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A Popular Uprising Against the Regime in Northern Burma

June 7th, 2022  •  Author:   Free Burma Rangers  •  14 minute read
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7 June 2022

Kachin State, northern Shan State and Sagaing Division

The northern Burma EAOs (Ethnic Armed Organizations) continued protecting their land from Burma Army attacks this April with the support of the nationally recognized People’s Defense Force (PDF). On September 7, 2021, the National Unity Government (NUG), the Burmese democratic government in opposition to the military dictatorship, called for a “people’s defensive war against the military junta.” The NUG urged all people across Burma to band together and form PDFs to fight back against the Burma Army. These PDFs were tasked to “carefully protect the lives and property of their people” and to work together with the EAOs to “attack the dictators and Burma Army by all means and to fully control their ethnic lands.” Since that time, hundreds of PDFs have sprung up all across Burma and work closely with the EAOs to provide a different method of attack and fighting against the junta. In cooperation with the Underground Movement (UG), the Civil Disobedience Movement (CDM) and Strike Groups, the PDFs have buoyed the numbers and power of the EAOs who have been fighting the Burma Army for decades.

One of the largest EAOs in northern Burma, the Kachin Independence Army (KIA), reported a total of 53 military clashes with the Burma Army in April 2022. Seven of the 53 clashes consisted of regional PDF groups fighting the Burma Army independently; a continued theme from the previous month of March. In addition, the KIA has now begun to distinguish PDF groups as independent regional units throughout northern Burma for the first time in April. Though the number of attacks in April were approximately one half less than March’s substantially high number, daily conflict continues on throughout the region. The townships of Mansi and Hpakant saw the highest numbers of military activity again in April as they did in March, and several new townships saw activity in April that had not in March. The PDF and KIA were reported using M-79 grenades, RPG projectiles, IEDs, 79mm, 60mm and 40mm mortar rounds while the Burma Army was reported using MG-42, 120mm, 81mm, 60mm, and 40mm mortar rounds, 79mm grenade and MA-15 firing utility.

Burma Army Attack Reports

Kachin State, Burma

Shwegu Township

On April 1 at 0630 hrs, Myo Hla PDF attacked four engine-boats carrying supplies coming from Chyauk Ji between Chyauk Ji and Min Jawng Kung in Shwegu township.

On April 3 at 0300 hrs, PDF fired six M-79 grenade rounds and 180 rifle bullets at Burma Army soldiers on three engine-boats heading to Chaung Wa, Shwegu township.

On April 7 at 1100 hrs, PDF attacked two engine boats carrying food ration from Uk Shi, at Nat In, leaving two boats destroyed and food ration sunk in the water, in Shwegu township.

On April 15 at 1910 hrs, Hkin Zaw Oo-led K-PDF fired two RPG projectiles at Myo Hla Base, in Shwegu township.

On April 22 at 1930 hrs, Myo Hla K-PDF encountered around 50 Burma Army soldiers from Light Infantry Battalion (LIB) 415 coming from Shawng Wa at Chyawk In, in Shwegu township.

Monyin Township

On April 1 at 2100 hrs, Infantry Battalion (IB) 272 stationed at Namsi Bum fired 100 rounds of MG-42 at the edge of Lawk Nnan village, in Monyin township.

On April 8 at 1200 hrs, Ko Shan Lay from Namsi Bum, Machyang Hka village was allegedly arrested on suspicion of communication with PDF, in Monyin township.

On April 23 between 0900-1500 hrs, around 57 SNA soldiers allegedly extorted money from stall markets at Ta Mahkan Hawng Pa village, in Monyin township.

On April 28 at 0530 hrs, KIA soldiers from 8th Brigade attacked around 200 combined Burma Army soldiers from LIB (415) and IBs (56, 121) with IEDs at 2-Mile near Chyauk Ji. Burma Army soldiers were coming from Chyauk Ji with three trucks carrying supplies and food rations. The trucks stopped till 1129 hrs on 29 April, Monyin township.

Hpakant Township

On April 2 at 2050 hrs, Burma Army troops fired six or seven 81mm mortar rounds from Kamaing Byuha Base, in Hpakant township.

On April 10 at 2210 hrs, an unknown group threw a grenade at No.30 Police Station, located at Hpakant City bridge. Police forces fired small arms and LIB (116), based at Tatma Kawng, also fired ten small arms rounds, in Hpakant township.

