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FAO Project Highlights: Support to flood-affected people through livelihoods support in Mon and Kayin States and Tanintharyi Region

April 28th, 2022  •  Author:   Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations  •  2 minute read
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Objective: To promote the sustainable recovery of flood-affected people by restoring agricultural production and livelihoods, while strengthening early warning systems.

Key partners: Department of Agriculture (DoA) under the Ministry of Agriculture Livelihood and Irrigation (MoALI).

Beneficiaries reached: 5 000 households (27 400 people).

Activities implemented:

  • Provided 5 000 households (of whom 52 percent female-headed) with 58 340 tonnes of paddy seed, 31 245 tonnes of green gram and 100 tonnes of compound fertilizer, as well as 25 000 surgical masks and 15 000 bars of soap to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
  • Trained 106 field extension field officers as trainers on good agricultural practices (GAPs), climate-smart agriculture (CSA) and nutrition, who then replicated the training for 214 key farmers in the five target townships (Kawkareik and Kyarinnseikgyi Townships in Kayin State, Kyaikmaraw Township in Mon State, and Palaw and Tanintharyi Townships in Tanintharyi Region).
  • Conducted five meetings to assess the early warning systems in the target townships with participation from representatives from the DoA; Livestock Breeding and Veterinary Department; General Administration Department; Department of Disaster Management; and Department of Meteorology and Hydrology.
  • Provided and installed five weather sensors, and trained 65 DoA staff on their use and maintenance.
  • Developed five flood risks maps and shared them with the Myanmar Information Management Unit.
  • Conducted hazard, livelihood and vulnerability assessments in the five townships to define hazard thresholds and triggers for forecast-based early actions, involving 23 participants from township-level governments and 17 farmers and livestock holders.
  • Trained 17 farmers and livestock holders on disaster risk management (DRM) and disaster risk reduction (DRR).
  • Conducted three post-monsoon fora with participation from 205 staff from various departments under MoALI to share experiences, challenges and lessons learned to enhance anticipatory action systems.


  • Enabled 5 000 households to produce an expected 4 287 tonnes of rice and 721 tonnes of green gram, which is enough to cover the staple food needs of each of the beneficiary households for nearly 11 months.
  • Enhanced knowledge on GAPs, CSA and nutrition among extension staff and farmers, improving production.
  • Strengthened early warning systems through enhanced weather monitoring and forecasting, and built capacity on DRM and DRR, mitigating flood risks and increasing resilience to future climate hazards.

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