW Welfare Society – Bangladesh
  342. Saferworld – United Kingdom, Global
  343. Sahayatrika (SHR Trust) – India
  344. Sauti ya Mama Mukongomani (Congolese Women’s Voice) – Democratic Republic of the Congo
  345. منظمة سازان للمرأة والحقوق الانسان (Sazan Organization for Women, Rights and Human Rights) – Iraq
  346. She4Society Initiative (S4S) – Yemen
  347. SHERo Mississippi – United States
  348. Shifting the Power Coalition/GPPAC Pacific (StPC) – Fiji
  349. Sisters of Charity Federation – United States, Global
  350. Sisters of St. Joseph of Peace (CSJP) – United States, Global
  351. Sisters Trust – Canada
  352. Social Research and Development Institute (SORADI) – Somalia
  353. Society for Orphan, Neglected and Youths (SONY) – India
  354. Society of Local Volunteers’ Efforts-Nepal (SOLVE-Nepal) – Nepal
  355. Solidarite des femmes, filles et enfants de la RDC pour le développement (solifede-RDC) – Democratic Republic of the Congo
  356. Solidarité Féminine pour la Paix et le Développement Intégral (SOFEPADI) – Democratic Republic of the Congo
  357. Soroptimist International (SI) – United Kingdom, Global
  358. مؤسسة SOS للتنمية (SOS Foundation for Development (SOSFD)) – Yemen
  359. South Sudan Women with Disabilities Network (SSWDN) – South Sudan
  360. South-Eastern Women Development Association (SEWODA) – Liberia
  361. Southern Africa Partnerships for the Prevention of Conflict Conflict Early Warning System (SAPPC CEWS) – Zimbabwe, Global
  362. State Innovation Exchange (SIX) – United States
  363. Stephanie Ortoleva, International Human Rights Lawyer and Consultant
  364. Strategic Initiative for Women in the Horn of Africa (SIHA) – Uganda
  365. المنظمة السودانية للبحث و التنمية (Sudanese Organization for Research and Development (SORD)) – Sudan
  366. الإتحاد النسائي السوداني (Sudanese Women Union (SWU)) – Sudan
  367. Sukaar Welfare Organization (SWO) – Pakistan
  368. Support for Women in Governance Organization (SWIGO) – South Sudan
  369. Synergie des femmes pour les victimes des violences sexuelles (SFVS) – Democratic Republic of the Congo
  370. Syrian Female Journalists Network (SFJN) – Syria
  371. التجمع النسوي السوري (Syrian Feminist Society (SFS)) – Syria
  372. Syrian Women’s Political Movement (SWPM) – Syria
  373. مركز تفوق الاستشاري للتنمية (Tafawuq Consulting Center for Development) – Bahrain
  374. Te Kaunihera Wāhine o Aotearoa (The National Council of Women of New Zealand) (NCWNZ) – New Zealand
  375. TERRE DES FEMMES – Germany
  376. The Conscious Lawyer (TCL) – United Kingdom, Global
  377. The Gambia Committee on Traditional Practices Affecting the Health of Women and Children (GAMCOTRAP) – Gambia
  378. The Gender Security Project (GSP) – India
  379. The Global Sunrise Project – Canada, Global
  380. The Haus – Fiji, Global
  381. The Hunger Project (THP) – United States, Global
  382. The Jo Cox Foundation – United Kingdom
  383. The Kvinna till Kvinna Foundation – Sweden, Global
  384. The White Helmets – Syria, Global
  385. The Women’s Centers (TWC) – United States
  386. The Womxn Project (TWP) – United States
  387. مؤسسة أكون للحقوق والحريات (To Be Foundation for Rights and Freedoms (TOBERF)) – Yemen
  388. Trans Alive initiative Uganda (TAIU) – Uganda
  389. Trans4orm Network – Ghana, Niger
  390. Українська асоціація дослідниць жіночої історії (Ukrainian Association for Research in Women’s History (UARWH)) – Ukraine
  391. UltraViolet (UV) – United States
  392. UNA-USA, San Diego – United States
  393. Union de l’Action feministe – Morocco
  394. Union Internationale des Avocats (UIA) (International Association of Lawyers) – France, Global
  395. Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) – United States, Global
  396. United Methodist Church — General Board of Church and Society – United States
  397. United Nations Association – UK (UNA-UK) – United Kingdom
  398. United Network of Young Peacebuilders (UNOY) – Netherlands, Global
  399. Universidad de Antioquia (UdeA) – Colombia
  400. Universidad Nacional de Colombia – Colombia
  401. University of Manouba Tunisia – Tunisia
  402. Urgent Action Fund for Women’s Human Rights (UAF) – United States, Global
  403. Urnammu for Justice and Human Rights – Syria
  404. منظمة اور لثقافة المرأة والطفل (Ur Organization for the Culture of Women and Children) – Iraq
  405. Vanuatu Young Women For Change (VYWC) – Vanuatu
  406. Videre est Credere – Global
  407. Vision GRAM-International (VGI) – Canada, Global
  408. Vital Voices Global Partnership – United States
  409. Voice for Change (VFC) – South Sudan
  410. Voice of Somaliland Minority Women Organization (VOSOMWO) – Somalia
  411. West Africa Network for Peacebuilding (WANEP) – Ghana, Global
  412. White Eagle Solutions – Afghanistan
  413. WHRDMENA Coalition – Spain
  414. Wi’am: Palestinian Conflict Transformation Center – Palestine
  415. WIDE – Network for Women´s Rights and Feminist Perspectives in Development – Austria
  416. Widows for Peace (WPD) – United Kingdom, Global