On April 13 at 0530 hrs, Burma Army LIB (12), stationed at Namsheng Bum, fired a 79mm grenade round and small arms 20 times at the edge of Kachin Baptist Convention (KBC) Worship Hill, in Hpakant township.

On April 15 at 0720 hrs, five Burma Army soldiers from LIB (12), stationed at Nam Ya, were traveling in a Pajero SUV going around in Nam Ya village, and were attacked with an IED near Sawadihkat restaurant, in Hpakant township. At 0820 hrs, LIB (12) fired five 82mm mortar rounds to the side of Lai Daw terrain.

On April 18 between 2100-2200 hrs, Burma Army soldiers stationed at Kanyin Myaing fired five magazines of small arms to the side of Marau Bum (Hka Mut Yang) and 16 60mm mortar rounds, in Hpakant township.

On April 19 at 2000 hrs, Burma Army soldiers from Nam Ya LIB (12) Base triggered an auto-fire. At 2200 hrs, Burma Army soldiers from Kamaing Byuha Base fired a 60mm mortar round indiscriminately, which landed between the kitchen of Mr. Lawai Naw Lat and the house of Mr. Nangzing Naw, in Hpakant township.

On April 23 at 2230 hrs, Burma Army soldiers stationed at Namsi Bum indiscriminately fired seven 60mm mortar rounds, in Hpakant township.

On April 28 at 0410 hrs, KIA’s militiamen raided Chawng Wa P.T.Ts Post and set fire to the huts, in Hpakant township.

Mogoung Township

On April 4 at 0630 hrs, around 60 Burma Army soldiers from IB (238) arriving at Lawa Lagawng village coming via Kamai Shin Bum from IB (298) base were attacked with two IEDs at the head of Lawa Lagawng (KJ 767 258) at 1310 hrs by Kachin Independence Army (KIA) soldiers from 20th Battalion. Burma Army soldiers reacted by indiscriminately firing two 60mm mortar rounds and small arms, in Mogoung township.

On April 5 at 0700 hrs, fighting broke out around Hkinru Pa (KJ 802 232) when combined forces of KIA 20th Battalion and PDF fired at around 60 Burma Army soldiers from IB (238) with two RPG projectiles and five M-79 grenade rounds, in Mogoung township.

On April 25 at 1930 hrs, an unknown group threw an IED at No.3 Police Station that detonated and that police forces returned with small arms, in Mogoung township.

Injangyang Township

On April 3 at 1300 hrs, defensive fighting broke out when Burma Army troops carried out an offensive against Tan Ja Bum, where KIA soldiers from 7th Battalion are positioned, in Injangyang township.

Mansi Township

On April 6 between 1050-1113 hrs, KIA soldiers from 27th Battalion attacked Burma Army soldiers near Zup Ja village, in Mansi township. The soldiers were coming on foot from Maji Gung to take security for two 3-crown big trucks that carried food rations from Mung Hkawng Post to Maji Gungin.

On April 7 at 0840 hrs, KIA soldiers from 27th Battalion attacked two 3-crown big trucks with four IEDs at the head of Mung Hkawng village (LG 210 521) in Mansi Township. The trucks carried food rations and supplies heading to Maji Gung from Mung Hkawng Base, causing the two trucks to stop in transit, in Mansi township.

On April 7 between 1355-1530 hrs, KIA soldiers from 27th Battalion fired five 60mm mortar rounds to Zupja Pyinkadu Kawng (LG 220 489) where Burma Army soldiers from IB (15) were stationed, and fired another six 60mm mortar rounds to Tin Tan Kawng (LG 239 434) where soldiers from IBs (121, 47) were stationed, and fired another four 60mm mortar rounds to Sani Tu, in Mansi township.

On April 10 between 1250-1300 hrs, KIA soldiers from 12th Battalion encountered around 40 Tatmadaw soldiers from IB (276) operating near Moe Lung – at KG 486 284, in Mansi township.

On April 11 at 0848 hrs, Burma Army soldiers fired four 120mm mortar rounds to the side of Manje, Chyau Hkawng – Ywa Tit Kung village (LG 276 637) from Maw Seng Bum, in Mansi township.

On April 15 at 0655 hrs, around 40 Burma Army soldiers under LID (88) coming from Mung Hkawng Base were attacked with two IEDs by KIA soldiers from 27th Battalion, leaving two Burma Army soldiers dead and five wounded, in Mansi township.

