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UNHCR Regional Bureau for Asia and Pacific (RBAP) Myanmar Emergency – External Update, 6 July 2022

July 13th, 2022  •  Author:   United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees  •  3 minute read
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Armed clashes across Myanmar continued to trigger displacement and affect civilians. As of 4 July, an estimated 1,116,000 internally displaced persons (IDPs) were reported, including some 769,000 people who have been displaced within Myanmar since 1 February 2021.

In the North-West, ongoing fighting continued to undermine the safety and security of civilians with sporadic clashes reported in Chin State and Magway and Sagaing regions.

In the South-East, armed clashes generated some displacement largely due to the deteriorating security situation in Mon State, Bago (East) and Tanintharyi regions. Humanitarian access remained challenging although new displacement and IDP returns to areas of origin continues to be monitored. In protracted situations, many IDPs face acute food and supply shortages, which have been exacerbated by a shortage of essential goods and services in the host community.

In Kachin and Shan (North), IDPs’ limited access to financial services continued to undermine their capacity to engage in sustainable livelihoods. Access to education was another challenge, particularly in Kachin and Shan (North) as a result of school closures in response to COVID-19 and security-related measures. Other challenges facing children and adolescents include forced recruitment and child marriage.

In Rakhine State, simmering tensions spilled over into clashes in Chin State’s Paletwa Township on 27 June. The abduction of two teachers in Maungdaw (North) also heightened existing anxieties within communities. The evolving situation stands to impact the already limited freedom of movement for the Rohyinga communities, further impeding access to services and social cohesion.



In the South-East, UNHCR and partners distributed core relief items (CRIs) to 14,000 people in Kayin and Kayah States and Bago (East) Region. 850 people in Kayah State and Shan State (North) received corrugated galvanized iron sheets to help them construct transitional shelters.

In response to several landmine related incidents in Kayah State, UNHCR, in collaboration with UNICEF, distributed 750 mine risk education leaflets to IDPs.

In Rakhine State, UNHCR and partners distributed CRIs to 6,300 people living in Rohingya IDP camps and IDP sites. Following heavy rains and strong winds, 19,750 people living in camps and sites received emergency shelter assistance. The distribution of shelter-related materials is also planned for some 5,000 people in displacement sites.

As part of COVID-19 prevention and response measures, UNHCR and partners provided personal protective equipment to 3,400 people. In Rakhine State (North), humanitarian access continues to be restricted, particularly for some 1,400 families currently residing in IDP sites.

In the North-West, preparations for a multi-sectoral needs assessment by UNHCR and partners are already underway in Magway Region. This exercise is intended to promote responsive humanitarian assistance for all affected populations.

In Kachin and Shan (North), UNHCR and partners provided 270 corrugated galvanized iron sheets to support the maintenance of existing shelters and reconstruction of shelters burned down in a recent fire. In addition, 3,275 IDPs living in 10 displacement sites in Shan State (North) received solar lamps. In order to better understand the diverse needs and protection

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