Press Release 473 Views

Burmese Junta kills Muslims in Yangon and Arson Attacks Mosque in Sagaing

May 20th, 2022  •  Author:   Burma Human Rights Network  •  3 minute read
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20 May 2022 – London/Yangon – The Burmese military has increased its attacks on marginalised minorities throughout the country since the coup in February 2021. These incidents escalated yet again on 20 May when the Burmese army set fire to the homes and mosque in Innywa Village, Kathar District, Northern Sagaing Region. A Muslim girl (Sofia) and her uncle were shot and killed by Junta’s thugs (ThwayThaut) in Yangon in a separate event. One other person was injured in the incident. BHRN calls on all nations to heed these warnings of another potential mass atrocities in Myanmar before it happens.

“The world cannot sit idly by and allow further atrocities in Burma. What happened to the Rohingya will happen to any minority mainly Muslims and Christians minorities. The efforts by the international community so far have not altered the Junta’s course or stopped them from attacking civilians. If the world put only a fraction of the effort into Burma that they have into Ukraine, we can avert these atrocities,” said BHRN’s Executive Director, Kyaw Win.
The Burmese military frequently uses arson attacks on minority areas. The intentional killing of civilians is unacceptable and targeting anyone for their religious and ethnic background is especially atrocious. Similarly, civilians have regularly been shot arbitrarily by the military in areas where no conflict or armed groups are present.

BHRN calls on the international community to increase the severity of sanctions on Burma, emphasizing all enterprises that the military directly profits from, particularly their energy sector. All nations must establish a global arms embargo to prevent the military from resupplying weapons that they will use to harm and kill innocent civilians. The crisis in Ukraine has shown the power the world has when it chooses to act, we must be willing to do the same for Burma.

BHRN calls on the world to completely sanction all of the Burmese military’s assets and endeavours, particularly the gas and oil sector. A complete arms embargo must be launched against the Junta and they must be ostracised from the world stage. As long as the fascist military continue to exist in power the threat of mass atrocities against the religious and ethnic minorities is highly likely to take place again in Burma. Simultaneously, the National Unity Government must also recognise it as genocide and stop avoiding using the term “genocide”. The world has taken great measures to stand up to the cruelty of dictators and warlords around the world. It must finally do the same for the people of Burma.

Organisation’s Background

BHRN is based in London and operates across Burma/Myanmar working for human rights, minority rights and religious freedom in the country. BHRN has played a crucial role in advocating for human rights and religious freedom with politicians and world leaders.

Media Enquiries
Please contact:

Kyaw Win
Executive Director
Burma Human Rights Network (BHRN)
E: [email protected]
T: +44(0) 740 345 2378</p

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