On April 9 at 0840 hrs, around 30 Burma Army soldiers from IB (15) operating near Pyin Kadu hill, Zupja village (LG 220 489) returned to Mung Hkawng. While heading to Han Htet from Mung Hkawng Post, they were attacked with three IEDs detonated near Nam Bai Hka (LG 204 614) at 1217 hrs by KIA soldiers from 27th Battalion, wounding four Burma Army soldiers, in Mansi township.

Tsawlaw Township

On April 12 at 1530 hrs, KPDF intercepted and arrested Mangkyi P.T.Ts upon their return from finishing P.T.Ts training in Pang Wa. They were traveling in a group by motorcycle when they were intercepted and arrested at Chyese Ku (MJ 293 896) between Sawlaw and Myawmaw. Then, near the rear of the group, more than ten traveling in two 4WD were subsequently attacked, leaving a front car destroyed and two P.T.Ts killed, four wounded, five arrested, and another car set on fire. Ten M-22 rifles, 21 magazines, 11 hand-grenades and 323 bullets were seized by KPDF, in Sawlaw township.

Tanai Township

On April 6, seven Burma Army soldiers from IB (260) stationed at Dalu village (KK 221 177) extorted money from gold mining businessmen, mining around Dalu village, in Danai township.

Bhamo Township

On April 16 at 2045 hrs, K-PDF hurled two grenades into IB (47) HQ Checkpoint; Burma Army soldiers returned with small arms fire, in Bhamo township.

Myiktyina Township

On April 21 between 2000-2015 hrs, PDF attacked PLN Police Station, in Myitkyina township.

Chihpwi Township

On April 27 between 1445-1530 hrs, KIA’s militiamen attacked around 40 P.T.Ts stationed at Saimaw (old village), in Chihpwi township. Between 1600-1630 hrs, KIA soldiers raided a P.T.Ts post on the hill (MJ 273 712) of Mang Jaw village and destroyed all the huts.

Sagaing Division, Burma

On April 8 at 0600 hrs, around 80 combined forces of the SNA, Pyu Saw Hti and Burma Army clashed with H-PDF at Lwin Chyi village, Hummalin (Nawng Bu Awng), leaving five Pyu Saw Hti (P.T.Ts) dead, in Hummalin township.

On April 11 at 1100 hrs, there was a chance contact between H-PDF and SNA at Homalin Pin Hkut village, leaving five SNA soldiers killed and one PDF wounded, in Homalin township.

(a) On April 11, Pvt. But Thin Hkaing from LIB (336) arriving at Hu Nawng (LG 892 044), while on duty at a water container near the village, intercepted 51-year-old Ms. Lama Htu San (wife of Mr. Dawshi Tu Mai) who was returning from her brother’s (Mr. Lama Doi Awng) yard and on her way home. She was frisked and dragged by Pvt. But Thin Hkaing. As she shouted, the soldier squeezed her neck and slapped 8 times and threatened to kill her if she continued screaming. Hearing her voice, others nearby reached the scene. When others reached the scene, the soldier released her and ran to his base. Soon after the case was revealed, his commander apologized to the victim and paid her 100,000 kyats for the unjust treatment, and then tied up the soldier.

(b) On April 12 at 1730 hrs, the culprit, Pvt. But Thin Hkaing from LIB (336), was untied while members of the Women Association were talking about the case with the base commander. After a moment, the culprit opened fire on his comrades, leaving three soldiers dead (including a sergeant) and two wounded (including an officer). The culprit ran away from the base with his rifle. Ms. Lama Htu San and her husband Mr. Dawshi Tu Mai were asked to stay in the house of Lamai Mai Mai, a staff of the Women Association. The wounded soldiers were sent to Kuthkai and the deceased bodies were burned and buried in Hu Nawng cemetery, in Kuthkai township.

(c) On April 13 at 1800 hrs, a clash broke out when the troops from LIB (336) surrounded and attacked and killed their soldier, Pte. But Thin Hkaing, who was hiding in an orchard nearby Manlung road junction.

On April 17 at 2000 hrs, four SNA soldiers bludgeoned the heads of two civilians under the influence of alcohol at Mr. Shwe Win’s home-market, at Nam Ba Huk village, in Homalin township.

On April 18, three SNA soldiers allegedly collected Ks-500,000/- per stall market at Nam Maw village, Homalin town.

On April 22 at 1100 hrs, there was a clash between SNA forces and Burma Army soldiers at Ye Baw Mi village (Chyauk Zedi), leaving three SNA soldiers killed or injured (including a second lieutenant), in Homalin town.

