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Myanmar Emergency Update (as of 4 May 2022)

May 4th, 2022  •  Author:   United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees  •  2 minute read
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Armed clashes across Myanmar continued to trigger displacement and affect civilians. As of 2 May 2022, there were an estimated 936,700 internally displaced persons (IDPs) across Myanmar including 590,100 newly displaced since 1 February 2021.

In the South-East, the security situation continued to deteriorate with intensified armed clashes), including indiscriminate artillery shelling. Landmines continue to pose grave protection risks for civilians and restrict access to farmland, markets, hospitals and schools. In the South-East, the majority of IDPs are located in Kayah State (89,700), Kayin State (82,000), Shan State South (49,800), as well as in Mon State (18,000), Tanintharyi Region (9,100) and Bago Region (900).

In Kachin and Shan (North) states, there is increasing restriction of movement, including physical obstacles on some main roads as well as fear of arrest or detention. This in turn impacts access to basic services and livelihoods opportunities of displaced people. In Shan (North) State, while no new displacement has been reported, forced recruitment and landmines remained key protection issues for civilians.

In the North-West, the situation remained tense with continued armed clashes, including aerial attacks, and reports of human rights violations. The main needs of IDPs are food, core relief items, healthcare and shelter. In Chin State, some displaced people came back to their place of origin to check their properties. They are however unable to return home permanently because of the presence of armed groups or because their homes have been destroyed. In the North-West, displacement figures remain high with 240,600 IDPs in Sagaing Region, 50,500 in Magway Region and 36,300 in Chin State, with very limited humanitarian access.

In Rakhine State, while some return movements have been observed from Rakhine displacement sites as a result of conflict, mainly in Sittwe, Pauktaw, and Minbya townships, Rakhine IDPs continue to raise concerns related to their security. Their return is hindered by the presence of antipersonnel mines, lack of access to livelihoods and lack of reliable information for them to make informed and free decisions to return to their places of origin/choice.

The Rohingya population continues to suffer serious limitations on their enjoyment of basic human rights, such as freedom of movement, education and healthcare.

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