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On the International Day of Peace, The Network for Human Rights Documentation – Burma Condemns Ongoing Brutalities by the Myanmar Junta

September 21st, 2022  •  Author:   Network for Human Rights Documentation - Burma  •  4 minute read
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21 September 2022

On this International Day of Peace, the Network for Human Rights Documentation – Burma (ND-Burma) calls for an immediate cessation to the hostilities being perpetrated by the Myanmar junta against civilians. For decades, the military has acted with blatant disregard for human rights and rule of law. Since the attempted coup on 1 February 2021, the regime has been further emboldened to commit atrocities with impunity. ND-Burma condemns the devastation and destruction caused by the Myanmar Army, and calls for immediate investigations into their well-documented war crimes, and crimes against humanity.

Peace in Myanmar begins with listening to the voices of the people who have suffered greatly at the hands of military Generals who are more concerned with growing their own profits, rather than working to promote the well-being of its citizens.

“Peace means freedom, equality, and justice. These are the essential values for every human being. When we talk about peace building, it is clear that federalism is the only pathway for a country like Myanmar. What is needed is collaboration and trust-building so that peace can be reached. From here, a shared understanding and compassion for one another’s struggle will advance peace.. The main problem is that the military junta lacks these values which are essential in peace building,”
Nai Aue Mon, Human Rights Foundation of Monland

Efforts towards peace in Myanmar have historically excluded the voices of women, and sought to undermine their inputs. Women encompass half of the population and have been subjected to the military’s failed peace negotiations and subsequent militarized violence. There is overwhelming evidence to suggest that when women are involved, peace negotiations are more likely to succeed.

“Peace without the voices of women will never last, therefore women’s voices must be included. All perspectives are valid when it comes to peace building and inclusion in federal state-building,” Lway Poe Kamaekhour, Ta’ang Women’s Organization

The Myanmar military junta has consistently proven that they are only interested in advancing their own interests. Meaningful dialogue for peace has consistently failed when the negotiations have been led by the junta. A long, and deep history of broken ceasefires and unfulfilled obligations and promises has led Ethnic Revolution Organizations to rightfully question the intentions of the junta as they seek to protect the rights of their people. The military’s pathways to ‘peace’ have been paved with lies, deception and violence.

​​”One key challenge in Myanmar’s journey toward democracy and peace is building a truly federal arrangement that addresses the self-governance aspirations. For a multicultural society like Myanmar, the greatest test of democracy and peace is whether the government treats its minorities equal to the majority,” Ko Aung
Zaw Oo, Association Human Rights Defenders and Promoters

Peacekeeping efforts must come from the ground up. Civil society organizations, and human rights defenders, and the National Unity Government (NUG) have taken steps to hold the military junta accountable through international accountability mechanisms. ND-Burma calls for a greater inclusion of rights-based groups when it comes to peace to ensure that the voices of people on the ground are heard. The military junta has absolutely no place in the provision of peace in Myanmar as they have done nothing but derail and devastate any and all prospects.

Media Contact

Nai Aue Mon, the Human Rights Foundation of Monland
[email protected]

+66 86 167 9741

Naw Diamond, Network for Human Rights Documentation – Burma

[email protected]



ND-Burma was formed in 2004 in order to provide a way for Burma human rights organizations to collaborate on the human rights documentation process. The 13 ND-Burma member organizations seek to collectively use the truth of what communities in Burma have endured to advocate for justice for victims.


Assistance Association for Political Prisoners – Burma

Human Rights Foundation of Monland

Kachin Women’s Association – Thailand

Ta’ang Women’s Organization

Ta’ang Students and Youth Union

Tavoyan Women’s Union

Association Human Rights Defenders and Promoters

All Arakan Students’ and Youths’ Congress

Future Light Center

Partner Organizations

Affiliate Members

Chin Human Rights Organization

East Bago – Former Political Prisoners Network

Pa-O Youth Organization

Progressive Voice

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