Kata Township

On April 11 at 0823 hrs, KIA soldiers from 12th Battalion attacked around 40 Burma Army soldiers from IB (121) coming on foot from Tar Byauk (KG 520 384) – Asu Gyi with three remote mines near Doo Chaung (KG 515 445), in Kata township.

Northern Shan State, Burma

Muse Township

On April 2 at 0630 hrs, four Myanmar police personnel from 105-Mile were arrested by an unknown group, in Muse township.

On April 3 at 0835 hrs, KIA soldiers from 36th Battalion fired two 60mm mortar rounds and fifteen 79mm grenade launcher rounds at around 40 Burma Army soldiers from LIB (355) coming on foot from Lashap village arriving at Yihku Bum (MG 113 455). Burma Army soldiers from Mungbaw Base also fired 81mm mortar rounds to KIA soldiers, in Muse township.

On April 3 between 1416-1515 hrs, around 60 Burma Army soldiers from LIB (420) coming from Se Ming Kawng clashed with MNDAA soldiers from 505th Battalion near Hu Gan village (MG 080 492), in Muse township. Burma Army soldiers supported mortar fires from Mai Hpang Base.

On April 4 between 1155-1210 hrs, around 60 Burma Army soldiers from LIB (420) arriving around Hu Gan (MG 287 502) were attacked by Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA) soldiers from 505th Battalion, in Muse township. Burma Army soldiers were backed by mortar/artillery fire from Mai Hpang base. Civilians from Man Kawng village near Hu Gan fled to Man Pying village.

On April 20 at 1030 hrs, three Shan State Progressive Party (SSPP) soldiers stationed at Bangsai, were arrested by LIB (332) while collecting taxes near Nam Hu, in Muse township.

On April 26 at 1510 hrs, SSPP soldiers arrested Tangbau Ze Gyung (civilian), Nai Win (Informer), Win Myet Tu (a staff of Bangsai Administration Office) and Ko Mu Min (civilian) at Kying Yang road while traveling in a car, coming from Bangsai, in Muse township.

Nai Win (informer) was later killed while the three others: Tangbau Ze Gyung, Win Myet Tu, and Ko Mu Min, were released at 1230 hrs on 1 May, in Muse township.

On April 27 between 1225-1300 hrs, around 40 Burma Army soldiers from LIB (420) coming from Nga Dudu Bum fired at MNDAA soldiers as they were seen on a hill in Hugan village. Burma Army soldiers, stationed at Maihpang and Man Kawng hills, also fired mortar rounds, causing a sugar-cane field to catch fire, in Muse township. One shell landed at the house of Mr. Hkangda Naw Awng, a resident of Chubuk Jinghpaw Kawnghka village, (MG 064 546), leaving a five-year old child, Hkangda Nu San Awng wounded in the left arm.

On April 29 between 0658-0730 hrs, there was a clash between around 50 Burma Army soldiers from LIB (420) operating in Hka Shang Bum and TNLA soldiers from 517th Battalion at Nbung Kawng (MG 034 488), in Muse township.

On April 29 at 1900 hrs, there was fighting between KPDF and Burma Army soldiers at Hpawng Pyin in Hpakant township.

Kutkai Township

On April 8 at 0900 hrs, around 40 Burma Army soldiers arriving at Maza Kawng (LG 896 986) from Kuthkai fired two 60mm mortar rounds at combined KIA soldiers from 29th and 39th Battalion arriving near Nawng Swi (LG 893 994), in Kuthkai township.

On April 10 at 1842 hrs, KIA soldiers from 29th Battalion fired 40mm twice and 79mm four times at around 30 Burma Army soldiers arriving at Hu Nawng Bum (LG 885 044). Burma Army soldiers returned with 40mm mortar and MA-15, in Kuthkai township.

On April 23 between 0430-0510 hrs, around 150 combined MNDAA soldiers from 504th and 191st Battalions clashed with around 50 Burma Army soldiers from LIB (417) under LID (99) coming from Si Sa – at Shau Haw and Lau Jai (LF 158 245) in Kuthkai township.

Mabein Township

On April 12 at 1540 hrs, around 80 Burma Army soldiers from IB (276) traveling in four trucks coming from Kun Chawng were attacked with seven IEDs between Pwe Za Meit village road junction (KG 443 252) and Ale Ywa (KG 484 174) by KIA soldiers from 12th Battalion.

Thanks and God bless you,

Free Burma Rangers

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