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UNICEF Myanmar Country Office Humanitarian Situation Report No. 6: 1 January to 30 June 2022

August 5th, 2022  •  Author:   United Nations Children's Fund  •  1 minute read
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  • From January to June 2022, the number of people fleeing from conflict[1]affected locations has increased by nearly 200 per cent, bringing the current number of people displaced since the military takeover to 866,400. 346,600 people who were displaced prior to February 2021 remain living in displacement sites.
  • The “Bright Start: Mobile-based Health Microinsurance” programme for primary health care services has so far helped 27,500 people (69 per cent of the annual target).
  • Despite the reopening of schools in June, UNICEF estimates that 6 million children currently have restricted or no access to learning.
  • During the first half of 2022, UNICEF and its 12 health programme partners have provided 203,277 women and children with primary health care services. COVID-19 has led to increasing health needs and primary health care consultations, responsible for UNICEF HAC target to be exceeded mid-way through the year.
  • Child protection case management interventions have reached 69 per cent of the annual target, helping 1,962 children (49 per cent girls), most of whom have experienced multiple deprivations including physical abuse, neglect, and maltreatment.

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