Press Release 357 Views

The United States Announces More Than $170 Million in Additional Humanitarian Assistance for Vulnerable People in Burma and Bangladesh

September 22nd, 2022  •  Author:   United States Agency for International Development  •  2 minute read
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Press Release

For Immediate Release

Thursday, September 22, 2022

Today, the United States, through the U.S. Agency for International Development and the U.S. State Department, announced more than $170 million in additional humanitarian assistance for vulnerable populations in Burma and Bangladesh, including support for Rohingya who remain in Burma, Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh, their generous Bangladeshi host communities, and other communities affected by the 2021 coup in Burma and the escalating conflict and repression that has followed. This additional funding brings the total U.S. humanitarian assistance for these populations to nearly $1.9 billion since it began in August 2017.

With this new funding, the United States will provide food and nutrition assistance, health care, shelter, safe drinking water, sanitation, and hygiene support, protection for the most vulnerable, and other critical support for relief operations in Burma and Bangladesh. This support includes assistance to Rohingya refugees sheltering in camps and affected host communities in Bangladesh’s Cox’s Bazar District, as well as internally displaced persons across Burma affected by ongoing violence.

The United States remains committed to delivering assistance to crisis-affected communities in Burma and Bangladesh, but much more is needed. We urge other donors to join us in providing additional assistance to vulnerable populations in both countries.

For the latest updates on U.S. humanitarian assistance to the Burma and Bangladesh regional crisis, visit:

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