  417. WILPF (LIMPAL) Colombia – Colombia
  418. WILPF Aotearoa Section – New Zealand
  419. WILPF Australia – Australia, Global
  420. WILPF Canada – Canada
  421. WILPF DK (Kvindernes Internationale Liga for Fred og Frihed) – Denmark, Global
  422. WILPF (LIMPAL) España– Spain
  423. WILPF Germany – Germany
  424. WILPF NL – Netherlands
  425. WILPF Norway – Norway, Global
  426. WILPF Togo – Togo
  427. WILPF UK – United Kingdom, Global
  428. WILPF-Centrafrique (WILPF CAR) – Central African Republic
  429. WO=MEN Dutch Gender Platform – Netherlands
  430. وجود للأمن الإنساني (Wogood for Human Security (WHS)) – Yemen
  431. Women Action for and with Society (WAS) – South Sudan
  432. Women Advocacy Coalition-Myanmar (WAC-M) – Global
  433. Women Against Violence and Expediency Handling Initiative (WAVEHI) – Nigeria
  434. Women and Children Legal Research Foundation (WCLRF) – Afghanistan
  435. Women and Youth Education Initiative (WAYEI) – South Sudan
  436. Women Deliver – Global
  437. Women Education Development Organization of Liberia
  438. Women Empowerment Against Poverty of Nepal (WEAPoN) – Nepal
  439. Women for Afghan Women (WAW) – United States, Global
  440. Women for Peace and Democracy Nepal (WPD Nepal) – Nepal
  441. Women for Peace in the World (W4PW) – Belgium, Global
  442. Women for Water Partnership (WfWP) – Netherlands, Global
  443. Women for Women International (WfWI) – Global
  444. Women Incharge (WIC) – Cameroon
  445. Women NGOs Secretariat of Liberia (WONGOSOL) – Libiera
  446. Women Now for Development (WND) – France, Global
  447. Women Oriented Actions for Change (WOAC) – Cameroon
  448. Women Peacebuilders Network (WOPEN) – Cameroon
  449. Women with Disability Self Reliance Foundation (WWDSRF) – Nigeria
  450. Women with Girls Action for Development (WOGADE) – Uganda
  451. Women Working Group (WWG) – Indonesia
  452. Women, Peace and Security Network (NZWPS Network) – New Zealand
  453. Women’s Alliance for Security Leadership (WASL) – Algeria, Global
  454. Women’s Council Denmark – Denmark
  455. Women’s International Peace Centre – Uganda
  456. Women’s International Peace Centre (WIPC) – Uganda
  457. Women’s League of Burma (WLB) – Myanmar
  458. Women’s Platform – United Kingdom
  459. Women’s Problems Research Union (WPRU) – Azerbaijan
  460. مركز الدراسات النسوية (Women’s Studies Centre (WSC)) – Palestine
  461. Women’s UN Report Network (WUNRN) – United States, Global
  462. Women’s World Summit Foundation (WWSF) – Switzerland, Global
  463. Women4NonViolence (W4NV) – Norway, Global
  464. Womxn for Peace Research – Canada
  465. World Humanity Commission – Global
  466. World Pulse – United States
  467. World YWCA (WYWCA) – Global
  468. XOESE, Le Fonds pour les Femmes Francophones – Global
  469. مؤسسة يمن فيوتشر للتنمية الثقافية والاعللمية (Yemen Future for Media And Culture Development) – Yemen
  470. Yemen Organisation for Women’s Policies (YOWP) – Netherlands, Global
  471. منظمة مدرسة السلام (Yemen Peace School Organization (YPS)) – Yemen
  472. Young Positives South Sudan (YPSS) – South Sudan
  473. Young Women Christian Association of Sri Lanka – Sri Lanka
  474. Youth and Women for Development (YWD) – Uganda
  475. Youth in Technology and Arts Network (YOTAN) – Liberia
  476. Youth Leadership Development Foundation (YLDF) – Yemen
  477. Youth Proudly Space Initiative (YPSI) – South Sudan
  478. YWCA of Bangladesh – Bangladesh
  479. Zan Times – Canada, Global
  480. Zonta International – United States, Global
  481. اعلاميات للامن والسلام – Yemen

[1] Women human rights defenders refer to all women — including Indigenous defenders, defenders from cultural, ethnic and religious minorities, those with diverse sexual orientations, gender identities, gender expression and sex characteristics (SOGIESC) — who defend any human rights, as well as people of all genders who defend gender equality and women’s rights.

[2] Under the equality provisions of international human rights law, women have the right to full and equal representation, and States have a duty to guarantee that women fully exercise their human rights on an equal footing with men, free from discrimination. The binding principles of equality and nondiscrimination form the backbone of the international human rights protection system, and are enshrined in the UN Charter (including Article 1(3)), the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (including Article 2), the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (including Articles 2, 3 and 25 and General Comment 28), the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (including Articles 2 and 3), the Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women (including Articles 7 and 8), and CEDAW General Recommendations 232528 and 30, in addition to Security Council resolutions 1325 (2000), 1820 (2008), 1889 (2009), 2106 (2013), 2122 (2013), 2242 (2015), 2467 (2019) and 2493 (2019).

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